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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:55 pm
by fritz6744
Uncle Jack
Ever since I was 13 years old, I wanted my Uncle Jack. Now don’t get your exercise jumping to conclusions. This isn’t some sordid incest tale. You see, my aunt (my mother’s sister) was just six years older than I because my mother gave birth to me when she was only 16. Therefore, I had young parents, young grandparents, and an aunt who was more like a sister to me than anything. We had been very close throughout my childhood until…she met Jack.
I had mixed feelings about Jack when he arrived in my aunt’s life. At the time, she was 19, he was 19, and I was 13. He essentially waltzed in and took my “sister” away from me, so for many months, I hated his guts and saw him as the enemy. Nevertheless, in this pubescent adolescent’s eyes, he was fucking gorgeous. I had discovered the joys of masturbation and sexual awakening during the previous year, so by the time I was 13, I was a walking hormone, a giant dick and balls roaming the streets in search of anything and everything to dry hump. Jack was, in my estimation, flawlessly beautiful. He was about 6’3” with a lean, athletic and lanky body, black hair, and dark eyes. He resembled Tom Cruise a great deal at the time, a compliment he was frequently paid by onlookers. I’m not talking about the current freakish monkey boy Tom Cruise, but the Tom of his “Risky Business” days when he was young and hot to trot and hadn’t yet lost his gonads to Scientology.
Mere months after their initial meeting, Jack proposed marriage to my aunt, and though I wanted him to sweep me into his arms, pepper me with hard wet kisses and fuck my brains out, oh how I hated him when I found out he was to marry my aunt and cart her off to Colorado where he was to be stationed in the Army (ya should have seen him in his uniform; holy cow). But before that was to happen, there would be many months of him hanging around my grandparents’ house all the time (where I lived throughout most of my childhood), and there was also a family road trip to Disneyland and a variety of California attractions. It was during that trip that things took a strange turn.
Upon the first night of our road trip when my grandparents secured a motel, they immediately enforced typical family rules as to who was to sleep where. One of the rooms contained a bed holding two of my younger cousins. The other bed, so I was instructed, was to be shared by Jack and myself while my aunt and the other girls slept in a separate room. While the idea of sleeping next to this man who I wanted to lick from head to toe and all around seemed thrilling, it did not instill excited anticipation within me. It created total fear. I was terrified that I would get a hard-on in bed with him or that I would do something horrendous in my sleep. It was akin to the 3 months of horror I carried before my first year of junior high school when I was told that we would have to take showers after gym class, and that meant my standing around a bunch of naked boys. Oh how I shuddered at the certainty that I would be caught with a boner in the shower and shortly after beaten to a bloody pulp. Luckily, I never got a boner in the shower because I was too nervous.
I don’t remember each detail of the three nights Jack and I shared a bed. It’s amazing that I was able to sleep at all. What I do remember is that I frequently had to tell him to get off me. He had a habit of gravitating toward the right edge of the bed where I was, and he draped his entire body over me like I was a body pillow. He was quite a heavy sleeper and it got to the point where I just had to shove him off. Having him that close to me was absolutely frightening, although I’m sure there was some degree of titillation involved. But let me tell ya, the bed sharing was nothin’!
On the fourth morning of our trip while I was packing up my stuff, I heard Jack call me from the bathroom. With little thought, I marched over to the bathroom door which Jack quickly opened, yanked me in, and closed the door. The next two minutes consisted of Jack speaking while I nervously stared at the floor, and all the while I could sense his nakedness from the corner of my eye, and I could see the shadow of his floppy dick. It may sound ridiculous when I tell you this, but it is true. Jack actually asked me where the soap was. I was horribly uncomfortable and kept wondering to myself why a naked man would pull his soon-to-be nephew into the room with him while he was stark naked. As we all know, many guys don’t even think about being naked in front of other guys. It’s a locker room mentality where there’s no shame or self consciousness. I wasn’t quite used to that philosophy yet.
“Hey!” Jack stated emphatically. “What’s wrong with you? You look like you’re gonna pass out.” All I could think to say was, “I don’t know where the soap is”, then I reached behind me for the door to let myself free of the erotic tension. But Uncle Jack wasn’t having any of that. He raised his arm over my head and braced the door, staring down at me, his naked body just inches from me, his chest rising and falling, his sweet breath warming me. It was all very weird. “Look, just relax,” said Jack, and I looked up at him to see a shit-eating grin and eyes full of mischief. Looking at him like that made me feel weak, and I could sense myself starting to lean against the door for support. Then I felt Jack’s hand take me by the shoulder.
“You are way too nervous. What’s got you so worked up?”
“Nothing, nothing. Let me go. I gotta finish packing.”
“Yeah, I know what you wanna pack.”
Jack smirked, and at that moment, I felt a flutter of wind in front of me, and I realized that his dick was getting erect. I had seen the outlined shape of Jack’s penis before, and I was purposely trying to block the memory because I knew it would give me instant wood. He had one of those long, snaky…ah hell. It was huge, just huge. I can’t tell you the measurement, but it was really enormous. He wore tight white briefs, and when I had seen him prancing around the motel room in nothing but those briefs, I swear to God that his package was busting at the seams. My aunt was one lucky bitch. But in this heated bathroom moment, there was not a scrap of clothing on him, nothing to conceal that monstrous weasel.
“You don’t think I know what you want?” said Jack with a chuckle. “I may look dumb, but believe me I know a thing or two about guys and what they do and what they want.” I didn’t know what to say. I thought I might shit myself before I could say so much as boo! “So…can you keep a secret?” I gulped hard, thought for a moment, then nodded with a twitch in my eye. “Good, because believe me, if you mention anything to your aunty or anyone else, they’re just gonna think you’re a sick little puppy with an active imagination. Got me?” I nodded again and almost offered a yes, sir! Jack smiled lasciviously and stepped away from me. I took a deep sigh as a bit of pressure was relieved, but by the time my eyes darted to his meat puppet that was standing straight up in the air, a massive bottle rocket about to be launched, I thought I would surely puke from anxiety.
Jack walked to the other side of the bathroom and leaned against the wall while I stayed plastered to the door. He looked down at his massive member and smiled once more; he was one smiley motherfucker, but with a dick like his, who wouldn’t smile from ear to ear? He grasped it at the base and squeezed hard, making his dick swell even larger until the gigantic pink head looked as though it would pop like a zit. He winked at me while he squeezed it, then put a finger to the tip and picked up a drop of pre-cum that he put to his lips. He closed his eyes and swooned when he tasted it. When he opened them, his pupils were hazy and watery.
“I like you, Billy,” said Jack. “That’s why I’m going to show you something that will help you through the rest of your life.”
“That’s going to help me?” I blurted as I pointed toward his dong and my eyes bulged to unworldly proportions.
“Hehe, yes it is. Here. Watch.” Jack spread his legs a bit, braced himself against the wall, then lowered his head toward the tip of his dick. A slow-motion effect kicked in as I watched his mouth get closer and closer to his dick and I realized what he was about to do. This concept had never occurred to me, and all of the corpuscles and fluids and molecules and that which flowed within my body went into maximum overdrive and I could feel myself growing weightless, floating toward the ceiling as I became entranced with my uncle’s cock. When his lips made contact with his cock head, about fourteen butterflies came flying out of my mouth which was wide open and aghast.
There I was, in the bathroom with my Uncle Jack while he sucked on his own cock. It was a beautiful vision, especially to a horny 13-year old boy who thought of nothing but cocks and nipples each second of each day. My God, it was stunning. His lips glided over his cock with grace and delicacy. He was so good at it that he could take it all the way down and his balls actually slapped his chin when he got into a fast rhythm. My shorts were filling up with my boy boner and swelling balls desperately trying to escape, but I didn’t touch myself. I was just too discombobulated to even go there. Jack didn’t care whether I jacked off or not. He was busy teaching me a lesson, and I could tell this was a skill he had been performing on himself for quite some time. It was clearly second nature, for he sucked on his cock as naturally as a kitten sucks on its mama’s nipples for life force.
After probably five minutes or so, Jack had yet to pull his cock out of his mouth. It was vacuum-locked, his lips firmly sliding up and down his shaft while globs of spit occasionally rolled out and dropped to the tile floor at his naked feet. I wondered how he was able to breathe. I was so turned on by this vision, by the sounds of sucking and muffled breathing, by the sight of this beautiful young guy going to town on himself. I was filled with many questions, not to mention the confusion of the whole scenario. I’m not sure how much more time went by, but it wasn’t long because the kids in the other room would have eventually pounded on the door.
I wanted to ask Jack why he was showing me this and what the hell it all meant, but I figured he couldn’t answer with his mouth full, so I just watched until his body abruptly clinched and he stumbled in his steps while he was squeezing the life out of his dick. His head was bouncing with short, quick movements, his lips wrapped tightly around his cock head. Then it happened. He screamed from within a mouthful of cock, and it was loud enough to startle me into a slight jump. Then I saw all that glorious white stuff dribbling out of his lips. He pulled his cock out of his mouth and beat it with fervor as cum shot upward onto his chest, his face, his torso, and everywhere within inches of him. There was so much cum, and to a kid who could only muster up one tiny squirt of goo upon orgasm, this was an amazing achievement!
The waves of orgasm continued to tickle Jack as he braced himself, closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath. When he looked at me moments later while wiping cum from his chin and mouth and then sucking his fingers dry, he winked, and it was that wink that made me cum in my shorts, I shit you not. My body performed some sort of full body cough as my cock blasted into my pants, this time two full squirts (remember the days when there was little or no semen when ya came?). I quivered at the sensation which caused Jack to go into a laughing fit.
“Ahhhh, memories,” he said as he licked off the last drop of cum from his cock. “What’d ya think of that, Billy?” I didn’t know what to say. I was still twitching and quite devastated by what had happened. “Now,” said Jack with a sudden tone of seriousness. “I didn’t force you to do anything here today, right?” I agreed. “And you didn’t see anything you didn’t wanna see, right?” I agreed again. “Alright then. We have an understanding.”
“Uncle Jack,” I said with trepidation. “What the…what the fuck was that?”
“That’s called self service, my young student. Ya see, you’re gonna learn some day that women don’t always put out. In fact, some of ‘em are just damn snooty with their affections, and sometimes a guy has to take care of himself the best way he can.”
“I didn’t know it could be done!”
“Most people can’t, but if you learn the tricks and how to control your body to make it do what you want, anything is possible. Because I like you, I wanted to show you, and I’ll be happy to teach you how to do it so you never have to walk around pent up and unsatisfied ever again. Sound good?”
“Hell yeah!” I yelled with elation.
“Cool. But just remember, Billy, this is our secret, and if you ever try to make me into some pervo and tell anybody a word, I swear I will staple your balls to your forehead and turn your little wee-wee into tarantula food. Got me?”
“Yes, sir!” I said with a hammy salute.
And so, into the future marched my Uncle Jack and I, and sporadically over the next few years, he taught me how to self suck in every position imaginable. We only saw each other about four times a year during family functions, but we always managed to sneak away and get some dick training in. Fortunately, Jack was actually a man with a good heart and a good soul. During those years when I was 14, 15, 16…he didn’t lay a hand on me. We only watched each other and got off on our presence, and there wasn’t a time when he didn’t ask me if I was okay or if anything was creeping me out. It wasn’t until I turned 18, about a month after my birthday, that we actually came together and had full blown sex with each other. The day that occurred was for the history books. Now, six or seven times a year during those inevitable family gatherings, we get together not only for self suck sessions, but we make out, take turns sucking ourselves and each other, and he finally fucked me not long ago, something I had been begging him to do for years. My ass still hurts.
This is not an equation that requires me to second guess my Uncle Jack’s sexuality or what it all means in regard to my aunt. I give not a shit about this, nor does he. Perhaps it is just one of those secret bonds like those that men have shared throughout history, bonds that have a deep emotional as well as physical meaning regardless of whether we can define it in words. And that’s a fact, Jack!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:34 pm
by mmaz_snake
OMFG !!! I didn't think the stories in here could get any better... WOW !!!

Now, excuse me while I go and change my boxers.....


Great story, Fritz!

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:37 pm
by SFsucker
Still preferred Magnut, but this one's really hot, too... more, more, more!!! Send them on and get us even more hot and bothered!


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:05 am
by Happy Boy
not sure how i missed this one...great story!
thanks for the contribution. :)

thanx for the memories

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:47 am
by praetoren
never been big on reading the stories. but darn glad i read this one. it was both hot and touching. excuse me while i get some tissue.