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An Unknown Fantasy

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:14 pm
by Darkbolt
If time machines were invented and yourself came back in time to see you. What would you do with yourself? (As in, it's you and you from the near future in one room)

I know what I'd do with myself. I was thinking about this for ages and actually realised it's happening already, all around the world.

So just admit it, you would fuck yourself right?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:25 am
by blacksunshineaz
I wouldn't fuck myself but I'd suck myself (my other self, that is) and if I could go back to when I was young enough I'd give my younger self some tips to start selfsucking earlier so I'd be really good at it now.

Of course, if you went back to when you were a minor, would that be illegal? After all, it is yourself.

oo... good one.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:11 pm
by Ziggurat
I'm not sure... I'm kinda an asshole, so if I was aware that it really was my future self and somehow we got along... I'd probably do everything... and also convince myself to rethink all my decisions. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, but sometimes I think I'd be happier alone, if I knew then the things I know now...


Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:21 pm
by aleingang69
Does the fact that I'm already sucking and fucking myself mean that my ass and cock are actually time machines? ;-) ----------
Could I go back to last week and get that version of myself to get into the time machine with me and go back another week and have a threesome with myself? I'd really love to get on my back and fuck myself in the ass while I also fuck my mouth. Hot!!!

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:37 pm
by Darkbolt
The aspect of time machines is that you can go back to as far as the day the time machine was made. So it would be possible to go back and find yourself. Just something I was wondering about... I'm waiting for me to come and find me. :P

Re: An Unknown Fantasy

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:09 am
by deepseaman
If I could use the time machine to visit myself in the past, I would first hope that it's usage was limitless because I would do it as often as possible and would do it at pretty much all stages in life. If I had to pick one use only, it would be somewhere around 11 when I first started trying to suck myself. I would remind me' to keep at it and never ever Ever stop doing it later in life just because I was getting laid. Although I do wonder if that might make me fat with all the Additional solo cum that I will have consumed. MMMmmmmm I'm like a rock now just imagining all the fun possibilities!! (but, only with myself of course) hehe

ps... I bet by now I would also be rimming and tongue fucking my hot asshole on a daily basis!!

Re: An Unknown Fantasy

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:50 am
by ganymedetroy
I have had that fantasy.

Re: An Unknown Fantasy

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:57 am
by World Z
Wow. I have had this fantasy as well.
I used to think how cool would it be if i could clone myself so its at the age im at now, problem would be that it would look like me but it might not have the same memories and thoughts as me so wouldnt be as fun cause it would be like having sex someone else. So that would be a problem cause the minds are not the same.

When i was younger i used to imagine what it would be like to have sex with myself. This came about after i learned to self suck at 16. I used to wish i could take my cock in my my mouth in other ways. I never fantisized about sex with other men, only myself.

If i could go back in time to visit my younger 16 to 18 year old self i would and i know that version would be happy to go along with things cause its what i wanted at that time. Dont know if id fuck myself but if its with myself i think i might give it a try cause i know im a horny guy and im for for things when in that state. Plus i would have to worry about condoms. Yay!

Would be great cause i would know what id want, wouldnt be afraid of anything and could really experiment. Be better since i know more things now compared to when i was younger. My passion would be the same and im not a 2 min wonder (then or now, i like to enjoy things for as long as possible) so i could have fun for as long as possible.
Would self suck together. Helping each other to go further. Try a double suck (mine and his in my mouth), using my hands and feet, 69 and some dick to dick rubbing.
Maybe try and help each other to self-fuck (still learning if i can now and how to do it, learned it after i came here :) ). My younger self would be amazed cause i never knew that at that age.

Would be a lot of fun and we would be comfortable with each other, knowing exactly how the other persons body looks and how it responds. Im more muscular and stronger than my younger self but would have the same thoughts only id be wiser.

This is probably the only gay fantasy i ever had. ;)