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SS Newbie: "From licking to sucking and some more...&am

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:12 pm
by Automan
Hi, It is nice to be with the ones that share the same "wonderful" gift. I started doing lots of workouts as I was determined to SS at whatever cost.

I started last May 16 first by going to a gym as a result of that I lost some pounds so my tummy went away and now I am slim I dare say.

I kept doing hard workouts for about 2 months in the gym then I switched to an intensive yoga program where I've been since then, practicing my body flexibility.

Last September I could make contact with my cock for the first time. It was quite a moment, I couldn't believe my eyes...!!!! It was during the "plough position" on the bed.

Since then, I haven't stopped doing workouts to keep the cock in my mouth. I' ve attempting all positions known as C, X... etc. The only problem is that I can't get good erections last so the only way to SS is by stretching my semi erected cock to my mouth, that is all I can achieve, and I haven't noticed major progress...Is that normal??

Do you guys know any technique that can help me keep my erections last while pulling it to my mouth. In the X position I feel as if the air is off my lungs and that affects my erection. It is a breathing problem, indeed.

Your advise will be appreciated...


Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:15 pm
by Xapprentice
This has been mentioned before, so credit goes to the others: use a rubber band that they use for broccoli at the market. When you have an erection, put the rubber band around the base of your cock (balls included). Should keep you from getting soft and your hands will be free for other things. Normal rubber bands (like for newspapers) dont seem to work as well, I found out. Theres a post about this somewhere else on this it is:


Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:18 pm
by ZelfZucker
do you take the broccoli out first?

sorry i just couldn't resist!


Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:55 pm
by Duane
I think selfsucking is a trade off of determination and desire. To selfsuck, unless gifted of flexability, is a desire that is not easy and requires practice and pain. No pain no gain. To overcome the pain determination kicks in and no quick solutions are there.
I recentely chatted with a guy from argentina about selfsuck and told him about my routine. When I first start I concentrate on my muscles in my back, and abdominal muscles. Concentrate on stretching them out and getting confortable.Breathing right is the hardest part to learn. That is your limp problem. When you have gotten as far or as near as you want to get then concentrate on you pleasure. So take it in, look at it with your eyes open, thank your maker and you will be rewarded. Don't think it's easy to get there but when you do...... If it were easy everyone would do it. Some things are just worth it.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:57 pm
by Automan
Thanks to all guys. I will keep trying... Persistance is one of my personal qualities. I don't give up easily. That is why I've gone this far.

Take care...

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:29 pm
by Xapprentice
do you take the broccoli out first?
yes I take the broc out!

Re: SS Newbie: "From licking to sucking and some more...&am

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:43 am
by chgorbrman
Hey, Automan-- I have seen your standing fold through frontbend video, which you make look very easy!

May I ask what kind of yoga you have been practicing?

Thanks for the inspiration!

Re: SS Newbie: "From licking to sucking and some more...&am

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:36 pm
by aleingang69
I'm certainly not going to discourage you from doing bikram, which is a great workout, but I'd recommend supplementing it with some work in a slower, more pose-focused yoga style like Iyengar if you really want to develop your flexibility.
Just one flexible man's opinion!