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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:26 am
by LoveThyself
I used to have a lot of trouble going deep without getting a really bad popping on my back that would hurt really bad. Then I started doing the "on my back pushing off a wall with my feet" position, and it has worked wonderfully to get deep and not hurt. But I seem to see that everyone likes the x position for going deep. But it seems that unless I push off a wall while on my back I always get hurt. I try to stretch a lot and I exercise, but it always seems to eventually hurt, where the other position I can fuck my face and it doesn't risk a bad popping of my back. Any suggestions? Is it just that there is no universal best position? Thanks. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:10 am
by seahorses
Feeling pain is one thing you shouldn't be doing. It could be that you're aggravating an old injury, or causing damage long term; something that may come back and later haunt you. If you've found a comfortable position that doesn't cause any niggles after, I would stick with it. I would aslo get my back checked out if I were you.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:23 am
by aleingang69
Yeah -what he said.
I've never liked the X - I always felt that it restricted my movements too much and it doesn't allow me to fuck my mouth the way the C/plow positions do.
Every man's body is different and the position that's best for someone else isn't going to be best for you - enjoy what you do best, be careful, and - enjoy yourself!