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3D printing something to help self-fuck?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 1:44 pm
by ballsinass
I know people have talked about certain things that help them self-fuck. I've heard yoga blocks mentioned, others have rolled up towels, etc. I have a 3D printer and was wondering if anyone has printed a part to help them. Since it is possible to model any shape, does anyone have suggestions on possible ideas for modeling? I have often just sat on my hand and used 2 fingers to keep my cock in place so my first thought is some sort of support that has a shape at the top like 2 fingers. I might cover it in silicone or something to make it less abrasive than plastic, but if anyone has ideas, let me know! I'll be trying out different things and if I ever find something that works, I will share the 3D print file if anyone is interested!

Re: 3D printing something to help self-fuck?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:18 am
by aleingang69
What a cool idea! Anybody have any thoughts?