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Question about selfsuck videos

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:39 pm
by toomuch
Hi there everyone,

This is my first post. I'm a 25 year old male who has probabally been able to self suck fo about 9 or so years.

This has been driving me nuts and I figure someone here must know, because I've looked everywhere online. Although I imagine it would be hard to film are there any videos where there is slef-sucking while the person is getting a blowjob as well? The other thing too how come other then the movie "He loves his cock" (which is horrible by the way) there are no video's with guys self sucking with girls helping out? I've had a few ex's who loved either watching me selfsuck or would want to join in. I figure a video of that would be amazingly hot but yet can't seem to find anything online.

I don't beleive in getting anything for free without giving first so here is a video I did probabally about a year ago. I'm under my pool table (helps to get more in my mouth) comments or help always welcome.

Re: Question about selfsuck videos

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:47 pm
by blacksunshineaz
I've got about 1-2 dozen selfsuck DVDs and videotapes and I don't know of any with women assisting, unfortunately. Selfsucking seems to be limited to the gay porn genre. I do hope we get to see this in straight porn soon.

"He Loves His Cock" is an awful film. Aside from the first couple of scenes, they're all faked using didos.

Another movie to avoid is "I Can Suck My Own Dick". Although the act is depicted on the cover, that scene isn't anywhere in the video, so don't buy it.

Re: Question about selfsuck videos

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:20 am
by toomuch
After wandering around a bit I have to say this forum is like a dream come true. Between luckycouple's photo with the hopefully soon promised video clip and a few of the other self sucking pics and videos I've seen its all I could really ask for.

Re: Question about selfsuck videos

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:13 am
by selfviking
A couple of clips you will find in this thread:


After solving some problems i am slowly getting back to post some more in next weeks. :)

Re: Question about selfsuck videos

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:06 pm
by aleingang69
Hey jerpears,
Glad you found us and that you're finding some stuff on here that does it for you!
If you want to post your videos we'd love to see them - up to 50mb per file.


Re: Question about selfsuck videos

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:42 pm
by toomuch
Wow selfviking thats what I'm talking about. A bunch of amazing clips. Right now I just have the one video of me selfsucking that I posted on the other site. I can post it here if a everyone would prefer.

Selfviking once again proved that rule 34 exists (If you can think of it there is porn of it online) I thought I had created a new sex position when I was tit-fucking my friend while sucking on my own cock. Turns out its already happened, and been posted on the internet.

Re: Question about selfsuck videos

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:02 am
by toomuch
Now, athough the videos are great they are all..... whats the right word vintage? I guess you would say. I'm not complaining at all seeing as how selfviking mentioned how it took over 25 years to find all those clips (actually I'm extremly greatful) just kinda thinking out loud though, we could make a fourtune making a porn series of guys selfsucking with girls helping out. We have everyone here with the talent now all we need is a few willing women.