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The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:17 pm
by vegetix

Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:33 pm
by vegetix
I'm surprised nobody has commented on this. It's not spam or anything.

Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:48 am
by seahorses
You’re right; it’s not spam. It’s an extract from a program that was shown on British TV. Consequently, it was heavily censored and you don’t actually get to see the raging beast. It’s only shown flaccid and his flaccid size is not particularly large; therefore it’s hardly surprising (though disheartening, I know, when you’ve gone to the trouble of posting) that you’ve not had much response. But hey, keep posting; I was interested. :wink:

Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:09 pm
by vegetix
Lol. I was surprised that there was not more response.

Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:20 pm
by volatileangel
I think a lot of people see a thread title like that and think it's certainly going to be worthless. There is this strange belief that such sizes are simply not possible, even though we know that nature is a strange thing and creates almost anything we could imagine.
A 13 inch penis shouldn't really be THAT surprising, it's just EXTREMELY rare.

Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:39 pm
by princetongrey
I'm aware of someone who has a penis way over 10 inches....I had it in my hands.
He has never completed intercourse, because it is also very wide and the females he has tried that with, cannot take it. He's is apparently able to just rub the head between their valvua lips, but not enter. He beleives they are just scared of it hurting badly and say NO.
At 30 or so he has gone Bi-sexual and has learned to be satisfied with blow jobs and JO sessions. He wide enough that I can attest to the fact that it's hard to give him anything much more than a head job.
He does perform self suck on himself, always has as far as I know and really enjoys a partner participating and taking his climax. Glad to assist lol.

Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:19 pm
by necrocream
Yes, I was on one forum a while ago, and a couple of guys were debating whether it was "possible" for someone to be more than 8" or so.

They decided it wasn't.

No life experience, I guess??

Anyway, the largest I've ever had personal access to was 14", four full handlengths. Of course, the guys was, like, 5'4".

Now, I'm known for being a good deepthroater, my gag reflex is ordinarily non-existent... but this guys was something else entirely. The most I could do with him (which was all he'd hoped for) was let his apple-sized head bounce against the back of my mouth gently until he ejaculated (which he did surprisingly quickly) down my throat... I felt guilty as if I'd cheated him, but given his experience, he was more than pleased.

So, no, being that big is NOT a great thing. It's fun to grope and squeeze, but actually putting it someplace is a major problem.

Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:07 pm
by Narcissus
Any lovers of African pop music may have heard of Fela Kuti- known for jazzy Afro-pop sound. I had heard the guy had an 18" dick- another urban myth?
To my delight in 1989 he toured the US, and played in Woodbury CT at a ski area I used to assist the owner with booking acts and vendors, etc.
I was with my boyfriend (the one time I truly fell for a guy) and in his typical way said, "You're back to being promoter here, I've got herb he likes, let's just knock on the door of his tour bus."
We were warmly welcomed, Fela was in the back lying with a towel over his cock, I suspect having just had sex with at least a few of the legendary harem he traveled with (about a dozen young girls, the man was insatiable).
Insatiable smoker too- but he took a liking to this white kid and his indigenous Venezuelan Indian "friend"- we're just bullshiting, none of this we're huge fans BS. Sufficiently stoned (Fela was just beginning), M blurted out "You have many beautiful Nigerian woman here, do they sing back up?"
Fela: "Sing? Yes, but they make me sing..." He did a split second flash of his cock, howling (and coughing) with laughter. M said "Holy shit, you're blessed...truly!" and each gripped each other's hand, now stoned friends. Then they both looked at me and howled, I knew I was crimson red squared. All I could do was acknowledge that yup, I was embarrassed as all hell.
M estimated 15", on its way to being limp. I know it was longer than 12", Christ maybe it was 15" after a 3 or 4 way. with these goddesses floating around like nymphs.
The embarrassment was worth it in another way- I grabbed M's hand and dragged him up to the loft in the lodge and fucked him silly- all the while employees were down stairs preparing food and making a racket.
Fela died in 1997 of AIDS, but the story of his life is incredible (worth checking out)- and I can't confirm the legend that he was 18", but what he flashed was the longest, scariest (like a snake!) cock I'll ever see again.

Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:58 am
by aleingang69
Wow - what a great story! I've been a Fela fan for years and this just adds to my interest in him ;)

You know with a cock that long it must have found it's way into his mouth at some point.


Re: The Downside Of Having A 13 Incher

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:42 am
by Narcissus
Excellent- obviously your taste in music is similar to mine. Incredible what the Nigerian government did to him- and threw his mother out a second story window in front of his eyes!

OK, enuff bummer stuff.

I wondered too if he self-sucked (wouldn't even need to be limber); but you know almost all of sub-saharan Africa is in the dark ages sexually. It was such a weird moment- he was a modest man in many ways.

Remind me to tell you about the time we did King Sunny Ade- these Nigerians! Oy!

I need to call my old boss- he video taped all the shows.