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Pain in Chest

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:09 pm
by bugmenot
Hello people, i have been a lurker for quite a long time at this forum, I am very interested in solosucking and I really appreciate all the work that has been done to put together this website

Now to my problem, I have a 5 inch penis and can suck about 2 inches of it,but after sucking I get some pain in my chest along with restricted breathing. Am I pushing myself to much?,Is my penis too small?Will this go away with more practice?

Please help me out, I really dont want to stop solosucking.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:35 am
by Xapprentice
I posted a question like this on the forum awhile ago and didn't get any reply that I can recall. :? I had the same problem, its subsided though. I was scared that maybe I went too far! But I took frequent breaks from ss when that happened, just to monitor myself and heal if necessary. For me a big factor was losing more weight, the position I use, and not straining for too long, if at all. Losing more weight (especially the midsection which even a drop of fat will stop me from getting there) made it easier for the internal organs to move around and to get into a tighter position, and I don't have to strain as much because of this (also owing to more flexibility due to exercising) and that means your heart isn't pumping as hard. I figure in nearly any position the abdominal region is being compressed so some of it wants to go *somewhere*, which presses against the lungs and heart or vice versa. The heart is put under additional workload if you are straining, and it will let you know its upset. The key is to listen to your body and not force things. Also if you are really concerned, have a doc check out your heart just to make sure its not something else. You dont have to tell him/her you selfsuck, maybe that you do alot of yogic exercise or whatever. :P

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:13 am
by aleingang69
Yeah - I'd advise checking with a doctor just to make sure there's nothing serious going on (speaking as someone who had no idea he had a potentially-fatal hole in his heart until he went to the doctor for something else entirely!), but it's most likely it's just your body protesting the unusual strains of our favorite hobby.
Doing yoga and spending non-self-suck time in the forward-bending position (and also doing backwards bending to keep your spine balanced!) will help you to get used to it.
Let us know how it goes!