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Finally Some Pictures and Video

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 3:13 pm
by slffuckpics
When I first found out about sf, I thought i'd be able to find lots of info about it and pictures and things all over the it turns out this was not the case at all. So, I decided to search and find everything I could find...and I put it all in one place. In all, I found about 25 pictures and a few videos, most of which none have you have probably seen. I'll be updating this frequently....but I dont have much time as i'm a college student. Send me a message and for a few bucks through paypal (3-5) i'll hand over the goods. I'm posting one pic as a little teaser.

[/img]'s my username

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 3:16 pm
by dmt2005
I forgot to log in...send me a message on this username

pictures and vids

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 7:02 am
by praetoren
dude, all you hadda' do was ask. i would have been more than happy to share (for free) all the info on where to find tons of the stuff. hell if i didn't keep updating my own collection i'd already be into a 3rd computer just to store it all. (the first one still has quite a bit on it).
here's a teaser of my own (also a free site no credit card or nuthin' needed to apply)

look for the topic on fucking it's the subtopic of self-fucking.