Back/Spine Pain

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Back/Spine Pain

Post by jamesters »

Right in the middle of my back, right between the bones of my spine, there's pain. It's sort of weird though. It doesn't necessarily hurt when I stretch, but if I reach my hand around and press against it with my thumb, I can feel it. It's only mildly painful, I can still do extreme stretches. I think this might have happened to me before long ago and it healed. It's been this way for about 2 weeks now, it started when I started doing new C-stretches my body wasn't used to. Is it worth going to the doctors for if I don't insurance, or will it likely heal itself in time.

I mean, I've gotten plenty of wrist injuries that have healed themselves, sometimes it'd take months but it's always heal, maybe this is the same. I don't know, anyone have similar pain?

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Re: Back/Spine Pain

Post by yngminnsser »

Hey yes, I acutally had that like a week ago. I get it when I flip over on my back and selfsuck that way. I sometimes get rug burn on my back too. Just in one spot towards the middle. This is probably what you feel and not worth going to the doctors. You could have slightly pushed a vertebrae out, but if you keep stretching it'll go back.

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Re: Back/Spine Pain

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I've had that kind of pain before, especially when I overdo it. Wait a couple of weeks and if it doesn't get better I'd go to a doctor (although mentioning exactly what you were doing when you hurt yourself is a decision you'll have to make).

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Re: Back/Spine Pain

Post by pacman »

I've had pain like that, but as my back becomes more accustomed to the stretches it happens less and less. It takes a while to go away, but it should after a while. Pretty much what BlackSunshineAZ said. Overall this has been positive for my back, though I've not managed to stretch far enough to suck my own dick yet.

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