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Progress so far..

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:49 pm
by thejollyroger
This is my first post here on the forums, and I'll bet alot of guys ask the same question but I am making very little progress in self-sucking. I've been doing yoga and tai-chi for about a year, and although every other part of my body is becoming more flexible, I haven't gained ANY distance between my dick and my mouth. I am in my early 20's, I don't have a belly (rather skinny), I'm 5'9 and my dick is 7"inches long. Compared to most professional self-suckers with those stats, I shouldn't have any problem at all sucking myself. I make sure to do back stretches like the plow, sun salutation, etc, but I'm not making any progress and I've been at it for more than a year. I don't expect to be able to fully blow myself but I'd think that I could at least get the tip well in my mouth. The worst part is seeing how I'm not getting anywhere is very de-motivating, and if I stop, I'll have even longer to go before I reach my goal. At most I can press my lips against my cock and that's been the same since I started.
Just wondering if you guys have any tips, info, techniques, or advice?
ANY help would be very much appreciated.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:36 pm
by Duane
Have you ever heard the saying "no pain no gain"? Are you pushing yourself any? Or do you stop when it starts to hurt? Even slow small amounts are progress and at that rate it should take about 5 or 10 years.
Don't misunderstand me. Don't overdo it all at once and hurt yourself. Patience and practice and a little pain and soreness go a long way to being a master selfer. Another saying of sorts " Paying your dues".
For some it's a gift, for the rest of us you work like hell and keep at it and sure enough one day it will be second nature. Work hard.

Re: Progress so far..

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:35 pm
by whiteroofus
bazaarbobby wrote:This is my first post here on the forums, and I'll bet alot of guys ask the same question but I am making very little progress in self-sucking. I've been doing yoga and tai-chi for about a year, and although every other part of my body is becoming more flexible, I haven't gained ANY distance between my dick and my mouth. I am in my early 20's, I don't have a belly (rather skinny), I'm 5'9 and my dick is 7"inches long.
I'm 5'9, 180, about 7"...most of the time I am lucky if I can get the head in, but that doesn't stop me. It doesn't help to be 7 inches erect because I can't keep a very good hardon while selfing anyway. I can often get enough stimulation to cum by licking the underside only. I can sometimes lick my balls, but there is something about the angle of attack that keeps me from doing much actual sucking. My goal is to be able to suck the entire head and an inch without too much effort. I have been working for 40 years at this and have not reached my goal. Why don't you just try to be able to stretch until you can lick the tip? Once you lick the tip, try a little more. Do it every day unless you are in pain. Being thin makes all the difference...even an extra 5 pounds can make a diffence. Just don't give up!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:55 pm
by seahorses
I’ve found I’ve been more successful since increasing my concentration on counter bending. Also, though I don’t want to lead any one from the paths of righteousness and developing bad habits, but, though not a smoker in the regular sense, I find a joint before working out helps me relax more, and makes my stretching routine easier. Other things that help are; practice late in the day - your body is more flexible, practice on an empty stomach, and try making sure your bowls are empty too