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Show us your stuff! Attachments now allowed on this forum.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:54 pm
by Guest
I'm still figuring out how it all works, so the setup will probably change some, but you can now add pictures to your messages!
Pictures and some movie files can be posted (and also Flash files and Power Point presentations!) with file sizes up to 2MB, and up to 3 attachments per message. If people go TOO crazy with big files I may have to scale back the maximum file size, because I have to pay bandwidth charges every time someone looks at a picture or video on my site. I ask that you be considerate and not post lots of stuff that people can see in the selfing YahooGroups or elsewhere: please just post a link to those. And anyway - we don't want to see that tired old stuff; we want you to show us some exciting new images of you (or your friends) having hot sex with yourself!
So get out those cameras and get selfing, men!