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Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:56 am
by mazyc
So, i stumbled across this site (found in my computer's history). I had a couple questions i'd like to ask and i hope there's peeps out there that can answer.
does doing this stuff "feel" right? i get kinda funny feeling watching a guy do what some of you guys do on here. does it ever hurt? being a girl i think it would
be impossible to do something like that. also, have any of you guys been accidentally caught/ like at home by a friend, neighbor, family member? and what did you do?
or has anyone ever found pictures of something you did and did anyone ever confront you guys? soorry so long. just a curious newcomer.

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:42 pm
by Ziggurat
I'm a self fucker, not a self sucker... but I used to self suck. Caught by a couple people. Showed off to a few. Feels great. No different than any other form of masturbation, except maybe for feelign a bit lucky... Not all guys are lucky enough to be able to do this. As for sharing, I think about half of us here share our pics and vids. Some of us (myself included) have even been on TV talking about it.

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:31 pm
by blacksunshineaz
You were on TV talking about it? When?

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:49 pm
by Ziggurat
I guess about three years ago now.. It was at the time that everyone was making the Two Girls One Cup reactionary videos... The show was called Ed and Red's Night Party which was a spin-off of Ed the Sock of MuchMusic and CityTV fame. I can't find any real clips of me on the show other than these two small youtube clips which only mention me and the um... talent.

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:55 pm
by AlwaysCummin
It definitely feels normal to me to self suck. I've been doing it for many years though. At first I guess it felt a little strange psychologically, but as I've done it more and more, it just feels natural to me. It feels much better than regular masturbation, and hence is my favorite way to masturbate.

It used to hurt my back a little every time I did it, but again, with time, this problem solved itself. I'm much more flexible now, plus I know how to "read" my body, so I know when it's had all it can take for now.

I've never been caught. I've only shown off my talent in person once before. It is something I would definitely want to share with someone who was special to me, though.

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:03 am
by mazyc
thanks for the quick replies. very informative. this is all new to me so it's a little mind boggling, but i guess kinda exciting. seeing pictures of someone you know doing these things is very shocking at first, but then after thinking about it, it is exciting and so intriguing that you kinda want to see more. thanks again guys

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:45 am
by vegetix
Are you saying that you found pictures of someone you know self sucking? Also, you found this site in your computer history, eh?

I wouldn't say that it feels right but it sure doesn't feel wrong. I have no moral association with the act.

I have hurt my back before when pushing too far. That sucks.

I've never been caught in the act, but I did have my ex find it in the computer history and freak out. Asked me if I did it. Said it was sick. Whatevs. Hurt at the tie, but now i am with a girl that is much more open sexually and much less judgmental. We've talked about it in passing and she doesn't really show any interest.

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:40 pm
by mazyc
Yeah. I did find pics awhile ago on the computer here. I didn't say anything being he's kinda family. But now it makes sense if he was visiting this website and another like it. It's cool though. We're pretty open about things round here. What would be a good way to bring it up with a guy... Whether it's family or maybe even a boyfriend. Would any guys on here find it odd if a girl asked you in person if u could do that? Should I just ask about the website and say I found it in the history?

I see how it could cause problems with your back. I rolled up just to try the pose and it's definitely tough.

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:12 pm
by AlwaysCummin
It's great that you want to bring up the topic with him for conversation, but I would suggest you be very careful and tactful about it.

Speaking from my personal feelings, I would feel kinda weirded out if someone just came up to me and said, "Hey, I was searching through your history and found these pictures..." A person's web history is kinda private, and for some, it might feel like an invasion of their privacy to know someone was looking through it. I've even seen people get furious that someone read their history, even when there was no blame. So just take that into consideration and make your best decision based on how you think he'll take it.

Perhaps a better way to bring it up would be just to ask, "Hey, a friend of mine showed me something on the internet the other day. What do you think of guys who are able to autofellate?" His response should tell you how open he is about talking about it. If he doesn't open up, or changes the subject, perhaps he's not ready to share, and you definitely shouldn't push him or he'll get even more defensive. You can say things like, "I think it's pretty interesting. If I were a guy, I'd want to know what it's like," in order to try to get him to open up, but if he isn't ready, he just isn't ready.

The important thing is not to be judgemental or say anything that would make him feel as though you cast a judgement on him for it. I've read too many stories from guys who opened up with their significant others and told her or showed her what he was able to do, only to have her become too weirded out around him and get disinterested or even disgusted a little. For a guy who self sucks, if he is with a woman, he really just wants his woman to get excited over the same things he gets excited about. He wants her to enjoy his little talent, not get turned off by it. It's kinda a jab to the ego to have anyone react with disgust to their talent.

I can tell you that your interest is a good thing, though. Show him that you're genuinely interested and curious, and that will be the best way to get him to open up, I think. When he sees that you're enjoying having your questions answered, that will encourage him and help him feel even more comfortable and open about it.

And don't get discouraged if he clams up and won't talk about it. He may simply be reserved about the subject. Not everyone is willing and open to talk about their private lives, and that's okay. You should do all that you can to show him that you're not pressuring him with anything.

I hope that helps. Good luck with your pursuit! Let us know how it goes.

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:36 am
by mazyc
wow, thats really good advice. i guess i didnt look at it in that way, but it makes sense now. maybe when he's back from school i will use some of that advice. in the meantime ive deleted the history and done my best to keep others from finding this (since it just would be funny if anyone else ran across his stuff) including his girlfiend. unless she knows too, but i doubt it. i am going to ask one of my female friends if she's ever seen anything like it (i wish there was more girls on here). is there somewhere i can find pictures of guys and girls together doing some of these things? sorry so nosey :-) thanks again to those filling my curiousity.


Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:38 pm
by awtoeman
These pop up about once a year. I call bullshit, it's a dude saying he's a girl. But, all good because this is one of my favorite subjects :)

Sucking my dick with a woman is as good as it gets for me. Most of the time though, I will only suck on it and cum all over my face after I fucked her lights out and made her cum a good few times.

I still however havent sucked it with more than one chick at the same time, came close a couple of times, but no cigar yet :(

The only reason I stay in great shape is so I can "toot my own horn." And I rarely suck my cock when Im alone. I jerk off 99% of the time. But when I'm with a woman, THATS when I suck on my cock. I'd say over the years, 70% of them love it and or are BLOWN AWAY in awe, and the other 30% just don't care. I usually will stop dating the ones that don't care :) And those 70% er's will either sit back and watch, pleasuring themselves or join in rubbing my ass, balls, and or fingering my bottomhole. Most of the time she will suck on him with me.

And 80% of the time I will cum in my mouth and on my face for them, and the other 20% I cum in BOTH of our mouths. Its a beautiful thing :)

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:21 pm
by mazyc
you're automatically assuming i'm a guy? i guess. there's little i could do to change your mind, but i'm assuming a guy has maybe come on here in the past and said he's a girl? i'm sorry if some of you don't believe me, i just thought this would be a good place to get answers to a couple questions. thanks to all that have answered honestly so far. :-)

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:40 pm
by mazyc
so, my "brother" is gonna be home next weekend for spring break. i just wanted to say thanks again for the advice and if anyone was curious, i haven't talked to my guy friend about what i discovered. i guess i don't want him to know how i stumbled across these things. i haven't seen or heard of anything similar for a girl (that's maybe another world), but my mom let's me drink alcohol sometimes, so i think i'm gonna bring it up with my "brother" if we are drinking and hanging out this weekend... any other advice or tips would be appreciated.

p.s. we've bs-ed about sexual things in the past, but nothing like this. thanks all


Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:18 pm
by AlwaysCummin
Fortunately, alcohol can sometimes act as a social lubricant and help people be a little more open than usual. Best of luck to you. Let us know how it turns out.

Re: Questions (from a girl)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:32 pm
by tom2000
awtoeman wrote:These pop up about once a year. I call bullshit, it's a dude saying he's a girl. But, all good because this is one of my favorite subjects :)
I agree, and as soon as the word "brother" was used, I know its definitely a BS scenario.
Sounds like someone has a twisted fantasy, and just wants to talk about it here ;)

which I have no problem with by the way.. the thought of a girl watching her "brother" SS does turn me on as well :)