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I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:04 am
by bugnstein
I was in a front end collision and about a month later I was in the plow position when I felt a sharp pain in the middle of my back. It felt like a pulled muscle. I stopped sucking but reagrivated it twice and now, a month later, it still a nagging pain. Some days it doesn't hurt but most days its a dull bothersome pain. Also when I put my chin on my chest, I feel a pulling pain in the lower middle back??????? Any advice keeping in mind I have no insurance.

Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:04 pm
by vegetix
Massage, very careful yoga, get insurance. It's best to get something like that checked out ASAP. We won't be able to help even a fraction of the amount a doctor will.

Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:32 am
by beefyhairyass
Hey Bugnstein,

I'm really sorry to hear about your injury.

Some small clinics have a sliding scale to see a doctor. Can you do a trade of services (carpentry, cleaning, house sitting, bookkeeping, etc) with a chiropractor or massage therapist?

Take it easy!


Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:48 am
by seahorses
Get it checked out, then you'll know what you need to do.

Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:22 am
by aleingang69
Wow - sorry to hear that, man. It seems like you do need to be extra careful after an accident, even if it seems totally unrelated to forward bending. I've hurt myself solosucking after bike wrecks and I still don't understand the connection....

Since we live in a country controlled by business interests that won't allow universal health coverage it's more complicated. Checking out the options in your area is good idea - you might find a clinic or something - but it's hard to know how much they'll be able to do for you if you find'em.

Back injuries are notoriously hard to treat and are kind of mysterious - it's a very complex area with muscles, spine, nerves, and connective tissue all working together - it's kind of miraculous it works at all!

Sadly, I'd say laying off the sucking until you feel better is number 1.

If it's a muscle problem and not a spinal injury I've found this yoga pose to be incredibly helpful, but you have to take it SUPER- SUPER-SLOW! or you might make it worse: ... on=9&cat=0

If the pain is in the center rather than off to one side that makes it sound like it could be a spinal thing - if there's any way to get it checked out you should do it - you only get one back and it's a pretty important body part ;)

Keep us up to date, buddy - we want to see you sucking on your cock again soon!


Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:21 pm
by oipistoi
Hey man,
adding one more voice to the chorus: Get it checked out.
I get the no insurance thing ... but can you afford this pain and the possibility of long-term damage?
and especially after an accident/injury.

If you've already heeded the advice: disregard and hope you feel better soon
If you still haven't: I hope you will and can take a break from the sucking of your cock until you're better

Do the right thing and be well

Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:38 am
by nwnccpl
Have had much better success with chiropractors than MDs, but there are usually high initial costs. Massage therapy is great and wouldn't impose the same initial outlay. But something I've just discovered that is giving great relief is called the (Esther) Gokhale technique, relearning how to sit, sleep, stand, walk so as to prevent the damage that causes much higher rates of back pain in industrialized than primitive societies. 8 steps to a pain-free back is her book, and if you can't afford the book there are plenty of free excerpts online, youtube demos, etc. We unknowingly exacerbate back injuries with our bad posture habits, and I can already see results after just a week of taking her advice.

Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:48 pm
by bugnstein
I'm back. It was defiantly a pulled muscle. Took it very easy for 6 weeks and then stretched real easy.

Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:52 pm
by bugnstein

Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:34 am
by aleingang69
YEAH! That's great, man - so glad to hear it - and even better to see it in another hot pic of you, buddy. Glad you're back at it!

Re: I hurt myself!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:20 am
by beefyhairyass
Enjoy your meat and hot thick loads, bro!
