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Showing face?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:09 am
by PT1962Redux
I have so much respect for selfsuckers who don't wear mask or blur their faces. I found some old photos of me last night on my computer and want to post them unfiltered, but I keep chickening out.

There's just something so amazing about showing your dick and face together. It's like a total "this is me" kind of thing. You are being your true self. There's a bit of that to any nude post online that shows dick and face but when the photo or video shows you with your dick in your mouth just going for it and you don't hide anything. That's just so much more.

I notice some photos in the "some random pics" thread have been up for over a year and only have 1000 views or less. So obviously there is not really much chance of someone I know ever seeing me post here. But I just can't get over the fear of crossing that line and showing full face and dick together while I suck it.

Thoughts? Or words of encouragement?

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:01 am
by Happy Boy
i don't worry about it so much for myself, but i have a family. i could get over some PTA mom going "eww...somebody showed me that perv sucking his own dick online", but it might be a bit more traumatic if my kids were socially tared and feathered because of it.

no idea what your situation is like (or may become), but it is something to think about. al will tell you too...once it is online, it is out there (like tooth paste!)

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:54 am
by Selferbro
Yeah totally agree re the hotness of a man just being vulnerable and honest about his love for his own cock. The best photos are where they are looking at the camera while they have their dick in their mouths. Their eyes just drill into the camera lens. Hot.
For me, yeah I’m not brave enough.... I wish I were

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:49 pm
by aleingang69
I don't think anyone needs to be down on himself (much better to GO down on yourself!) or feel like they are not brave for not showing everything online. As Happyboy says: it can have real repercussions in the rest of your life.

I do think we've gone through an interesting change in attitudes with the internet -- I think younger folks are often much more casual about showing everything, because the Show Everything world is the one they grew up in.

I've said before: when I started making videos in the late 80s, before the Web existed, I figured my specialty was so esoteric, and the distribution so limited, that almost nobody would ever see the videos and images. HA! I got online when there were. literally. less than 5000 websites - in the whole world (I remember when was within the 2000 highest-traffic websites!) - and - within a few months of looking around, I started to find pictures of myself that other people were posting. Oopsy!

If the right-wingers don't drag us back to the 1950s (or the Victorian era) I think things will continue to loosen up and people will - I hope - have healthier attitudes about sex, and it won't seem like such a big deal.


Re: Showing face?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 9:40 pm
by PT1962Redux
Thanks for all the input. My personal opinion is that people should be able to share their sexualities however they want. If you aren't hurting others, if it is consensual, it shouldn't be a big deal. For selfsucking and any autosexual acts, they actually can't hurt anyone else so if I want to post photos of myself in ecstasy while I fellate myself, it shouldn't be an issue. I'd even go further to say that if I found out anyone I know posts to OnlyFans or is into any kink, power to them. Not my business and I hope they are happy.

Of course society doesn't work this way. There's always some puritan who would call it perversion, share it with everyone to make an example out of you, and use public shame to make your life difficult.

I'm in my 40s, single. A few years ago I figured out that I like being single and prefer autosexuality, especially autofellatio. I want to go all in and share my talent with other people who are into it. Selferbro is right, it's just so vulnerable and intimate and downright erotic. I love that part of autofellatio.

The internet gives me access to a community of other autofellators who indulge in this most perfect sexual act for all sorts of reasons. I feel like anyone who wants should be able to post themselves in a forum like this. If anyone finds the photos, then doesn't that mean they were also looking for images of autofellatio?

But then it comes back to the way people think about sex where posting here or on other sites to share with like-minded people exposes you to being discovered by people who are just assholes. I used to be ashamed of how much autofellatio means to me and I was embarrassed to say that it's my primary sexuality. Now I'm proud of it and want to share and be open about it not as some big coming out moment to just anybody but at least in places where other guys come to cum thinking about and performing autofellatio. But I am worried about those assholes and people who can't just let other people be themselves.

It's just frustrating feeling like you can't share something so harmless and amazing in forums dedicated to it because you have to worry about society, but that's just the way it is. :x :x :x

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 10:26 pm
by Selferbro
Nicely put PT. :)

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:40 pm
by Panther Sauce
Once the cat is out of the bag, its never going back in, there is that, indeed. As well, people will tell you what they think, and sometimes thats great, but other times, what they have to say may not be very nice. I suppose thats pretty standard internet territory, but when the subject is your naked body, and face, and sexuality, it can feel pretty bad if you let it get to you.

I remember having conversations, a friend was trying to talk me into going the mask route, and I refused, because I personally enjoyed watching guys selfsuck maskless so so much more, it was important to me. That same friend was trying to tell me I'd never be hired for any job ever again, because of facial recognition software, and, that sounded like dramatic BS to me, but I can't really discount it as impossible because its not.
I do feel like some kind of employment blacklist situation is really unlikely, but times are strange.
I did it anyway.

I don't regret it, some of the positives for me personally;
-It forces me to be more secure in myself.
-since the cat is already out of the bag, there's not much point in worrying about it.
-the sense of freedom (my body, my decisions) This might sound silly, but, It was a way to exert more control over my own life.
-no mask in the way. If I'm recording, I don't want to be having less of a good time to maintain anonymity.
-being vulnerable can feel liberating, refreshing

All of that being said, there are dudes who wear masks etc and are really good and fun to watch, and I don't blame anyone for putting on a mask. Showing your face is a big scary thing with implications and repercussions that I probably haven't even considered.
I may yet regret my decisions, I hope not, but, y'know, hindsight.
Societal attitudes about sex did probably factor into my decision too, I've always been really reserved and inhibited, and concerned with not being inappropriate, so, I kinda feel like I had a midlife crisis and did a hard 180° to naked twitter clownery lol. For me,
In a way its sort of a personal protest against being excessively inhibited, and against taking some things too seriously (sexuality, in general). It shouldn't be a big deal, so I refuse to treat it like it is, possibly to my own detriment, but I'm not going to worry about it, I'm gonna do my thing. As far as I'm aware, nothing bad has come of it yet, and its life as usual, so, theres that too.

A lot of good points and thoughts were already posted, I just thought I'd throw mine in too,
Love and Peace y'all.

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:57 pm
by PT1962Redux
Just with my few photos posted on solosuck, I always worry someone will find them and use them against me even though they really don't reveal enough to identify me. But I guess I also worry that somehow some search or software can find me. That feels paranoid but still stops me for posting full face.

I like what Panther Sauce said about taking control of my life. I don't think that is silly. I feel that way too. Like rather than just lurking and looking at others, a few years ago I chose to start posting. Then added photos. I like how it makes me feel to embrace how much I love selfsucking. Even when I'm worried about the consequences if the wrong people find this out about me, I still feel so much more self-confidence for putting myself out there in these forums.

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 3:50 pm
by Zaine
I remember I posted something here and later found myself in some random sextube type site when I searched self-suck.

It never bothered me because realistically it would be impossible to find me because video didnt contain my name. For person to find my video he would have to go through 20 different sextube type sites and he would have to be eather intrested in self-suck or gay releated "kinky" stuff. Possibility for that among people I know is uhm about zero.

This also happened when it was 10-years ago. Now 2022 there are so many videos and sites I couldnt even find myself if I tryed. To be even on top page or have insane amount of views you would probably have to be well known, look like hot twink and talented. Even then there are no risks.

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 1:38 am
by Happy Boy
...and to prove my point, here is a recent comment on one of my pics on another site:
"Man that's nasty I would not tell people I could do that "

closed-minded people like that are the reason i try to stay anonymous...if that was a parent in my daughter's scout troop, they might try to drum me out because they think advanced masturbation makes me some kind of pervert that can't be trusted around young girls.

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 6:30 pm
by Ziggurat
Not all my pics or vids show my face. However, that is only due to camera angles. I've always been of the addage, "do it with pride, or don't bothering doing it." However, I understand that not everyone can be that free. When my face can be seen, it is not censored in any way. I do however use stage-names on the various websites. I did go on national Canadian TV once and talk about my abilities. They were supposed to use my stagename, but the host of the show forgot and called me by my first name. Meh.. whatever. I wasn't bothered. :D

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 7:29 am
by johndoe12345
Reason I use the nick I use and don't show my face is simple. One day at my regular job a guy walked up to me and said I needed to work on my videos on xtube. I could have lost my job and been publicly humiliated in front of my co workers. I am not embarrassed by my talents but it could have cost me my livelihood and that I don't want

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:46 am
by End

Re: Showing face?

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:46 pm
by Selferbro
Great upper body man! I can see why you wanna taste yourself lol