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Newbie: My Success and Questions For Others

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:29 am
by orgbob
Hi everyone, first of all, I have been a long time lurker to these forums, but I decided to contribute some posts.

Long ago, I thought that self sucking was impossible... but as I read about it, I found that yep, some folks can do it.

I have tried off and on (and now much more often) to little success.

After picking up some good tips on these forums, I went to work "training".

After so many failed attempts, I found that I could actually do it! The only thing that limited me was the positions I used before.

Now my success at first was very moderate. I could lick the tip with relative ease. Now I can do it very easily and the farthest I have gotten is my lips on the head. Not much success, but better than I was not too long ago.

I think if I work on my flexibility (and general fitness) I will be doing much better soon. I am relatively fit, but I do have a little bit of a gut. Otherwise I am very skinny. I have about a 7 inch cock... maybe more.. :wink: I cum like a wild beast, but thats off topic......

But I do have some questions for the folks with better success. I am able to "suck" in two positions:

-Flipping my legs over my head on my bed (the plow)
-Wedging myself in a tight hallway / anywhere tight I can wedge myself in a "V"

I cannot seem to come close in the "C" position. I seem to be flexible... but why not in this position?

I am working on the "X" position. I think this will be my best bet. My hybrid "V" position works best and is similar to the "X".

Man I want to suck it !

The first contact was incredible. That I will never forget.

Happy sucking and thanks for reading.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:33 pm
by Spektrum
Good post! Very inspirational for people still working on it.

You're right at the level I was before I really hurt my back and had to take 6 months off. I'm just now returning and I'm back at the "lips on head" point. I think this part of the progress is the most dangerous because you push your body more. You've got part of it in... and you want more.

I've found that you reach a certain point where it's no longer flexibility that is holding up progress. You simply just need to get in the plow position and pull down on your butt a little bit.

At this point, I would take at least 3-4 days in between stretching days. I read a recent study on flexibility and it said that 96 hours of heal time will give you maximum flexibility gains.

Also, start doing back strength exercises as it will help your flexibility along.

If you want to speed up the process, do a search into PNF stretching. It's a bit advanced but it's worth the time it takes to understand it.

Welcome to the forum, hope to see you post more!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:28 am
by orgbob
I tried again today with little success. It is strange how sometimes it just does not happen even though you feel good that day.

If I do not go overboard I can do it pretty much every day. I do feel sore the next day after a hard session though.

I have the feeling that my flexibility is peeking. I still do not understand why I cant get closer in the C position. I think I will work on stretches and such in the near future more than actually trying.

I would be happy just being able to suck on the head and a little bit. I dont need to go any farther. My goal is not far away.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:56 pm
by Spektrum
Keep on trying.

I've found that at this point, it takes a lot of patience and time warming up.

Do you do a warm up? You would be amazed at how much more flexible the body is if you do ~5 minutes of some aerobic exercise beforehand.

I ride my bike for 10 minutes, then take a REALLY hot shower. While in the shower, I start my static stretching. When I do this, I'm able to stretch about 2-3" further than if I just do a simple jog for warm-up.

Also, is your bed really soft? I've found that a soft bed makes it more difficult to do. I got a yoga mat and do my stuff on the floor normally.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:36 am
by orgbob
Yes I always warm up before I try.

Well today I tried again. My flexibility is so strange....

Today I actually had a very good session.... and I am not sore at all. I say my flexibility is so strange because today I could do positions I could not do before.

I never have any luck with the C position, yet today I could do it. The weird part is that I could lick it standing up ! Just bending over and licking it.

I still do the best in the plow position, but I think the C will get better and I am working on the X. I do not think the X will work for me but we shall see.

My biggest problem right now seems to be keeping hard. Sure you do it soft to an extent but, bah!

It really sucks when you are in good position and cannot stay hard. Oh well.

Keep on trying. My progress is actually going quite well.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:42 am
by Spektrum
orgbob wrote:Yes I always warm up before I try.

Well today I tried again. My flexibility is so strange....

Today I actually had a very good session.... and I am not sore at all. I say my flexibility is so strange because today I could do positions I could not do before.

I never have any luck with the C position, yet today I could do it. The weird part is that I could lick it standing up ! Just bending over and licking it.

I still do the best in the plow position, but I think the C will get better and I am working on the X. I do not think the X will work for me but we shall see.

My biggest problem right now seems to be keeping hard. Sure you do it soft to an extent but, bah!

It really sucks when you are in good position and cannot stay hard. Oh well.

Keep on trying. My progress is actually going quite well.
The X position is difficult and I've yet to do it. I believe hamstring, hip, and gluteal flexibility are important to be able to get into it.

If you're having a difficult time staying hard, you might want to try a cock ring or similar.

I personally use a cable clamp(the middle size, can buy them at home depot), wrapped with felt tape. It will keep you at a 100% erection. I'm actually a bit longer with it on. Not much, maybe a 1/4" or so, but every bit helps. I learned this trick from a penis enlargement forum. You have to be careful not to leave it on for more than a couple of minutes though and you definitely do not want to ejaculate with it on! If you're interested, search google for "penis enlargement clamping".

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:58 am
by orgbob
Now I am far from being able to suck!

A question to the folks who can get quite a bit in, do you ever have days so bad you can't reach?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:25 am
by Spektrum
orgbob wrote:Now I am far from being able to suck!

A question to the folks who can get quite a bit in, do you ever have days so bad you can't reach?
Are any of your muscles hurting or feeling sore? Injured muscles can cause decreased flexibility until they are healed.

What time of day did you try? For myself, anytime before 2pm is just not happening.

My ability varies from being able to barely(if at all) reach the tip to being able to get my lips around the head.

I've found that it depends on the following:
time of day, later is better
how stiff I'm feeling
how much I had to eat that day
how hydrated I am
how long of a warmup
when was the last time I did it? I've found 4 days in between is optimal.

Your distance can vary quite a bit, nothing to be worried about. Take a few days off and try again, I'm sure you'll be happy with the results.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:20 am
by orgbob
Well I tried again today after quite a long hiatus... surprising, this time it was the easiest. I have not been stretching etc for many days, but today I was really limber.

I could stretch farther than I normally could before, and when I went to suck, I was right there.

Pretty soon I will have reached my goal.

Thanks again everyone for the tips on these forums.

Edit: Oh, and no the last time I tried was not the last time I posted. I tried to various degrees a few times seriously in between these dates.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:10 am
by orgbob
Alright, you people are probably sick of my posts because I have no photos, but I have to update.

Tonight I had my best session ever. I thought I would be too stiff, but I wound up being able to go farther than ever... and I feel like I have so much more room to go.

I am now able to get into a semi x with ease. I find the plow position is my greatest.... but C still doesn't work very good. I can only use it after I have used the plow for quite some time.

I have had my greatest suckcess by doing the plow on my bed and pushing off the wall. I have found that the biggest factor in how well I will be able to suck is in my bed position.

Tonight I was able to suck the head with ease.... for a very long time.

The best thing is that I have no pain and I can do it just about every night.

So close to the goal......

(Still have not sucked myself to orgasm.... working on that)

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:05 pm
by Spektrum
Well, the few of us that post here regularly are rarely sick of posts about progress ;)

Congrats on the progress. I'm jealous myself as I seem to have yet again, hit a plateau. It actually seems like I'm getting further away... go figure, lol. I might need to take a week off or something.

Are you doing anything different in your life that might be contributing to the great gain in ability?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:07 am
by orgbob
Spektrum wrote:
Are you doing anything different in your life that might be contributing to the great gain in ability?

You know, I have been thinking about that and I cant really find an answer.

Maybe I shed a few pounds around the gut.. (although I am skinny already).

I have basically been doing the exact same things in my life... I think maybe my technique was flawed before.

Also, now I try to suck longer. Before I used to quit early, and I think I was not at prime for being at my best yet for that session... if that makes sense.

I still can't do the C position to any great effort.

Oh and tonight I tried again. Tied for depth of last night... with no pain.

Im pretty sure I will be able to get about... 2 inches of shaft at my ultimate peak. Thats my guess. Right now I am past the head and.... just a touch.

Never thought it was possible... and my progress has really amazed me.

Keep at it.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:47 am
by fastforwardengland
The more you practice the better you will get. Also make sure you don't strecth to far and hurt your back.

I started with a plough position but now mainly do a sitting(or Kneeling) C position. I think the trick is to get you back into the right shape. Pushing it out in a C shape helps get in the right position and get closer. Use both hands to hold under your thighs to pull yourself closer. I can probabky take abiut 2 inches this way and with effort can just about like my balls.

The position i get the most depth is a cross between the plough and the X position. Using a wall to push against and pull with my arms. This is pretty tiring and its important that you haven't just eaten.

Good luck and keep up the good work!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:00 pm
by Spektrum
fastforwardengland wrote:The more you practice the better you will get. Also make sure you don't strecth to far and hurt your back.

I started with a plough position but now mainly do a sitting(or Kneeling) C position. I think the trick is to get you back into the right shape. Pushing it out in a C shape helps get in the right position and get closer. Use both hands to hold under your thighs to pull yourself closer. I can probabky take abiut 2 inches this way and with effort can just about like my balls.

The position i get the most depth is a cross between the plough and the X position. Using a wall to push against and pull with my arms. This is pretty tiring and its important that you haven't just eaten.

Good luck and keep up the good work!
Another good one to try is anchoring something like a shelf to the wall and push off the shelf instead of the wall. You get much better leverage this way and it is not as tiring. Using shoes also helps gain traction.

When I try and push off a regular wall, muscles contract in my back making it more difficult. With the shelf method, the only muscles that seem to contract are my leg muscles.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:03 am
by seahorses
It’s surprising how resourceful we can be when thinking of different place, positions and props that can be employed while endeavouring to selfsuck. Ever thought of under the stairs? I also use an adjustable loop I designed, using a length of ¼” nylon cord and two lengths of 1” dia clear plastic hose, all from the local D.I.Y., store. You tie a small loop at one end of the cord, making sure nothing slips. The hose is cut to into two lengths of approximately 16” and 9” respectively and the cord threaded through both. The free end of the cord then ties up with the loop and is where adjustments can be made. Looking at the loop, you pass the free end of the chord through, bring it back round and across the front to the other side, behind and back through towards you; like a wreath knot – it looks right over left, left over right, when holding everthing horizontally. To prevent slippage a hitch is made just behind the knot. You will notice that the free end of the cord hangs parallel to the side of the loop. 3 or 4” away from the knot, bend the free end back on itself forming another loop. Twist this one up and back around behind the two parallel cords just behind the knot. ~Bring it round the front and pass the new lop through its tail end to form the hitch. If I can manage it I’ll try and post a photo to make it clearer.

Anyhow, to use the loop: while sitting on the floor with knees bent towards the chest the short length of hose sits around the back of the neck and the longer one around the backs of the thighs. Pushing the thighs towards the floor pulls the head down. I hasten to add that the loop is only to assist in positioning and should never be used with excessive force. Therefore, anyone opting to follow my example does so at his own risk! Once you have the hang of the loop, it can be adapted to other positions; for instance there is a half X position where the loop can be used instead of a belt, or waist band of trousers.