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Advice on gay relationship?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:00 pm
by jaypee
Can someone suggest good information on being in a serious gay relationship, how different from heterosexual etc, things you should know...?

Or just post some tips? (I may be heading into one which would be an answer to prayers...)

thanks JP

who knows?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:43 am
by praetoren
one thing that has served me well lo' these many years.
ok a couple things really. but who knows.
1. honesty is the best policy - not only with your sig/othre but with yourself as well.
2. communication. listening as well as talking. it's a 2 way street so you both gotta do it.

i've found that personally it also helps if you both get into many of the same things. (common interests socially and sexually).

it ain't much but its a start.
hope this helps.
