the new guy

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the new guy

Post by edgedude132 »

Hey selfsucking enthusiasts! :) Just joined the forum and wanted to say hi. I'm a selfsucker in training. I've wanted the ability to selfsuck forever and after seeing all of your videos, photos, and advice I'm going to commit to stretching every day until I can suck myself.

I added a "before" photo that I just took that shows how much work I have to do. This is as close as I can get right now. I think I have a ways to go... any advice for my particular situation is appreciated!
Thanks guys!
ss attempt1.jpg

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Re: the new guy

Post by aleingang69 »

Welcome, brother! Great to see a "before" picture - lets see if we can get you to "after".

Looks like you have pretty good upper-back flexibility so now it's time to work on the rest of your back. Have you done yoga? That and a study of stretching will get you there. Remember to mix some backwards bending in with the front bends - it'll keep you strong and lower the likelihood of injury.

Looking forward to seeing your cock in your mouth, man!


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Re: the new guy

Post by edgedude132 »

Thanks Al.
The past few days I've been looking at some yoga stretches online, mainly the ones that are part of the "sun salutation". I admit though I've never been to any formal yoga training. Thought about joining a class mainly to make sure I'm not doing it wrong. haha. I also workout regularly, mainly muscle building, but work in some stretching then also.

To be honest, I'm physically fit with low bodyfat, I dont have a huge long cock but it is about 7", I feel like the main hurdle in getting to SS might be that I'm 6'1" tall which consequently means there is more back length to bend...and I'm not very flexible. So that is what I have to work on.

Can anyone tell me, judging from my photo, how long it is going to take me to at least get to where I can lick the tip?? Anyone overcome this much distance and could share their experience?

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Re: the new guy

Post by tennsteven »

New Guy:
First, welcome. Can't really tell much from photo. However, practice on the floor with a small pillow on the upper part of you back (Shoulders). This will help you bend in the right place. Taking a hot shower to loosen your back muscles and squats to lengthen your hamstrings will help, as will holding the plough position long enough to practice your breathing. Try not to eat at least a couple hours before practice and make sure you go to the bathroom to empty your bladder and intestines (Anything to reduce the inside of your stomach cavity. Good Luck

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Re: the new guy

Post by aleingang69 »

Don't worry about your height - think of it as an advantage. You have more back-length to bend than a man with a shorter torso - that's a good thing!

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Re: the new guy

Post by AlwaysCummin »

Glad to see you're working toward the goal! The best advice I would give is always do it on an empty stomach. I can never self suck if I've just eaten, but when my belly's empty, I can go 2"-3" into my mouth.

Also, take it slow! No need to injure yourself! There've been a couple of times I've hurt my back a little from over bending. Patience! You'll get there!

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Re: the new guy

Post by edgedude132 »

Thanks for the help guys. Is the C/upside-down C the best thing for me to shoot for (pun intended, haha)? I feel like I'm not even close to being able to do the X position.

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Re: the new guy

Post by thedoctor »

keep at it and figure out where to relax... took me a bit and its not always a thing to self suck... I lick my tip and when I have fully relaxed OOOO the pleasure...

set a goals... work at them..... and as I do... enjoy your own ccum....

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Re: the new guy

Post by aleingang69 »

The plow/C is my favorite so I'm biased, but I think it's a great place for you to start - you know you can do both of them right now. Spend some time in the plow - watch TV or meditate and just relax into it. I find stretching the 2 sides of my back alternately is really helpful.

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Re: the new guy

Post by AlwaysCummin »

Different body types are gonna bend in different ways, but for me, the plow position (upside down c) is the easiest, and I can get the deepest in that position. I am okay sitting in a chair and pulling myself down, but I am nowhere near flexible enough to do the x position. That's for advanced selfers!

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Re: the new guy

Post by thedoctor »

ya don't do crazy stuff.... for me throw my legs over my head (ie plow).... flex and bend my back and hips. i've have to fully relax and as I've found get a little leverage. however, still fun to stroke hard and lick the tip, and cum.... leverage is working for me...

practice, practice, practice....

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Re: the new guy

Post by dreamer8888 »

Can relate to the picture here.
Started stretching for this about 3 months ago and have seen great progress in flexibility and closing the gap between mouth & cock. But I seem stalled at about a 3 inch distance. I have read through the blogs here and have been doing various yoga and other stretches for back, legs, etc... Can get deep into plow position with feet on floor behind head, but still it seems I'm not getting closer to my target.

I am trying to focus on hamstrings and hip flexors to see if I can get shoulders resting inside back of knees, or have knees and lower leg resting flat on bed r floor above head. But I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Trying to get into C position and hold that just for the stretch, but the plow gets me far closer. I have good back flexibility, but maybe not exactly at the place I need to direct cock where it needs to be??

Not sure what else I should be doing to reduce that 3 inch gap I'm stuck at. Any feedback would be appreciated. Trying to stay motivated. The improved flexibility is a great added benefit, I feel I have more energy, better posture, and less prone to injury when running or lifting. But the main goal here is still elusive. Thanks.

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Re: the new guy

Post by Ziggurat »

Well, its been exactly one month. Lets see an update pic Edge! :D
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Re: the new guy

Post by aleingang69 »

Hey Dreamer - don't give up!

I'd say that working on getting your knees/calves on the floor while in Plow is mostly going to put the curve in you neck. Not a bad thing, but not helpful with getting the curve distributed through your whole back.

I don't remember - have you tried Plow with your feet NOT on the floor, but a foot or a foot and a half up a wall (or whatever) with something to hook your toes under to give you some purchase? If you look through the pictures and videos from my videos here on the site you'll see what I'm talking about.

That's what's always worked best for me - it allows for a lot of movement, and because your feet aren't transferring the weight of your lower body to the floor it also gives you a gravity assist.

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Re: the new guy

Post by dreamer8888 »

Hi Al,

Thanks so much for the feedback! You are absolutely right on, trying to get my lower legs flat on floor is putting a lot of pressure on neck. I figured I was doing something wrong. I tried what you suggested and found that it stretched in places I may have been neglecting. I'm a little sore today, but it seems like a good soreness i.e. pushing muscles a little further than they are used to going. I'm trying to get in a position where gravity helps and try to think C position. It's kind of tricky upside down though! Thanks again!

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