Ambition to show in person

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World Z
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Ambition to show in person

Post by World Z »

Alrighty people. :)

Ok im seeing this woman who is open minded to sex and the human body. We are in a relationship and are sexual with one another.
Ive never told anyone in person that i can self suck but its always been a little ambition of mine.
Thing is im wary of telling people in case im branded as either a perv/ wierdo or as being gay, i know im not either and im quite happy that i can self suck but you know how people can be. I want the fun but without the hassle.

I wanted to bring it up with her but in a way if she wasnt cool with autofellatio then i could easily back out of the conversation with her none the wiser. Shes is quite flexible herself (like she can wear her feet as earings kind of way :p ) so i asked if it was possible would she eat her own pussy.
She replied 'Fuck yeah. Baby if i could do that i wouldnt need a bf.' This gave me the horn :D . She said 'if you could suck your cock it im sure you would' i just grinned and didnt say anything.

She started talking about a video she saw once of a guy flipping onto his back and sucking himself till orgasm. She said it wasnt a turn on, more of a 'Is that for real? No way!' sort of surprised way and watched till the end, she found the idea of the guy cumming in his mouth a bit horrid though.
I asked if she could lick her own pussy or IF i could suck my own cock would she think it would be gay, she said no, it would be like masturbation, just a natural normal thing, except you can have more variation and fun with yourself.
She doesnt know that the act of a man sucking his own cock has an official title, AUTOFELLATIO or SELF SUCK i didnt want to let on that i knew too much about it in case she asked me questions.

Thing is, later she kidded on, 'I bet when you get home you will bend over and try and lick your own cock.' i just laughed and said what if i did, she said 'that would be so sexy, we could kiss and suck your cock together'. I was thinking WAHEY, but i still didnt say i could, that ive been self sucking since i was 15 in case she was just kidding.
You know how people can laugh about things until they actually do it then they have to face the reality?

I would like to tell her and show her i can lick my cock and suck myself but im not sure as ive had mixed reactions from her on the topic. Once i say that i can there wont any going back. Ive read stories about guys showing their gf's and they have freaked out by it, only a few seemed to be genuinly interested, even less turned on by it.

I kind of wonder if she suspects i can as im quite slim and muscular and have a fairly long cock when erect, she spoke about it a few times to me (about self sucking in general). Shes keen to show me this vid of the guy who can suck himself off, maybe as hint?

Should i take the plunge and say i already can? How would you go about it? Or if you have already what did you do and result?
Last edited by World Z on Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by seahorses »

Nice story.
My wife knows I can; it came out in conversation before we were married and she even assisted me once, I suppose to see if I was kidding or not, because she’s never shown any interest since, but doesn’t mind me doing it alone. While we are compatible in most things, my libido is greater than hers.

Anyhow, worried in your situation I would be inclined to say, ‘Remember the night you said, “I bet when you get home you will bend over and try and lick your own cock.” ? Well you were right! I thought I wonder if I can and tried it. To my amazement, I found I could kiss the tip and I’m sure with your help I could get it all in. How about it?’

World Z
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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by World Z »

Apprecciate that you took time to read it 'seahorses'. :)

Lol you know something i thought to do just that. As soon as she said 'I bet you will go home and try and lick your cock', my first thought was 'Mmm? i already can SUCK it pretty good' but then i realised that i could say the next day 'Hey, i tried to do that thing and i licked the tip want to see?!'.

My mind was already thinking way ahead. However i thought, id like to be honest, plus it would mean missing out on telling her about my experiences but maybe if i pretend that ive never done it she wont be too bothered when i do, that i only tried it that first time she suggested it. Bit of a coin toss.
Heck maybe i should just pretend to make an 'attempt' at licking the head, struggling to go that few inches and then ask her for help right in front of her?

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by blacksunshineaz »

You should say you'd like to try it and want her to help you. Don't get too carried away at first, just make contact and see what her reaction is. If it's good, then you can proceed to get as much in your mouth as you can.

Please tell us about it if it happens!

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by World Z »

Yeah thats what i think would be the best way to approach self sucking in front of her.

Just do it step by step.
Leaning over so i look like im not far away but enough distance to say i cant quite reach it. If she looks good with it then stick my tongue out and graze the tip, if she likes that then proceed to kiss the head eventually leading to me fully sucking the head and down the shaft (with her help of course, so she doesnt think im a pro ;) ).

If things go well and she is impressed and is really into it or even if she doesnt mind me doing it then i might own up to being able to do it since i was young and share with her my experiences. That way i can avoid any awkwardness if I pretend that im touching my cock with my mouth for the first time if she isnt overly cool with it.

Im going to be kinda nervous and excited though as ive never told anyone i can in person much less show anyone my cock in my mouth. Its always been my little secret (well apart from you guys of course).
Will keep you people posted when things happen, hopefully i can come back with some positive feedback that can inspire other self sucker to show their partners.

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by aleingang69 »

It sounds like she has a pretty good attitude about it so I think you should go ahead and show off a little. I wonder if being careful to include her the whole time would help to make it a better experience for both of you - ask her to get you hard with her mouth - do it in the plow position if you can so she can have her head right next yours as you go for it and see if you can get both of you working your cock at the same time. Doing it in that position with another person is incredibly hot if the other person is into it.

Good luck buddy - let us know how it goes!


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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by World Z »

Al that is a great suggestion and one that i hope to be able to employ at some point. Cheers :)

The net is a handy tool for showing off wierdness without putting yourself in it sometime.
We where watching vids on Efukt and there was some self sucking, one with a guy and girl. She was mesmerized by the sight, not too sure about it but watching it all the same.
I even introduced her to self Fucking vid for the first time ever for her, a vid where a guy even cums in his own ass. I cant do this myself (yet) but she turned around and just said me 'Baby we have so much to learn together'. Wahey!
Think i will leave that one for another topic in the Self Fuck part :D

I discovered that she finds the image of a guy sucking his own cock odd but interesting but when a guy cums in his own mouth she isnt so keen on that. Pretty sure i can work with that. ;)

We where having sex in the early hours and she was going down on me when she leened back and keenly said 'Go on. Lets see if you can lick your cock'.
Before i had time to say yes or no (id say no just cause im still nervous about putting her off and revealing something about myself) we where interrupted as her dog started barking as her eldest son drunkily entered the house in a cheery mood. Moment was gone.
Still there is always next time, she does seem keen to see if i can.

Getting closer people.

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by smoothdickss »

my g/f can suck her own tits, so i appreciate your message. haven't brought up the fact to her that i've sucked my own dick probably a hundred times, yet, because i'm still getting some b/g into her sex life. only because, when i tell her, she doesn't FREAK, and maybe at the same time, she helps me suck more of my dick into my mouth, so that she's getting off on it just as much! it's a fine line. gotta go with the flow, my man. but you're alot farther along than me! i hope someday she'll get off on pushing my head down on my cock as she shares it with me. it might be a ways away, but, at least in MY case, i think she would certainly understand, since she pretty much sucks her gorgeous 38D tits whenever she wants! DAMN her!! lol

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by Happy Boy »

i know what you mean about being wary of showing others...i showed the woman who became my wife mostly because i didn't want to find out she wasn't OK with it if she caught me sometime *after* we were married.
i showed the lady of a couple we have fooled around with from time to time several years back because i *knew* she would get a kick out of it (and i was trying to get her turned on enough to play around though she was saying she didn't really want to at the time), and i only recently did it for her while her husband was also watching. and that is it over the course of close to thirty years.

but it sounds like your lady might be into it. as has already been said, i would ask her to help you "to see if you can". if she isn't into it, oh least you tried. if you do it and she is, you could always say "did you really enjoy that? can i tell you something and you won't get mad? i have actually done it before, but i wasn't sure how you would feel about me actually *doing* it..."

i'll cross my fingers that it goes well, and can't wait to hear all the details!

World Z
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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by World Z »

Darn. Sorry people we broke up over certain things. Nothing to do with me self sucking :p just personal things i guess. Meh
Never got a chance to show her in the end.

I was thinking as well though that the reason i think she got it into her head in the first place that i could self suck might have been because when we first started having sex.

She was leaning over couch, legs apart and i went into her pussy from behind so standing doggy style, as i was making love to her and I remembered reading on a forum site about guys being flexible to lean over and lick the small of her back, it being erotic.

I did this, licking and kissing her back and going further down, whole time im thrusting into her, as i reached the small of her back i realised how close i was to my cock while it was inside. I remember she kind of looked back at me for a second as if to say 'How can you do that?'.
I stopped though as i didnt want her to wonder too much how flexible i was in case it freaked her out (ie possibly me self sucking) :)

Hahaha i think from this sexual encounter thats what made her questions if i could, plus she thought i had a big cock (i dont personally, think its aevarage).

Oh well maybe next time. ;)

Ps- I had a one night stand with this girl and she was sucking me off from the side, i was on my back and my hips where lifted into air. I became aware that i could have joined in and nearly did cause i wanted more pleasure. I decided against it but man i was tempted. Ahh the joys.

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by blacksunshineaz »

If it was a one-night stand, perhaps you should have gone for it. Unless she is someone you still have contact with (e.g. a coworker).

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by World Z »

Was tempted to join in and suck my cock with her but she lives in same town and knows people i know so if i showed her this unique thing it would have spread and everyone would have known which could be good/BAD.

I would self suck on a one night stand if i was in a different town with someone i know im ever going to meet again.
Its so fun knowing i have this ability and what i can do with it just frustrating i have to be so careful with it. Wish people where more open minded.

Hopefully in future i can post up my first time showing someone i can self suck and how i went about revealing it to them and their reaction.

Peace people, enjoy yourselfs ;)

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Re: Ambition to show in person

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Well, that's definitely a concern. I told a female coworker about it once and she told a bunch of my other coworkers one night after work at a bar. I don't know if they believed her or thought she was just BSing them.

I've told a few other people, but I've been cautious.

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