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self sucking when you're not horny

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:17 pm
by gayman2121
This is a really weird question...

I dont know if its just me, but for me to stay limber enough to self suck when i like I have to self suck stretch at least twice a week. When you guys stretch on your "off days" (not in the mood for selfsucking...if that is possible) do you still suck on it?

for example today i designated today as a selfing stretch day. So I stretch my whole body and even get into selfing positions (C, Plow etc...) However, because im not sexually aroused my penis just stays soft... (that is not a problem) I can reach it and suck it just fine , but again because im not aroused it doesnt get hard even when im sucking on it...(remember its just a stretching day so its fine)

does this happen to anyone else or are you're stretching days just like any other selfing day

just trying to get feed back...

thanks Dante

Re: self sucking when you're not horny

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:15 pm
by ssandsfwithgf
I'll sneak in a few licks on my "off" days. Usually gets me a little excited but I might not have time to really go to town.

Re: self sucking when you're not horny

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:39 pm
by paselfer
I like to check out how limber I am almost everyday and enjoy a couple of sucks just in case I'm in the mood later on. Usually do it in or just after my morning shower. I'm fortunate that I don't really need much stretching to enjoy my cock. Usually the activity of the day is enough.

Re: self sucking when you're not horny

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:42 am
by aleingang69
Most people would consider EVERYTHING we talk about here in the forums weird, so don't worry about your question being weird, Dante ;)

Sounds like you've figured out a system that works for you so I wouldn't stress about it. We all have our natural, personal levels of horniness - some guys need to get off multiple times every day and a lot of other guys are more toward your end of the spectrum.

It's all about pleasure - enjoy what works for you. Sounds like you have a good steady routine worked out, and there may even be an advantage for you - you're less likely to push yourself too hard if you're stretching on a non-horny day, so you'll be less likely to injure yourself.

Enjoy your cock!