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"Enhancements" for SF-ing?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:57 pm
by ChiDiablo
Hey guys. I am an active SF-er and have even managed to cum inside several times (wow!). But I was wondering if anyone out there has found any substances that either assist with or add to the SF-ing experiences. I have smoked up with weed beforehand for an exceptional experience, and was wondering if anyone has found other substances (such as poppers, or other things (weed, poppers, or other perhaps "illegal" substances like coke or E/X) that have resulted in additional satisfaction. Wondering if anyone has even thought of this, or is it just my own twisted mind?


Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:27 am
by praetoren
the path that led me to sf-ing was tantra. along the way i experimented with various combinations of various chemical/herbal enhancements. reasons being meditational rather than purely sexual. discussions with others about their uses of various "enhancements" and their effects have lead me to realize that based on each individuals psysiology various enhancements separately have anywhere from slightly to greatly differing effects from one individual to the next. and the various combinations of differing enhancements compounds this fact. add in the fact that the order in which enhancements are used further complicates or "enhances" their effects on the subject and eachother makes it difficult to "recommend" anything to anyone arbitrarily. (gawd, i sound like an apothicary) that being said:

i know one man who swears by poppers as his ultimate enhancement.
(personally i have found only 1 specific brand name that i find even tolierable and very hard to find on the open market)

i have learned that XTC was originally a medically perscribed sexual enhancement and in it's day could enduce orgasmic tremors in its subject with a single touch (as told to me by someone who had used it). however it is now "black market" and said to nolonger be of the potency that it once was.

from your entry you are aware of the effects of marijauna as an "enhancement" and, hopefully, how much is too much.
the same can be said for alcohol as both fall into the depressants family.

undoubtedly the list goes on.

all the above are very dangerous, nay, deadly. it is impossible to recommend anything as a sure fire enhancement. it is unwise to recommend anyone of them. and if is foolish to even suggest any enhancements let alone a combination of them however measured.

many lessons we learn in life we learn on our own by trial and error.
i hope this information though mute was in some way enlightening.


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:49 pm
by Guest
I personally use E as an enhancer, I do not mean by this that every one should try it, each to his own. The next time I SF i will be filming it as I have a diferent way of doing it than most people have described on here. I think that it would be easier to show how than explain, does any one have a video of themselves inserting ? lots of stills of cocks in asses but no vid's showing how it was put in.

happy SFing to you all


More Enhancements

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:35 pm
by ChiDiablo
Not to suggest that I was only referring to mind-altering substances (although those are what I listed in my original post)... There is a lot of talk on the board about "relaxing," getting "lubed" up or "expanding" yourself with dildos, etc. Are there other "enhancements" along these same lines that you have found to be pleasureable? I was once told my a friend of mine that before anal sex he liked to use an enema for "added pleasure." Is that something that SF-ers have done to enhance their experiences?

Thanks for the anti-drug message. :) We all know that whether legal or illegal, they are not likely good for you. But one might then ask the question is self-anal sex truly "good" for you? I would expect that from a medical standpoint there would definitely be some ramifications to health, if not general well-being. But, we still do it anyway...

Never have used E for this. Have been thinking that would be the way to go.

And, there are not enough videos of SF-ers, outside of Al. Maybe everyone is following in his more than adequate footsteps and keeping their private shows private until they can be released on DVD. :)

the final enchancer

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:30 pm
by no name
¿Why don`t you try Viagra before self-fucking?

LOL...just wondering if it`s possible.

the strait "dope" As it were

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:43 am
by praetoren
ok, since you read my first msg. i can now confidently follow up with my own insight:

yes, enemas are integral to anal sex. period. flush out before you fill's not just polite, it's essential for any good fuck, be it you or any one/thing, else. i usually "rinse" until i run clean or clear. that way i know there's nothing else taking up space.usually one full enema bag is enough. sometime 1 and 1/2 to do the trick.

personally: and i stress - personally,
a little crystal to get me flacid,
a little pot to expand the imagination,
a hit of X to enhance the feeling,
and i'm fucking myself all night long - only if i'm off for the next 2 days.
(vigor-25 at the right moment counters the "tina" with no side effects)
I Plan a "date" with myself. work up the anticipation, build up the stimulation (4-play) and take the entire evening to "get myslef in the mood" before i begin.
i enjoy vac-pumping and toys. together they enhance one another. vac-pumping "imprisions your cock" while enhancing it's size, and toys "opens up your 'hole' " while drawing on the excitement of pumping to excite your libido in the anal region. the two stimulate each other. this can be a very long an drawn out process - extremely exciting and invigorating.
poppers are helpful in "interupting" the overall effects of all the "enhancement" while providing their own special effect.

but that's just me. as i said before each individual is different and we each must find our own path to this particular form of sexual "enlightenment?" as it were.

once i mastered the technique, i discovered that the "enhancements" were no longer necessary or 'helpful'. i had 'learned' beyond their effects and as with many "addictions" had out grown them.

these days the shear "thrill" of fucking my- self(pussy?) is enough to give me the incentive i want to "stick my dick up my asrse".

i'm still working on putting together a vid for the internet - however every cameraman i've illicited was too enthralled to do an adequate job. subsequently we end up having sex and not getting anthing else done. same goes for the gay cameramen too.
