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Hurt my back!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:49 pm
by fresh86
Hey guys, just wanted to remind you to be careful and warm up enough before you ss. I did it yesterday and hurt my back trying to rush into it. I got my upper body twisted sideways a little bit when i was going down and that caused the injury. This is the second time i have hurt myself but i think i will be taking a break for a while.( I still want to take turns with my girlfriend lol) It seems that SS is addictive and hopefully I learned my lesson this time.
Good luck and be careful or you will be hobbling around for a couple days like me :?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:21 pm
by Automan
I agree with fresh86, a good warm-up before ss is a must if you don't want to hurt your back.

I'm just getting rid of a some pain in my back and getting back into business once again. Asresh86 I also learned my lesson well!!!

The more you warm up the deeper you go... Oh...BTW! yoga helps your body come back to normal quicker but do not take chances for nothing. Remember mind control goes to body control!

Please be careful as this addiction never stops...LOL :P

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:38 pm
by fresh86
Well my back has been good for over a week and a half so im back in action and making sure to stretch alot before going down on myself. lol

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:54 pm
by Zelfzuiger
i pulled something in the bach of my knee, when i put my foot behind my head. Didnt feel it when it happened but i noticed the next day i could barely bend my knee and i can still feel that pretty good so i still cant practice that position again. And it happened like 3 months ago now.

it sucks

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:49 pm
by aleingang69
Hey Zelf,
If you have limited motion in that knee and you have the option of getting physical therapy for it you should do so as soon as you can - better to get it taken care of now before it messes up other parts of your lower body as you move differently to compensate for the injury. I injured my left knee in a bike accident years ago and couldn't afford any health care to make it better and I still have problems with the opposite hip because of it.

Re: Hurt my back!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:31 am
by Dorian
sry,i just read your topics right now. i hurt my backk last night while scking myself , i was so afraid i would injure myself hard, but the sexual desire from the moment i took the whole head into my mouth just couldn't be stopped....

Re: Hurt my back!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:26 am
by aleingang69
Yeah - it can be really hard when those animal urges keep on driving you, even after it starts to hurt. It's even more complicated because pain can actually make a sexual experience more intense for a lot of people...

Luckily the majority of pains you'll feel in these situations aren't going to do any long-term damage, but you do need to be careful!
