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Self suck and throat cancer

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 5:04 am
by Thesucka
Hi guys,just recently discovered self sucking,and have been able to suck my whole head,with couple of week practice im sure i will be able to suck it whole
Its amazing to self suck,but have recently discovered something that i find really disturbing
So new studies show that when you give oral sex,either to a girl or a guy,doesnt matter,but when you do it,you get hpv,which is linked to throat cancer,hpv causes throat cancer
And it seems that man are afflicted a lot more then woman,they get it a lot easier.
I dunno how this works exactly...Does someone has to have that virus for you to get it?or does it just appear on its own?
Im 19 and had sex with only 1 girl,she was my first i was her first,so im guessing not me or her had it...
I also smoke,which puts me in the higher risk group of throat cancer,especially if combined with that virus...
So i really love to self suck,but i will have no option but to let it go if this is true

Here is the link to the study ... study.html

So you guys have any idea how this works?

Re: Self suck and throat cancer

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:59 pm
by ganymedetroy
HPV is a lot more common than people realize, and comes in several breeds. New medicine is available to stop it before it infects. Alternately, you may already have it. I know it is a major culprit in cervical cancer, but I haven't heard of it linked with throat cancer. I think it is very dependent on how many cysts form, as the body has to make more cells every time it recovers from one, and this increases your chances of that mitosis going awry.

Re: Self suck and throat cancer

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:11 pm
by aleingang69
You have absolutely nothing to worry about - get back to sucking your cock!

To answer your question: you have to have contact with someone who already has the virus in their system - it can't just spontaneously appear in your body.

Not to downplay any kind of cancer risk, but I just took a look at the article and it's really, really bad and misleading. The headline is wrong:

"Oral Sex May Cause More Throat Cancer Than Smoking in Men, Researchers Say" is not at all what the researchers are saying. Oral sex can not and does not cause cancer of any kind, ever. A virus that's sometimes transmitted by some people during oral sex increases the risk of cancer for some people - the sex does not cause the cancer.

The numbers of people in the USA who are projected to be diagnosed with oral cancers in 2020 is "8,700 U.S. cases" - a terrible thing, but a tiny number relative to the US population.

If you want to avoid oral cancer I'd advise you to quit smoking - right now - and to keep on sucking your own dick - it's the safest oral sex you'll ever have!

Hope that helps!


Re: Self suck and throat cancer

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:25 am
by akenrockk
I agree with the guys here, it doen't just appear you have to get infected from somebody in order to get it and you said in your comment that you only had sex with your girlfriend I assume you know her well so you should be ok. I also worry about diseases it's good to know others care about their bodies too health is priority if we want to live longer and keep enjoying sex in any form. Safety first, but you should be ok, keep suckin' like their is no tomorrow Bro'!

Re: Self suck and throat cancer

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:02 pm
by Ziggurat
Yeah.. Gotta agree with these guys. I actually laughed out loud when I read the linked article.