Post-orgasm can't eat it feeling

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Post-orgasm can't eat it feeling

Post by lovepre »

I have done some research, and this is what I have come up with.

Dopamine is the neurochemical that activates your reward circuitry. The reward circuit is a small portion of the limbic system, but it drives nearly all of your behaviors. Dopamine turns on your reward circuit. You can think of dopamine as the "I’ve got to have it" neurochemical, whatever "it" is. It’s the "craving" neurochemical.

Orgasm is the biggest blast of dopamine (legally) available to us. Scientist who have scanned the brains of people having orgasm, said they resembled scans of people having heroin rushes.

At orgasm, dopamine drops like a lead balloon, and we lose interest, at least temporarily. The biology of the human body changes. Or mission is now to stop screwing around and place our attention elsewhere - like on hunting and gathering, feeding the babies, going to our job, taking out the trash and so forth. Otherwise we’d end up unable to survive. Fuck ourselves to death you might say. Or get killed by the farmer, while we were fucking his daughter. There have been more men killed over fucking than there has been in wars. Just look in the daily news.

So that, “oh shit its over” feeling is a survival instinct that we never can control completely. And just as soon as you blow your load, your body’s biology overrides the, “I want to eat it desire”, and changes to the, “what the fuck was I thinking” feeling and the “what else do I need to do to survive feeling”.

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Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks for the research - fascinating!
It seems like a lot of the guys who are having this problem really WANT to be able to enjoy eating their loads so I want to put in a biology-is-not-destiny message here. Every man has different reactions and, I think most importantly, different habits of thought and action. We are, however, an incredibly adaptable species and it's often possible to change the way we think about things over time. Keep at it! At worst you'll have spent a bunch of time pleasuring yourself, right?
Once again I want to recommend "edging" for the guys who are struggling to find a way to enjoy some cream direct from the dispenser. I can't say for sure that every single man will be able to do it but I'm confident that most of us can learn to ejaculate more than once in a session by holding off on the final total orgasm. If you're squirting jizz out of your prick while you're still totally excited you're much more likely to enjoy it and swallow it, and I think this is especially true for the straight men who might have some lingering fear of what it means for a man to be eating cum; even if it is his own.
Thanks for the info lovepre!

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Re: Post-orgasm can't eat it feeling

Post by lovepre »

More on that subject: I don’t now if it is true, but its sounds like it might be.

During ejaculation, men release a cocktail of brain chemicals, including norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide, and the hormone prolactin. The release of prolactin is linked to the feeling of sexual satisfaction, and it also mediates the “recovery time” that men are well aware of—the time a guy must wait before “giving it another go.” Studies have also shown that men deficient in prolactin have faster recovery times.

For unknown reasons, intercourse orgasms release four times more prolactin than masturbatory orgasms.

This leads me to think that my ss orgasms are one in the same with an intercourse orgasm, and not similar to a masturbation orgasm. What do you guys think?

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Re: Post-orgasm can't eat it feeling

Post by ftrmen2001 »

That's very interesting, since dopamin is the main inhibitor of prolactin. There is medicin, that inhibit dopa receptors (anti emetics as metroclopramid, or all antipsycothic medicine), and medicin that inhibits prolactin (cabergolin). Maybe that might work

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Re: Post-orgasm can't eat it feeling

Post by aleingang69 »

Wow - fascinating stuff.
I don't think taking pills that mess with the basic chemistry that mediates so much in our bodies, both emotional and physical, sounds like a very good idea.
I don't know how much edging might have to do with it, in terms of retraining my responses, but I have little or no refractory period between orgasms if I'm in an exciting sexual situation. Not quite as true now as I approach 50 but it's still easy for me to come and keep on going.
If you're interested in this stuff I think edging is the thing to explore - being able to ejaculate multiple times before I orgasm definitely changes all of my sexual experiences and it's incredibly fun!

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Re: Post-orgasm can't eat it feeling

Post by Eddie »

I agree with Al about edging. You can cum over and over again without losing the desire to have more and more. You can selfsuck for a long time, enjoying the cum. Have fun with it! Eddie

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Re: Post-orgasm can't eat it feeling

Post by selfacialist »

I really hate the whole' post-orgasm can't eat my jizz' thing. I can't selfsuck either! I basically get into plough type positions and jerk off a load over my tongue. I do it quite a lot too.

Reading this thread is interesting, but even edging doesn't get me where I want to go... yet. When I edge I can get a squirt or three out, and chow down on that, but once I've edged out a few dribbles I generally get so hot and excited that I'm on a hair trigger, and usually any more cock play will result in completion of my orgasm.

Anyhoo, here's a ten-load pop-shot comp made from films I make on my mobile (cell) phone:

(I removed this link because I downloaded the video and there's something wrong with the file - I"ll work with selfacialist to get a good copy of the video up on here so we can all enjoy it! Al) may have to change '_mov" to '.mov' when unzipping the file. This is how I like to get my jollies! I had a really good film, with loads of anal dildo action etc as well, but I deleted that in a pang of guilt (I hate those pangs of guilt, some unholy relic of Christian nonsense I suspect). I hope you guys (and any girls on the board) like my loads! Give me some feedback... Selfacialist

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