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5 inch cock cant reach...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:06 pm
by helpme
I have been trying many ways to get my cock in my mouth for the past weeks now.
But have been unsuccessful. and my back becomes alittle sore when i bend my back.
i'm very fit, quite flexible and skinny, but cant seem to arc my back that much.

what is the problem.?
is my dick too short?

hope one day i will succeed

Re: 5 inch cock cant reach...

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:20 pm
by selfacialist
I can really sympathize: I've got a 5 1/2" cock, and the closest I've ever got is about 1 1/2 to 2" from the tip of my tongue to the tip of my glans. I'm slim-ish (I could lose a few pounds in the gut area, but I'm certainly not fat), but really not that flexible. I've been trying, tho' not systematically, for many, many years, and, to be honest, I doubt I'll ever reach, having made very little 'head-way' - pardon the pun - so far. But I'm doing yoga, so who knows, maybe one day!

If you really, really want to suck your cock - and lawd knows I do - I reckon you gotta stay as slim as poss, & don't eat before an attempted selfsuck sesh, but do warm up and stretch. One of the reasons I might be failing is that I never really work at it systematically, I just get horny, flip over, and wank off a load onto my tongue. Re back flexibility: I've seen an osteopath/chiropractor in the past, who's said I have a couple of areas of my back with very little movement. I certainly know I can't easily attain the kind of spinal C-bend that is referred to on the 'how to' section of this most excellent site. Maybe a combo of osteo/chiropracty and yoga/stretching etc. would help you loosen up?

Re: 5 inch cock cant reach...

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:44 pm
by Icantdoit
The real key is to stay at it. Most people only stretch on the days they want to self suck. So stretch every day for 15-30 minutes a day (Focus on your lower back and mid back).

A few stretches I do:

1) Sit on your butt with your legs in front of you.
2) Make sure your legs are spread open and bent where the side of your knee's are flat on the ground.
3) Lean forward and place your head on your feet (Or get as close as you can). Feel the stretch in your lower back.
4) The other one I do is I sit with my legs straight out in front of me and I grab with both hands under neath my thigh and pull down arching the middle of my back. I hardly ever focus on the hamstrings ect, but I'm sure they're an important factor too. I can such the head of my 7 " cock. And I LOVE it.

Re: 5 inch cock cant reach...

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:14 pm
by orgbob
Yeah you have to stick with a stretching routine that allows you to increase flexibility, but does not push your body too hard. I find that if I stay stretching it is effortless for me, but if I go without my routine and then try one day, its just not there anymore.

I used to be like, 7 inches away. Length would be nice, but I don't think its necessary. I have about 7.5 inches, if I was your length I could still do it.

Re: 5 inch cock cant reach...

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:31 am
by Happy Boy
it *is* a rare gift to be able to do this, but there is no such thing as too short of a cock for is all in the flexibility. look at vids by al, shamaan, trekka, myself, and a few others whose names i can't remember at the moment. guys with longer cocks just get there a bit sooner, but if you can bend as far as some of us you could suck a 3" dick.

just like getting to carnegie hall..."practice man, practice."