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Need SS Advice

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:09 am
by dharrison
Hello all,

I've lurked these wonderful forums for some time now just gathering information and looking at pictures, but I need some advice and as my first post, I hope that some of you can help me out. I've only attempted to SS a few times before I actually started finding ways that I'm good at in order to get to where I want to be at. Right now, all I can do is touch my penis to my lips and lick around the tip. Where I eventually want to be is putting it in my mouth at least past the tip. But, I'm curious about a few things...

First off, I've tried the X position and I'm not quite capable of doing it just yet. I have a difficult time when it comes to getting my feet behind my head. I can do one foot, but when it comes to the other, it seems nearly impossible. The main thing that keeps me from doing it is the lack of air that I can breathe when I'm in position. There is so much pressure put on my stomach, that it makes it terrible to breathe, therefore I cannot stay locked into a position for very long.

Secondly, the position that does work for me is where I lay my head down on a folded up pillow to give it leverage, then I lay down on my back and throw my legs over my head. If I push down on my thighs I can lick my penis, but that's about it. Even with this position, I find it hard to breathe sometimes. Also, I find myself losing an erection quite often when attempting to SS. Will cock rings help this issue?

Stat wise, I'm 6'3" 155-160 pounds depending on if I just ate. 7" cock. Normally, before I try to SS, I don't eat anything and I stretch out a little bit.

My question, which I need advice is, what can I do that will help me achieve (in the long run) a better SS experience? Thanks guys and hope to hear from some of you more experienced members out there.

Re: Need SS Advice

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:03 am
by aleingang69
I would say: focus on the plow position since that's the one that's working best for you.
I've never had breathing problems so I'm not sure what the solution is there. Sounds like there's a possibility that the bend in your back is restricted to one small area - so it's more like you're folding than bending. Look in a mirror or take some video of yourself (and share it with us!) so you can see where your back is bending and try to round out the curve if it looks like most of the bend is in one area.

Keep at it, man - sounds like you're making good progress!


Re: Need SS Advice

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:17 pm
by BenFlexible
Welcome to the forums, dharrison!

It sounds like you're on the right track, what with stretching out and not eating anything before selfsucking. In my early selfing days (my first instance of licking my own cock, in fact) I was in the plow position and even tried the x position. I understand when you say that it's hard to keep an erection in those positions. Neither of them allow me to get the maximum amount of my cock into my mouth; what does the trick for me is the sitting C position.

Remember, you're more likely to be successful at selfing if you do it later in the day when your back is more flexible (this is what I always do). I never rush right into selfsucking. My selfsucking routine usually consists of me going #2, taking a good hot shower, and then doing some simple stretches afterwards (touching toes and stretching hamstrings). I take a seat in a computer chair and look at a bit of porn to really get myself in the mood. Selfsucking successfully takes patience as well as flexibility. I stroke for a bit and slowly try to bend my back more and more to try and get closer to my cock. I grab the underside of the chair (whether the front or the sides) and pull to get myself closer. Craning my neck also allows me to get closer (something that may not be as easy in the X or plow position for some guys).

If my stomach seems to be a problem that night, I call off selfing. Trust me, trying to selfsuck with any feeling of bloating will not make for a good night. If my abdomen seems to be cooperating, but yet my back won't allow it (any back pain), selfing is also called off. If the cards are right and both seem to be fine, then I can most likely get half my cock into my mouth, and rarely almost the whole thing (also 7").

The sitting C position may not be the one that works for you, everyone is different, but it works very well for me. I am able keep my erection and breathing is less troublesome. The only REAL breathing problem in the C position is not so much my compressed abdomen, but a cock in my mouth lol. I hope you have better luck here soon in your selfsucking.

Be sure to keep us all posted on your progress! :D

Re: Need SS Advice

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:55 am
by seahorses
As appealing as selfing is to the majority it’s not the easiest thing in the world which is why so many guys don’t bother or give up. Of course, if you are one of the selected few like Al, it’s not a problem, but for the rest of us determined, it requires a degree of hard work and dedication, depending on where you’re at to start with. Some can get by with just a scant bit of stretching but for those at the far end of the scale it requires the mastery of Yoga, getting the body into top shape and fit for purpose. This also helps overcome breathing difficulties. Even so, you may still find that after a Yoga session you still need to warm up your muscles with running, doing some skipping or whatever before you can comfortably attempt selfing. It may take some time but stay focused and up beat and you should get there.

Re: Need SS Advice

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:52 pm
by dharrison
Just thought I would post a little update.

Been working on the plow position, since I was actually getting results with it, and have made some improvements. The problem I seem to have is getting that correct bend in my back. So, in order to work on that, I've been using the couch for leverage. While in the plow position, I am laying with my head near the arm of the couch, then I use my legs (knees) to push against the arm and it allows me to bend my back much better. While doing this, I have also learned how to position myself better to allow more airflow and managed to get the entire head of my cock in my mouth.

But, I still want to achieve more so I am working on it all the time. I may not be as gifted as Al, but I hope that if practice makes perfect, I'll get even better at it.

Re: Need SS Advice

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:02 am
by aleingang69
Hey man - that is totally great - I love to hear a self-suck-cess story!
Love to see some pics or video! Experimenting with different things to press your feet against or hook your feet under can be really helpful - walls, windowsills, bedsteads, etc. But be careful - your legs have a lot of pushing power!

If the couch is too soft it can work against you - you need to put energy into counteracting the tendency to sink into the cushions. I also find it helpful to come out of the plow and do some sitting C position for a while and then go back to plow - it helps to switch it up. And don't forget to do some backwards bending after you finish!


Re: Need SS Advice

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:42 pm
by dharrison
So, last night I attempted to work on the X-Position, partly due to the fact that I know it could produce the best results for me, and I didn't want to give up on it without achieving something out of it first. Well, I tried it out without eating for atleast 5 hours prior, with some fluids before hand, and was able to get into the position with little fuss (prior to last night's attempt, I was having trouble getting my feet behind my head) and was able to get the entire head of my cock in my mouth. Awesome, huh? Well... question about this position. During this position, there was an instance where my insides felt like they were on fire. Even after I stopped, I had a mild stomach pain that gradually went away into the next day. Is this something that is normal when working your way into some positions? With achieving a curve in your spine enough to get your pelvic area closer to your face, I realize that your stomach does compress a lot. Can SS'ing cause any long term damage to your internal organs or cause them to become out of wack? I really want to work with the X-Position more and gradually become better with it, but what I felt was something new, something I never experienced with the Plow position.

Any feedback? Advice?

Re: Need SS Advice

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:17 am
by aleingang69
Glad to hear you're making progress, buddy!
Bodies are so individual that it's hard to make definitive statements about what's potentially dangerous. I've never heard of any man injuring his internal organs solosucking so it doesn't seem like it should be a big worry. Taking it slow (as difficult as that can be in moments of passion) is always a good idea - if it starts to hurt - pull back a little and pay attention to what seems to be hurting and what position you're in. Can you keep the same amount of bend but shift the relationship between your rib-cage and your belly in some way? Colcamp just posted about paying attention to relaxing his stomach muscles and how helpful that's been for him.
I don't do X position at all so it's hard for me to offer much advice there. I know it's frustrating to do a position that doesn't give you the best immediate results but it'd be interesting to hear if focusing on working in the plow position caused less problems for you.
It's all a big experiment!