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Semen Therapy

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:54 am
by lovepre
I know this is going to sound like BS to most of you, but when I started to swallow my own sperm, I became healthier. I was starting to get over weight, not much energy, and depressed most of the time. I read somewhere that there were health benefits to consuming sperm, boost metabolism, that sort of thing, researchers conclude that semen contains powerful—and potentially addictive—mood-altering chemicals.
so I tried. Now my whole life (health wise) is better. It was not the ssing, because I had done that for years before I started to swallow.
Just one point, I want to make, I only swallow my own cum, not someone else’s. There might be the same benefits, but I don’t want to take the chance of some type of STD.

Semen Therapy link

On a side note, something that is related.
Women who don't use condoms feel happier. ... 00009.html

Re: Semen Therapy

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 9:37 am
by ganymedetroy
The Sambia of New Guinea have ritualized semen therapy, where young boys become men through oral sex. Drinking an older man's semen will provide the fellator with the strength of the fellated. You can read more about it at: