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Question For the straight people on this forum

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:18 am
by newbie12
What thoughts go through your head after youv self sucked? Do you feel horrible for doing it, do you feel slightly gay...

What goes through our head?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:38 pm
by Ziggurat
Uh... Cum usually goes through my head when I'm just finishing... HAHA, but serioursly...

I feel extremely satisfied by the fact that I can pleasure myself in ways that others cannot. I stopped having any gayish feelings about masturbating at the age of 17. Half my life ago... Masturbation has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Neither does dreams for that matter. I'm straight by choice. I could be gay if I wanted to be. Being anything is a matter of lifestyle that you choose. I never believed the saying you're either "this way" or not. Or you're born a certain way. We make our lives what they are. I'm happy to be straight and involved in a spledourific "straight monogomous marriage. I'm proud to be an avid supporter of the gay and bi comminity. And I'm extatic about being an out of the closet solosexual!


Oh, and I love you all! Stay cool!

Re: What goes through our head?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:28 am
by suse
Ziggurat wrote:Uh... Cum usually goes through my head when I'm just finishing... HAHA, but serioursly...

I feel extremely satisfied by the fact that I can pleasure myself in ways that others cannot. I stopped having any gayish feelings about masturbating at the age of 17. Half my life ago... Masturbation has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Neither does dreams for that matter. I'm straight by choice. I could be gay if I wanted to be. Being anything is a matter of lifestyle that you choose. I never believed the saying you're either "this way" or not. Or you're born a certain way. We make our lives what they are. I'm happy to be straight and involved in a spledourific "straight monogomous marriage. I'm proud to be an avid supporter of the gay and bi comminity. And I'm extatic about being an out of the closet solosexual!


Oh, and I love you all! Stay cool!

...You think you can CHOOSE to be gay or straight? Do you know how much my cousin has struggled with his homosexuality? Do you know how many bogus clinics/doctors/specialists he's been to who've all claimed they can 'fix' gay? On every birthday he wishes he would be straight. He practices 3-4 hours a day on his routines to become straight. You think he's gay by 'choice' ??? SOrry but I have to laugh at this bud :( Although a lot of people who claim to have this special power actually are bi and choose to stick with one sex as they are totally satisfied with it. I'm very glad to hear that you are a gay and bi supporter, although I believe that we are just regular people and shouldn't really receive and special treatment or 'support'. I assure you, if you are gay or straight (NOT bi) you do not have a choice who you like. Think about it like this, can you choose WHO you find sexually attractive? Let's even take it a step further, can you choose to find ANYTHING attractive? Your keyboard? Sexual orientation is not something you can choose but then again if it's something you believe in then I guess people should respect that, but perhaps you should have a chat with my cousin ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:08 am
by unclespunk1049
Right on, Suse!!!


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:34 pm
by awtoeman
i am not attracted to men whats so ever, however I LLLLLOVE to suck on my cock!!!! I have women that watched/assisted me cum in my mouth while sucking on my cock, that it's just a better way to jerk off :)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:33 am
by wantaplzu
Its kind of weird. As I have become more comfortable about self sucking, I have had an increased desire to suck another cock! I am not gay and I dont consider myself bi, but I think about sucking all the time (i.e., I love to look at women but never have been attracted to a guy)! I love a cock in my mouth, but the last thing I would like to do is kiss a guy! I am not sure why I feel this way. Do any of you guys have similiar feelings?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:12 am
by seahorses
wantaplzu wrote:Its kind of weird. As I have become more comfortable about self sucking, I have had an increased desire to suck another cock! I am not gay and I dont consider myself bi, but I think about sucking all the time (i.e., I love to look at women but never have been attracted to a guy)! I love a cock in my mouth, but the last thing I would like to do is kiss a guy! I am not sure why I feel this way. Do any of you guys have similiar feelings?
Idntical and on a few occasions I've been in situations leading me to give way to desire and they've been some of the best experiences of my life. Other than that I'm happily married.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:47 pm
by lovepre
I consider myself pretty straight and have never touched a guy. I love the female form, get very aroused by sexy women, and really don’t seem to fancy men at all.
BUT I fantasize a lot about taking a guy in my mouth. I don't really think of the whole male body, just more or less a disembodied cock which I suck. I love getting sucked, and reckon I could do a good job myself, but I absolutely wouldn't want any of the other contact that goes with gay sex.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:47 pm
by Ziggurat
I'd have to say "yes, I can choose who I'm attracted to." And in my defense, you're right gays shouldn't need my support in a perfect world. But this world is so far from perfect its very sad, and therefore I offer my support to anyone who needs it. Not everyone does. Infact most people don't, but I'm here anyway. What I'm trying to illustrated is that I have control over my emotions and feelings and desires. So, in MY view, its choice. I'm sorry to hear your cousin had a hard time orienting his sexuality. But thats why they call it sexual orientation. However, the point remains that he had an issue with it, and therefore felt he required help.

One's sexual drive is developed by both internal and external stimulus. There are so many factors involved one cannot say "I'm going to be this way or that way" unless they are very meticulous in how they live their lives and what they expose themselves to. The human psyche isn't even a blank slate when were born. As fetus' in the womb we can hear and percieve the world outside around us and obviouly anything spoken aloud by our mothers... Since the subconscious mind is so powerful, one must regard that hidden factors are also included in what makes us one way or the other. However, as a person I control my emotions to the effect of what I let affect me or not.

I'm not tyring to offend anyone, just stating my opinion.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:49 pm
by Ziggurat
Oh and I'd love to chat with your cousin. I myself have a cousin that almost did himself in fighting with his sexuality. Get him on the forum!! :)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:32 pm
by beasterilla
I like the way your being very supportive towards this guys cousin !

Not too many like you around m8, nice to see lots of support out here, not that i'm gay or anything, but our world is far from perfect, and anybody in need of help should be sent in the right direction for advice !..

Go SS go ! lol

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:37 pm
by selfacialist
I find these threads - the 'Does [sic] pleasures of self-sucking make you bi-curious?' is essentially the same question worded differently - interesting, especially when people get a bit irked etc. Just to be a bit contentious, possibly, I'd like to side with Ziggurat to some degree, at least in some respects: I'm not able to say if other people are hard wired 100% gay or straight, but personally I think it's quite possibly a kind of false distinction.

Basically there's this thing called sex, and you can have sexual relations of all sorts with anything and anyone - not that I'm suggesting you should - and then there's the issue of looking into all the different kinds of sexual relations one might have: love (and there's a whole debate to be had about what the hell that is), family relations (I don't mean incest here - that's another and weirder thread - I mean everything from power struggles between father and son, mother and daughter, alliances and threats, children becoming distinct and separate entities from their parents, all of that, right down to the bald fact that we're made of a sperm and egg combo, that we come out of mother's vaginas, and, if we're raised properly, we suckle at our mums teats), for procreation, for kicks, to play politics, to prove something to yourself or the world.

I don't pretend to know much Freud, but I have an inkling that he had a lot of interest to say on libido, and how we attach sexual energy to all kinds of seemingly unrelated things. So when Suse says "Let's even take it a step further, can you choose to find ANYTHING attractive? Your keyboard? Sexual orientation is not something you can choose," although I know what he/she means (sorry Suse, dunno yr gender!), I have to point out that I believe this is exactly one of the things that can happen in life with our sex energies. Hence all the weird kinks and fetishes people develop, from people who like the overly old or fat or thin or young, or one type of body or race or gender or dress sense, to people who like role-play, uniforms, scat, the list is endless. I love Robert Crumb and his sexual (and other) material, as it covers almost everything you might think of, and breaks all kinds of taboos, and seems genuinely human.

My love of sex drew me gradually but seemingly inexorably from Mayfair (UK soft porn) to hard core, which got me into cum-shots, esp big fat cocks spurting onto beautiful women's faces. A parallel but mostly separate development was my masturbation - which, in a Christian home, where smuggling porn in and being able to relax and enjoy it was tricky, was a largely gadget/prop free game for me - I don't know how or why, but, even before I was that aware of porn, I had the desire to suck my own wiener. I remember trying it, both just bending over whilst sat down, and also in the 'plough' position, as young as 11 yrs old. My love of the facial has now linked up with my quest to fellate myself (still 2 inches from being realised, after 20 years of half-hearted and unsystematic trying), and I frequently baste my tongue with my own goo these days.

Returning to the sexual identity thread: as a fairly pathetically unsuccessful teenage Romeo, I began to think I might be gay, but just not know it, or that my Christian upbringing had somehow smothered or obscured my possible latent homosexuality. With hindsight, and a few furtive gay/bi experiences under my belt, I can now report that what I felt intuitively back then holds good now: I'm drawn magnetically and biologically to women. How many times have I nearly caused fatal traffic accidents on the roads rubbernecking babes? Almost every day. Do I stop to look at builders? No. This said, I'm envious of openly bi or gay people I've known, because they seem to have a freedom I'm not laying claim to. As it happens, when that opportunity arises, as it does sometimes, most of the time I'm not up for it. But, like they say in jails, a hole is a hole, and sometimes I'm so horny I'd take my chances fucking firearms on a battlefield. I remember a gay bloke I met outside a club saying to me that he thought straight men were only ever "a few pints away" from being bi or gay, and I reckon he's not far out.

But, to bring this rambling rant back to auto-fellatio, or in my case the auto-facial: what do I think re the effect of self-sucking on sexual identity? I think, like the glorious craziness that is life itself, that it's a strange and complicated thing. Of course what we do affects our development, but exactly how, hmmm!? To me masturbation with my hand doesn't make me gay, nor does sticking a finger up my ass whilst masturbating. Tasting my cum seems like taking it all a lot further, but it's still just sex with myself, and, like Woody Allen - I love that man: not sexually tho', he's not my type ;-) it's more a Platonic thing with me 'n' Woody - if I'm any good at sex, it's because I practice a lot on my own. Having said that auto-erotic activity isn't gay per se, of course one thinks of 'what if it were another mans cock'? And the realistic dildo I bought helped me take that line of thought further in the fantasy realm. But I actually worry more about how auto-eroticism might foster narcissism, or the desire to go to oneself and not the world or someone else for comfort etc.

And Suse, I'm not disagreeing with or arguing about things you said - esp not your brothers difficult times - but, re yr "Your keyboard?" comment, just pause for a moment and think about how central computers have become to a lot of modern people's sex lives! Ok, as a medium, and not the actual object of desire, but think where it might lead... To conclude, questions like these just pose more questions, and, albeit there are some sketchily outlined answers I have for myself above, I couldn't pretend to have answers for anyone else. Shit, all this thinking has made me wanna guzzle some home-brewed goo...

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:45 pm
by selfacialist
I wish the paragraphs were displaying properly! That monolithic block of text I just put up wasn't written like that! It isn't easy on the eye... sorry folks... What's happening Al?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:10 pm
by Ziggurat
Oh I know... serious coding issues here.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:53 pm
by Zelfzuiger
Swallowing your own cum is a weird and unusual way of getting to know yourself. When I succeed in swallowing I feel I know a bit more about myself...