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'Other' people on SS

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:11 am
by World Z
Have you ever been in a situation where people in a group have been introduced to self sucking? Like for the first time by either pics or videos by internet or some source and have resulted in talking about the act in a wierded out way?

While you have been in the room, they dont know you can but the talk about the act of self sucking, making jokes and saying how horrible it is and 'why would you want to do that?', or 'I wonder how he learned he could do that'??

This happened at work when a guy sent pics to his mates to get a laugh. I was there as everyone responded to the pic in horrified/amused/ curious etc sort of ways.
Was funny as i knew i could happily suck my own cock but to them it was very new and incredibly strange, i didnt dare say I could as it would be social suicide but i found their responses amusing.

One guy turned around and said 'Yeah but would you do it for a million quid?' (not to me, someone else)
Other guy replied 'Fuck it would have to be a million quid. Still it would be better than sucking someone elses cock, hahaha.'

I came to realise that ive got a more open sexual attitide than them.

just wondered if you have been in those sort of situations, people dont know you can do it, so you just sat there quiet or have you joined in and shared your views on it (without saying you can of course) or has this happened where some people do know you can do it?

Re: 'Other' people on SS

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:18 pm
by awtoeman
LOL! YES! Im sure all of here have experienced this and will continue to.

Ovioulsy because of the internet , this will happen quite frenquently. However the days before the internet, I had two experiences:

The first one was when a friend had a porno magazine. And at the end of the magazine there was a page with hundreds of mini images from porn movies. And 2 of the images were of two dudes SS'ing. And my buddy pointed out and said to me "Ha, dont you wish you could do that!!?" And I thought to myself "well, ya I actually CAN do that"

and the second was when I was with another buddy and we went to go buy the lastest Tool cd. (yes, CD, this was back in the 90's) and on the cover there was a dude SS'ing at a party. And my buddy said to me "Ha, dont you wish you could do that!!?"


Re: 'Other' people on SS

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:36 pm
by World Z
Good stuff there awToeman :D
How did you react tho? Did you respond mildly or did you overact a response of horror or did you just smile and nod?

It became fairly popular with Marilyn Manson wanting to remove some of his ribs so he could bend over and suck his own cock, he got a lot people talking. When i first heard this i couldnt do SS but it got me more curious about it (i used to dream about it).

Later it turned up again in conversation and i had learned that i could, this was when i was 16, people had varied responses but mostly it wasnt good.
I didnt say much (im a naturally quiet person) and just listened to everyone else and gauged their responses. part of me really wanted to say ''I can do that!' just to see what reactions i got (hoping id get positive ones and curiousity i guess). I never did admit to it tho and im glad.
If i had been a gay man then i think it would been just viewed as strange but being straight it would be too much for people to get their heads around.

Heck i didnt even know it was called AutoFellatio or the simpler Self Suck till just last year when i was 23, i just knew it as a man who coud suck his own cock hahaha.

Re: 'Other' people on SS

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:30 am
by Happy Boy
#1 the first time i found out that anyone other than myself could do it (about a decade before the internet actually introduced me to others who can) was my second year of college ('86-'87) when one of my housemates got a copy of "the book of sex lists". he would often announce little tidbits he thought the rest of us might find interesting or amusing. i think i will always remember the day he announced that "according to kinsey, 1/10 of one percent of men can satisfy themselves orally" (paraphrasing, i can't remember the exact was almost a quarter century ago!)

he was kinda excited about it, like "wouldn't that be cool!", but i was very nonchalant and didn't let on that i could. internally i was relieved to know i wasn't just a freak, but a member of a rather exclusive club. :) i honestly can't remember which of my other friends were there at the time, or their the time i was rather paranoid, and often suspicious that people were trying to get me to confess to things so that they could make fun of me for them (it *did* happen several times in my youth, so maybe it wasn't really paranoia :? ). his bedroom was right across the hall from mine, and i wondered if he had seen me through the keyhole (old house with skeleton key doors) and was trying to 'out' me or something. didn't keep in touch with him after graduation, so i guess i never will know on that one...

#2 about a decade later (still pre-internet for me...just barely) our small company played summer volleyball against other companies in the industrial complex. while doing some warm up stretches, someone said something (derogatorily) to one of my workmates like "you probably suck your own cock" to which he immediately replied "how do you know i don't?" ...i think just to diffuse the situation. i then paraphrased my favorite george carlin quote "because you leave your house!" again, the humor kinda camouflaged anyone's true sentiments, but i always wondered thereafter if he did too...he *was* kinda tall, thin, and limber! i never had the balls to ask him though, and the company folded a few years later.

#3 on a 'game night' with several friends...i can't remember how the subject came up, but it did and one friend said "if i could do that, i'd be at home right now getting rich online" (everyone was on the 'net by this time). again everyone laughed it off, but i wondered if i should ask him just how one would go about doing that. my wife was there (who knows i can) but she kept quiet. truth be known, i think she is more paranoid about someone finding out than i am.

#4 a year or two ago someone sent around a pic or two of a guy selfing (thankfully it wasn't of me! :lol: ), and an online discussion ensued...a guy i know in real life (who likes to think he is not matter how much he really is) said "i don't want *any* dick in my mouth...even if it *is* my own".

and that pretty much sums up why i have only shown two people that i can: (well, three now...just showed the partner of one of those two a couple weeks ago) as you say, some people just aren't open minded enough to handle it…and i don't want to lose friends and / or family who might not be able to get over it. if i could magically tell their reactions ahead of time i might tell lots of people...

oh, and i would hope that even if some of the general public still believe it, at least everyone in *here* knows that the marilyn manson thing is just an urban legend. ;) (i do get that you are just saying 'people were talking about it' just bugs me when folks say “did you know about marilyn manson?!”)

awtoman: that tool CD (Ænima) is really cool... sonically, lyrically, *and* visually.

for those who haven’t seen it, it is like one of those little pictures you get as a ‘prize’ in a box of cracker jacks…the bumpy plastic ones where as you rock the picture back and forth the scene moves like a flip book.. well, the front cover of the jewel case has those little plastic bumps, and in the CD booklet are several pictures which go into motion if you insert them under the of which is a guy sitting on the floor doing a naked forward bend (‘C’ position). he has his back to the camera so you can’t see if he really is or not, but you definitely get the idea that he is (especially as one of the guys sitting and watching moves in for a closer look!). i only have a copy of that CD, but i have seen the original. i do have a later one (10,000 days) which has a bunch of really cool stereograms with 3-D glasses built into the cover...they are great at cool packaging!

Re: 'Other' people on SS

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:53 pm
by blacksunshineaz
I heard the person on the Tool album was a woman, but of course you can't tell because the person is facing away from you. Regardless, I think the selfsucking is implied in that case.

Re: 'Other' people on SS

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:48 am
by Selfgreed
I was meeting a female work colleague/client for dinner, and she had just been to see Shortbus with another friend. I had only known this woman thru work, so conversation was limited and generic... until about 30 mins into our meeting she asks out of the blue "Can all men perform autofellatio?"...

I was speechless... how do I answer this? LOL!!!! Do I share my secret? LOL... She must have felt my awkwardness by this sudden question, and then reminded me of the opening scene of Shortbus. Whew! Situation averted. I then laughed it off by saying the usual line... I'd never leave the house! Laughter all round... and then back to dinner!

fwiw, I'm glad I didn't reveal my ability now. I have my maintained my secret identity and associated superpower! lol
