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Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:49 am
by watcher
There is quite a bit of commentary on the board about cum taste, not liking it, etc. You might be interested to know you can change the taste of your cum. It's no myth take it from a girl. The taste of your cum can kill the sex or oral sex in a relationship. Here are links to some articles on the subject. There are hundreds of them just google it. If any of you decide to change your taste I anxiously await reading the details. ... of-my-cum/ ... print.html

I found this on the iron magazine website.

To most, semen isn't a taste that people crave. There may be a few people out there who can honestly admit to liking the taste of Jizz, but most will compare it to a bitter salt tablet. Most men wish their partner would swallow, and usually the biggest road block is the fact that their partner hates the taste. Here are some tips that will help to improve the taste of your semen.

Diet Influences Your Semen's Taste And Smell
Like your other bodilly secretions, semen's taste and smell is affected directly by what you eat and drink. Like you may notice, the taste of your female partner's vaginal secretions is also linked to what she eats or drinks. Have you ever noticed that if you eat a meal consisting of onions or garlic, the smell seems to escape from your skin pores the next day? Your cum is the same way and although the specific taste or odor may be difficult to detect, it does have an influence on the overall taste.

While there's no scientific evidence to back these tips up, there are anecdotal reports and common sense. Changing your diet and intake of other chemicals into your body will have an effect on your body's output, including your semen. Most techniques or supplements to alter the flavor of semen aim to increase the amount of sugars in it, and sometimes mask the saltiness and other tastes with another flavor.

Passing The Taste Test
It will come as a disappointment to most party animals, but the best way to produce better tasting jizz is to live free of consuming toxins. You will need to take it easy when it comes to consuming your favorite vices - alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and junk food will really put a strain on your production of great tasting man chowder. It's been said that vegetarians, both men and women, have better tasting bodilly secretions, so you may want to steer clear of red meat, fish, and dairy. The secret to great tasting cum is to eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. What should you drink? Loads of juice and water.

Many people recommend eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice to make your cum taste sweeter. Citrus fruits and cranberry juice are also recommended, possibly because they make the body's pH more acidic, counteracting the alkalinity of semen that contributes to its "bleachy" quality. Any fruit or fruit juice high in sugar content, like apple, melon, mango, or grape, may increase the amount of sugars put out in your semen. Parsley, wheatgrass, and celery have been recommended for sweeter semen as well, perhaps because of the chlorophyll in them.

At the same time, you should also limit your intake of foods that break down into strong tasting or smelling chemicals that are excreted by the body, like asparagus. Onions and garlic contain high amounts of sulfur and are oniony to say the least. Vegetables in the cabbage family, like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and collards, can make your secretions taste bitter. If you like heavilly strongly spiced dishes like curries, you can also count on those spices to carry their flavors over into your cum. Of course, you don't want to restrict what you eat too much for better tasting sperm. Everyone needs to have a balanced diet, and this should always be kept in mind. Just keep this in mind though: if you're planning on getting head after dinner, you might want to skip the asparagus appetizer.

Another factor to consider is the amount of time it takes for food and drink to cycle through your system. In most cases what you consume is excreted within 12 to 24 hours, but some things stay in the body longer. Whenever you start a new regimen, give it at least a few days to start working, and remember that you'll probably have to stick to it to see marked effects.

The Magic Pill
There are a number of supplements now available that claim to improve the taste of semen or even alter it to specific flavors. Most contain concentrated fruit, sweetening agents, spices or flavorings, and sometimes vitamins or minerals. They may work for some people when used according to the directions, but don't expect miracles.

One supplement promises to make your cum taste like pumpkin pie. Considering that it contains cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg, that doesn't seem all that farfetched. However, if a supplement claims to make your semen taste like vanilla or strawberry, you should be skeptical. Also beware of supplements that are sketchy about what their ingredients are. In most cases, these supplements are harmless, and may even have nutritional benefits, but they may not be worth the price if you can get the same results on your own.

Be Consistent For The Best Benefits
Besides flavor, another factor that affects the palatability of semen is its consistency. Stringy, chunky, or watery spunk can be unappetizing to say the least. The consistency of semen is related to the fluids, proteins, and amino acids in it, which can be affected by your overall health and what you eat. Drinking a lot of water is probably the best thing you can do to improve the texture of your semen. Becoming dehydrated can make your spunk thicken or get stringy which as you can imagine, would be most unappetizing. Some people recommend eating egg whites or gelatin for increased volume of cum and better consistency, and this is probably because of the protein they contain. Wheat germ and omega-3 oils have also been said to produce more and creamier cum, so eat up if you want more cream.

A Drink Recepie For Tasty Seed
Here's a recipe for a drink that incorporates many popular cum-enhancing ingredients, as well as some used by cum-flavoring supplements. Though I can't make promises, this drink might make your cum taste better, and it's part of a balanced breakfast.

Super Spunk Smoothie

1 cup pineapple, fresh or canned
1 banana, frozen
1 cup apple juice
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 TBS honey
Optional ingredients: 1 raw egg white, 2 TBS wheat germ, 2 TBS flax seed, 1 shot wheatgrass juice

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Drink immediately. Repeat daily for best results.

Re: Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:29 pm
by vegetix
I have had personal experience with this actually. While I have never had a complaint usually he reaction to my flavor is of minor sweetness and of not being bad in flavor. there have been many occasions in which the flavor has apparently changed. These are always associated with a dramatic increase in fruit in my diet. The first was a large amount of dark cherries. My girlfriend of the time had a very surprised look on her face after sucking me off. Apparently I was very sweet and actually really tasty. I had not thought to mention the cherries as a factor because I was just eating them to eat and not for this purpose. From then I usually keep pineapple in my diet and I have had compliments since. Some days I will intentionally increase the ratio of fruit to other foods and there is without doubt an increase in sweetness. lol my girlfriend buys me pineapple in a can sometimes when she goes food shopping and trust me she knows what ti can do.

Re: Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:07 pm
by watcher
Cherry cum..mmmm. Sounds inviting. The idea that we gals have to cut dessert from our diets is bunk. We can have a different dessert every night and not gain an ounce. Monday night- cherry cum, Tuesday pineapple, wednesday blueberry..I need to find a man fast.

Re: Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:08 pm
by edstone
miss watcher, you are hot!! i would love to cum different flavors in your mouth every night..

Re: Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:57 pm
by watcher

Re: Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:49 pm
by thedoctor
you are correct on the taste. Once I shifted my diet towards more fruit and veggies my cum had a better flavor. I drink a lot of banana, orange & pinapple juice.

Cumming in nice flute glass is great. It is tough to wait on getting that second load to make a good mouthful.

But lately I enjoy my cum as it flows back out of my girlfriend's pussy. Now that is the real sweet treat.

Re: Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:55 am
by eddy
I have noticed my cum does taste a bit the same as what i have consumed :wink:

Re: Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:23 pm
by Dog
I've only had two or three women in my life who never complained about semen taste, and they enjoyed swallowing every last drop of mine. Most women won't or hate to swallow. I no longer care, cause I do all the swallowing for myself! When I ss, the taste doesn't bother me--though it used to, but I also eat a lot of yogurt. Actually, last night when I ss'd, I noticed that there's barely any taste at all--it's just goo, kind of sweet.

Re: Want better, sweeter tasting cum?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:26 am
by cumdrinker1
I guess it's just me, but I have loved the taste of my cum from the first time I tasted it. I also love the texture. It's not that it tastes super or anything, I just get off on savoring and swallowing my semen. I absolutely crave my cum all the time. This weekend I plan on swallowing 6 loads that are saved up in my refrigerator. I can hardly wait. I have been refraining for a week to get a nice big, thick load.