Is it possible to damage a heart valve or something?

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Is it possible to damage a heart valve or something?

Post by ghjtylpu »

I know most of you probably aren't doctors or whatever but I'm still looking for someones opinion. I've been training for maybe a year now and have never felt pain or anything just what I consider normal stretching pressure. I still feel no pain but recently for about one day after a session my chest feels weird like it tingles it's a very subtle and hard to explain sensation. It's not even pain. I recently started having panic attacks too but I have dealt with them. It's the same feeling that I get when a panic attack is starting in my chest.

My main concern is that I've done some kind of damage to my heart. Since I started having panic attacks more often I have gotten a heart scan and tested my lungs but nothing is abnormal.

I wonder if my body is trying to tell me with the anxiety, "Hey you are putting a lot of stress on me stop doing that crap."

Anyone have an opinion? Thanks guys.

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Re: Is it possible to damage a heart valve or something?

Post by Ziggurat »

sounds more like you put too much pressure on a nerve cluster. Tingling, like when your foot goes to sleep, is either from lack of bloodflow better known as circulation, or through a nerve pinch, which is also circulation in a much smaller concentrated area.
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Re: Is it possible to damage a heart valve or something?

Post by seahorses »

When you say, ‘chest,’ it’s a large area. Which part of the chest specifically? Upper, lower, left, right? What position(s) are you practising prior to the tingle developing? If it’s the plough or the X it might be related to your stomach? I don’t know how old you are, but it’s common for people to develop a ‘Hiatus hernia,’ without even knowing, and these two positions, particularly, could result in forcing gastric juices into the esophageal sphincter. That could lead to you experiencing something akin to heartburn. Therefore, it could help to know how soon after you’ve eaten you’re practising? On the other hand, as you say you suffer panic attacks, it could simply be stress related; try deep breathing and relaxation exercises when it starts.

Like I imagine of a lot of others that come here, I’m no doctor and these suggestions are just a few of the more likely things that spring to my ‘layman,’ mind. However, you’ve done the right thing by seeking medical advice and eliminated some of the more serious aspects in terms of your heart’s condition. It could be that you have to eliminate a lot more other possibilities and even then no guarantee you’ll find an answer; aches and pains can be hard to pin down. It might be just muscular, especially if you don’t warm up before stretching.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you find the answer soon.

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Re: Is it possible to damage a heart valve or something?

Post by Musclehead »

When I weighed 245 (almost all muscle), I started having what I thought were "panic attacks." I was 39 at the time, and began having racing heart rates, heart palpitations, and trouble breathing. Started at once or twice a week, then up to almost daily. They were accompanied by really bad headaches, sometimes blurry vision, sometimes chest pain. Like you, I went to the doctor for all the heart exams, x-rays, and tests. They found nothing. But, the problems continued. After a couple years of internet and self-research on my own, I FINALLY discovered it was food allergies, to wheat and gluten. It got to the point where I would swallow a piece of bread and the problems would immediately start. Sometimes, doctors can't or won't help, I went to them dozens of times with no help as a result. As soon as I eliminated foods with wheat and gluten, I got the problems immediately under control. Also like you, I have problems after a SS sessions sometimes, like my abs cramping up, or back muscle tightness, even a heart palpitation here and there. But I find the more I get "in shape" with the SS sessions, it seems to happen less and less. Best of luck to you in solving your health issues.

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