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how to create an avatar

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:20 am
by seahorses
Hi all,
I created a topic on avatar uploading that seems to have disappeared, perhaps removed for being off topic, but as there is no specific forum for such and I believe the information to be of value, what is one to do?
Anyhow, I couldn’t upload my avatar through the usual means and resorted to using a method employed on another site with the same format bulletin board and where I had the same problem. I resized the picture to 80 x 80 pixels and attached that to my post in that topic. Once the picture was on this site I then simply copied the URL to the bottom box in my profile se-up. and bingo! I now have my avatar

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:48 am
by Guest
The forum software won't accept avatars that are more than 60X60 pixels. I edited your avatar to the correct size and uploaded it for you, so I don't think it had anything to do with your uploading it from a URL.
I think pretty much every computer has software on it that will do simple image mainipulation, so if people are having problems, just remember; it's got to be 60X60 pixels.
And thanks, Seahorses, for your hot pictures - welcome aboard!