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Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:59 am
by aleingang69
That's great! Good to hear a success story to inspire our guys. Are you going to post some new pictures? Lets see!

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:24 pm
by colcamp
i will Al...i will post some on my site that i created...mayb e a vid too!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:04 pm
by colcamp
well i seem to be fallling behind in my job...been really busy...but not too busy. Things are going well. Now in the Cposition after a good while in the plow before, i can actuall bend over and suck my head...up and down head motion as well. The C offers more neck range unlike the plow. But the plow is always good to start..i think. I couldnt even reach the head to lick in the C when i first started months ago. Now while stretching i can lean over and lick the head!

I belive practice and paying close attwention to subtle changes makes the difference. Let me say i have made leaps and bounds from being dedicated to achiving this. Also in the plow i can now fit the enire head in...past my teeth...amazing! I promise pics soon...maybe during next a few days!

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:41 am
by colcamp
NEW UPDATE. I know it's been a while since iv posted anything so I will now. It's been six months since I made "first contact" and I'm happy to say i can suck my own cock! I can get the entire head in(in the plow),as well as move my hips enough to actually suck it...fucking my own face...unreal. This is after the necessary stretching. Usually a hot bath, stretching in the tub.

On a good day I can brfore stretching lean over and lick the tip. I never though it would be possible that I could suck my own cock and in 6 months.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:13 pm
by aleingang69
Beautiful, man! An inspiration for our guys who are just starting. Love to have you post some pictures on here if you have'em.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:47 pm
by blacksunshineaz
Can you post pictures here? I though we couldn't do that


Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:16 pm
by colcamp
Wow how time flies by...It's been forever since posting...but not SSing....been to the site lots and enjoy reading all the updates/progress. Time for an update...

I first want to say any guys just starting through dedication, determination i belive anyone can train their body to get into the necessary positions to properly, pleasulry service their own cock. If you look back June 2008 muy first post the day I made contact I was ecstatic about straining my cock and toung to touch eachother...boy times have changed. I can say now I can actually suck my dick at least half way down in a comfortable mostly stress free way. Have been for about a year. I never knew the homan body was so flexible resilent and strong. Everything I learned was from here and watching the what seems ever growing videos of SSers...Al I belive you were the one who basically started a quiet revolution of SSers Strait, Gay Bi. I have never seen hate, anger of anyform directed to anybody on this site, nor crred or colour (Canadian spelling) Just a bounch of guys...and a few curious females Showing Sharing and teaching....Al you being the Dean at this pont.

Any way I just felt like posting something to Encourage and share...I will post some pics and a vid soon.
