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Hottest tips for going deep

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:31 am
by oldjoesmokes2003
I'd like to know a few of your tips for getting more dick in my mouth. Specifically in the C position.
I can get most of my dick in when not fully erect but I'd like to go the extra mile so to speak when hard. I'd love to get it all the way into my throat.

My best techniques so far are:

1. In the C with my forearms under my thighs as close to my ass cheeks as possible I relax my stomach muscles as much as possible when pulling down with my arms. I find that not tensing my stomach relaxes my back to the fullest for more stretch with less tension

2. I wad up a wash towel under my balls. It seems to help thrust my dick foreward a bit more closer to my mouth.

3. I use maximum arm strength for 4 or 5 seconds, relax the arms for about the same time, then resume, getting into a rhythm for maybe 5 or ten minutes.

4. It also helps to alternate the back angle each time. First pulling straight down toward my dick, Next time pulling down more toward my navel, next time down more toward my knees. It seems to stretch my back all along the length that way and minimizes the pressure on any one spot.

Anyone else care to share your best tips?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:17 am
by Dog
While in the C, try pulling back, arching your back, then pull forward. I also pull back and kind of bend side to side, back, then forward. I am making a little progress, but going gradual and easy. Sucking half my dick is getting ever-so-slightly easier each time, so I feel that the patience is going to be worth it later. I haven't yet hit the back of my throat yet, but look forward to it a lot. The "emptier" my stomach is, and the more warmed up and sweaty I am, the better the bend. On the one or two days a week I ss, I eat a couple of boiled eggs or something light but high protein. This way I don't tire out too ssssoon!

going deep

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:03 pm
by LoveThyself
I have been able to achieve maximum depth without even making my back hurt at all. Before on a good night I could get 1/2 my cock in my mouth, now I can get the entire thing in. What works great for me is on my back near a wall. I push off the wall with my feet, as well as pulling down on my ass. This combination puts a stretch on different parts of my back, minimizing the discomfort. I can within minutes be able to deep throat. Though as we all know, some nights it just doesn't happen...if I'm stiff. Then I decide to selffuck. Fun times