ISO critique/advice

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ISO critique/advice

Post by bicyclist_jared »

Hey, friends, I'm looking for some tips. Just starting on my self suck journey so I know it's going to take a little time. I'm not naturally flexible, and I have just an average size penis, but I practice yoga every day, and I'm thin and fit so, I think I can probably get there if I practice. After my first real attempt yesterday--lots of stretching and warming up--I got about 5 inches away, and I wasn't fully hard. Seems like it's my mid back that's preventing me from hinging more at the crucial spot to get my pelvis closer to my face. Here are a few photos from the attempt--any critique or advice you might have is appreciated!

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Re: ISO critique/advice

Post by Eddie »

bicyclist_jared wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:06 pm
Hey, friends, I'm looking for some tips. Just starting on my self suck journey so I know it's going to take a little time. I'm not naturally flexible, and I have just an average size penis, but I practice yoga every day, and I'm thin and fit so, I think I can probably get there if I practice. After my first real attempt yesterday--lots of stretching and warming up--I got about 5 inches away, and I wasn't fully hard. Seems like it's my mid back that's preventing me from hinging more at the crucial spot to get my pelvis closer to my face. Here are a few photos from the attempt--any critique or advice you might have is appreciated! IMG_3278.jpgIMG_3280.jpgIMG_3288.JPGIMG_3279.jpg
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Re: ISO critique/advice

Post by Kallen72 »

Facials and cum to mouth are possible. That is more than a lot of males can achieve. I needed back in the days a loft bed to reach the ceiling with my legs, so i could push my lower body way closer to my mouth. A window sill or window-ledge could do the job too. At least in my case.
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Re: ISO critique/advice

Post by aleingang69 »

It looks like you're off to a great start. Having the wall behind/above you is great, but it would be helpful to have something attached to that wall that you could hook your toes under to get that extra leverage.

Staying in that position for as long as possible without straining toward your cock might serve you well - just let gravity help you to let go in your upper back, so your shoulder blades are slowly drifting down toward the surface under you. I don't think you'll get far without loosening up your upper back. When I stretch I always find it helps to alternately stretch each side of my body - sort of reaching forward and back with the part of my body that I'm trying to loosen, rather than pushing my back down toward the surface.

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Re: ISO critique/advice

Post by blacksunshineaz »

This is the position I used to do. I'd suggest moving a bit further from the wall and using the leverage to bend your back more. Also work on your hip flexibility so you don't have to put all your flexion in your back and neck. For that I'd suggest doing hip opener yoga poses such as pigeon. Also, this video may help you.

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Re: ISO critique/advice

Post by bicyclist_jared »

Thank you for the great suggestions! Yes, my hips have always been pretty stiff and I'm working on that, for sure. They're much better than they used to be, as is my overall flexibility, because of yoga and, I wouldn't even be able to consider blowing myself if it weren't for that regular practice. It seems that my mid back is the other place that I really need to loosen up so that I can bend more from there to bring my hips lower toward my face. Practice, practice, practice! ;-)
Thanks, again, and I'll update on my progress! :-)

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Re: ISO critique/advice

Post by Panther Sauce »

Al and Blacksunshine had really good advice,
I'll add my 2 cents too. Regarding distance from the wall, earlier on in my flexibility journey, that distance was more important, and small adjustments could make a big difference. Plow is still my go to position, and when I'm in it, my legs are extended out to the wall/headboard so that I can push with my toes for some leverage, feet meeting the edge of the bed just before wall/headboard. I start closer than I need to be and push with my feet and slide my shoulders farther from the wall, a bit at a time, until I find the sweet spot that's deep and comfortable (with my hips directly over my face) but I think that having the legs extended, and maintaining contact with wall/headboard, helps get your hips and lower back into that curve that you want evenly distributed over your spine.

Being on a bed helps, my yoga mat is thicker than that, but if I tried a session on it on a hard floor, it would hurt my vertebrae, I think I'd hurt for days. So, I'd recommend finding the comfiest spot you can, for me, building flexibility as a process was gradually pushing through discomfort and gradually getting bendier and less uncomfortable, so I think it's a good idea to eliminate unnecessary discomfort to start with.

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