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The boy who blew himself before a school

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:42 pm
by Lucasraleigh
My self-suck journey did not begin last year, nor is this the first time self-sucking. My ADULT SS journey began last year. This is the first time since puberty that I have been able to fellate myself. This story is about how I first discovered autofellatio. It is fact, not fiction, I have written everything exactly as I remember it, except names. There are places that are vague, as in all childhood memory, but I have done my best to recount what happened. I want you to understand that this happened in real schools in South Africa. I think it is incredibly amusing... I laugh myself silly remembering it, and laughed myself silly writing it.

Some things: Schools in the old Cape province used to go sub A, sub B, Standard 1, Std 2 etc. When I was in school, we therefore did not talk in grades. But for your reference: Std 1 = Grade 3. Std 5 = grade 7 My year was actually the first to change from standards to grades, but those of my year never have managed to change their thought paradigm to grades...
School begins for South African children at the age of six.
In South Africa, pupils always refer to teachers as sir and ma'am. (I understand that it is different in other countries...) Also, school uniforms are compulsory in all government schools.

Well, here's how I originally learnt about self-suck:

It was my Standard 3 year, the year I turned eleven. All children start out limber, but then we tend to lose it as we grow older. I was always extremely limber as a boy, because I did gymnastics. I never was any good, mind you. Little Luc did forward rolls for five years. Never could do anything else. And little Luc used to collapse most of the time when he did a handstand! I have never been able to do a cartwheel... But I was limber. That was something I did have.

At the age of eleven I don't think such a thought would have entered my mind if it had not been for a fortuitous event. It was break time, and a dog had come into the school grounds. It got a lot of attention, but then it did something that I thought was most strange. I never had a dog, so I was not familiar with the natural movements of dogs. It was licking its balls. I thought, 'Doggy, you shouldn't be doing that!' A standard five pupil standing nearby made a comment (let's call him Frank.) He said: "Imagine you could do that, Louis? You wouldn't need a bitch to give you a blowjob. Wouldn't have to deal with the moodswings and the problems that women bring! It would be great." Louis laughed and said, "I'd rather have a bitch, because there's more to bitches than just blowjobs."

A little nerdy blonde boy with glasses in Std 4 said, "I can do it! I can give myself a bowjob."

"No way!" somebody said. "Talk shit!"

A little girl with *perfect* hair and *perfect* posture and *perfect* articulation and *perfect* grammar said, "I'm going to tell a teacher that you gentleman are swearing and talking dirty!"

"Us gentlemen don't care if you do!" said Frank. She just went "HUMPH!"

Louis said to the nerdy self-sucker: "I don't believe you! You're talking shit!"

"I'm not!"

"Nobody can suck their own dick!"

"I can! I'll show you!" With that, he sat on the grass, unzipped, pulled out his schlong and began sucking it.

"No way!" "That's awesome!" "That's disgusting." All sorts of reactions, and people were crowding around. I tried to find a place I could stand to watch, but the big Std 5 pupils were crowding around, and my diminutive stature made it impossible.

The *perfect* girl had not yet called a teacher, and she said to me, "Aren't these boys disgusting?"

"No! I don't think so. But I wish the older children had not crowded around. I want to see!" She hit me on the arm. "Shame on you! I thought you were better than that Luc!"

I said, "I think that a boy who can put his dick in his mouth is amazing."

Her mouth dropped open in shock. "You're disgusting."

One big grade seven at the back of the crowd had heard me, and offered to let me sit on his shoulders. I got onto his shoulders and looked at the boy from my new vantage point. The boy began spasming, and I thought, DAMN! I caught the end of it! A teacher came and asked, "What's going on here? Why are you all gathered around? Who's fighting?"

The self-sucker quickly zipped up and regained his composure, walking away casually.

"Nobody's fighting, sir." said Frank. "One of the boys was showing us a collectors marble and we were all looking at it. A devil's eye. Very precious, sir."

The teacher was not convinced. "No, I think you were fighting. Anyway the second bell has rang, why aren't you inside?"

*Perfect* tugged on the teachers coat. "They were being disgusting, sir! Talking about sex!"

The teacher frowned, and said, "Sex isn't disgusting, girl. It is a beautiful expression of love inside of marriage... You were born because your parents had sex. It is a wonderful thing, created by God."

"I know that, sir, but that is not how they were talking about sex! And one boy was..."

"Don't tell tales!" the teacher said.

"But he was..."

"Nobody likes a tattletale!"

"But sir, he had his..."

"I don't want to know! Don't tell me." He walked away, and she said to no one, "He had his penis in his mouth! It is vile! Just vile!"

Incidentally, that little girl did not speak to me for the rest of the year... I was so disgusting to her that I didn't deserve anything but her disdain, apparently...

The same dog came into our class a bit later, and what did he do? He sat on the floor in front of the classroom and LICKED. I looked at the dog, and thought about the boy, and I wondered, Could I do that? I knew that I could, but I had never thought of it. I wondered if I was normal in wanting something so strange... What would it do to me, psychologically? Emotionally? Spiritually? Would it mess me up? Would I be somehow damaged? What kind of a person would do that? Well, that boy that had blown himself at break seemed fine... in fact he had seemed excited about doing it in front of people.

The teacher chased the dog out of the class. But I could not concentrate. She asked me about seven direct questions, and on each one my class mates had to nudge me to awareness. I got home, and lay on my bed. And I thought about it. I pulled my clothes off and lay naked on my bed, playing with myself. I looked at my erect penis. I remembered the feeling of the blonde twelve year old boy who had sucked my dick earlier that year, remembered the feeling of sucking the dick of his black-haired olive skinned lover (That was my first fellatio experience. Quite a lot happened to me that year...) I felt guilty about even thinking it. I remembered earlier today, the little blonde boy with spectacles who had sucked his dick. It was amazing. Not just that he could do it, but the enjoyment that I saw. When he was spasming in orgasm, what I saw was an orgasm of mammoth proportions.

Was it wrong? A sin? Would I be judged? I didn't know what to think. All I knew is that it was what I wanted to do. So putting aside my misgivings, I bent forward and sucked my own dick. It was everything that I thought it would be, and more. It was like the fellatio experience I had had earlier that year, but at the same time it wasn't. It was more intense, more pleasurable. It seemed to be over too quickly. But it was amazing.

The following day, I saw Frank and Louis ask to talk to him, and I was particularly interested in hearing this conversation. I sat with them, and they gave me strange looks, but did not directly object. Frank said, "You're new at our School, aren't you?"

"Yes. I was expelled from my last school."

"What for?"

"My friends dared me to give myself a blowjob on stage during assembly and I did."

Louis asked: "What did your parents do when they found out?"

"Nothing much... the principal said that I should be sent for therapy, but they said no. They told me that masturbation is natural, and they have no problem with me doing it, but I should not do it in front of people... They think that therapy will damage me. Still, I am being forced to go. My parents have told me to play along, but ignore what the therapist tells me."

"Your parents are really cool!" said Louis.

Frank said: "You did it in front of all of us yesterday! So you aren't really obeying your parents in this, are you?"

He grinned. "It is so exciting to have people watch me do it... I just can't help myself. Do you know what a thrill it is? Do you know how much bigger the orgasm is? Can I do it for you now?"

I considered asking spectacle boy around to my house, or ask to go to his, so that we could share our fun, but I did not actually know him, and he really did seem like a bit of a freak. (On stage, in the middle of assembly? Come on!) I was too shy and scared...

I began to suck myself on a regular basis, and I loved it. It was unlike any experience on earth. Some of my happiest times as a boy were the times spent with my dick in my mouth. I never shared it with anyone, kept it a complete secret, fearing what people would think. But I kept doing it.

But then something happened. Puberty flooded my little body with strange chemicals, I began growing hair in places, and I shot up like a tree. The growth spurt was a good thing, as I had always been too small for my age. But something else happened in the process. I lost my flexibility. The fact that I did not continue gymnastics in highschool also contributed. (But why would I? My gymnastics was a joke and I knew it) Thus I lost the most incredible sensation of my life: autofellatio. Nevertheless, I still kept thinking about it over the years. And , BOY, did I think about it over the years!

That is why I eventually decided that I would stretch and develop the flexibility to fellate myself: I knew it was possible because I had experienced it myself. It was not a vague possibility, for me it was a reality I had experienced, to be experienced again.

Now I have come full circle. But I have someone to thank for it... I have no name for him; just spectacle boy, or speckles. One boy changed my life by sucking his dick on a school playground. This boy led me to the most awesome experience on earth. It is true that in life our teachers are often the most unlikely people.