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Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 3:37 am
by topteen19
Hello, I'm new to the site and interested in self sucking. Ive tried some of the techniques that I have read on here but still cant seem to reach. I'm 5'7 with a 8.5in penis almost 9. I feel like I'm doing something wrong but don't know what. When I see guys self suck the area between their chest and stomach looks completely as if it were folded but I cant seem to do it. So if anybody has any advice please help me. Thanks.

Re: Help

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:04 am
by Ziggurat
Make sure you read alot of the back post history. What works for one guy might not work for another. The trick with all auto-erotic activity is to find out what works for you. I can't self suck at all, but when I could the only way I could reach was through the plow position. With self-fucking, the only way I can do it is the self-riding with cock and balls folded over to the left and behind. Some guys can just jam their cocks in which every way they want. It's all about trial and error and repeated practice. Always consider your surroundings. Can you use something in the room to your advantage for leverage. Just be careful. It's easy to get carried away and hurt yourself or end up stuck wedged between two confining walls or a doorway.

Re: Help

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:33 pm
by ganymedetroy
Slow and steady, with a lot of limbering up. Next time you get a chance to just lay back and jack for a couple hours, get comfy with either pillows propping your back or in a deep arm chair -- something that will round out your spine but let your stomach relax. After the first hour, see how it goes. Then practice, practice, practice....

Let us know how it works out. ;)

Re: Help

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:38 am
by thedoctor
slow and steady in the plow position works for me nothing better. love swallowing my own cum in the plow. best part of my orgasm is cum trickling and hitting the roof of my mouth and tongue as I suck as hard I can on my tip. best feeling ever licking my tip and and as much of my shaft as I can get. gravity allows all the cum to flow downward. licked my tip in other positions but it is a bummer if I don't cum in my mouth. for me that is the best part....

practice,practice, practice

Re: Help

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:05 pm
by vegetix
Always start with a hot bath to loosen up the muscles.

Yoga helps a ton if you've got the motivation.

A little advice and coaching goes a long way. Got Skype? :P