HELP! Need Advice re: Neck Damage

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HELP! Need Advice re: Neck Damage

Post by MikeB »

Hey all, I need your help:

I was a self-sucker from the age of 12 to the age of 45 after which I injured my lower back. Recently, I started to try self-sucking again, but this time putting less pressure on my lower back and more on my middle back and neck.

About 5 weeks ago, I tried self-sucking and a week later I felt a swelling on the left side of my neck, which turned out to be an enlarged lymph node. Long story short, my doctors are trying to determine whether I have neck cancer of some sort, either in the lymph node or elsewhere in the neck that moved to the lymph node.

My question is whether anyone here has ever suffered a neck trauma of some sort (from self-sucking or otherwise) that caused a swelling that appeared to be a mass but turned out to be something benign. I'm thinking (hoping) that I might have caused damage to a lymph node, channel, or caused trauma to tissue or blood vessels that is appearing as a mass on my CT scan.

Any positive thoughts or experience on this would be appreciated. Very scared, here. Thanks!

On a funny note, I can't believe that I might have to bring up my self-sucking to my doctor to address this as a possible cause!

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Re: HELP! Need Advice re: Neck Damage

Post by aleingang69 »

Damn, man - sorry to hear it! I've never heard of anything like that, but the body is a great mystery, though doctors don't like to admit it.

So you're waiting for test results? Sounds like a good possibility that it's some kind of trauma related to your, uh - yoga practice ;)

When I have to talk with uptight docs about bending-related stuff I just talk about yoga - tell'em about the plow position and they can either figure it out for themselves or stay oblivious.

Best of luck, buddy - let us know how things work out!!


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Re: HELP! Need Advice re: Neck Damage

Post by MikeB »

Thanks, Al. Yoga is a good one. I was thinking something like a used to do neck bridges for wrestling from my early teens into college, then continued them for stretching my tense neck muscles. Too much coincidence, I think, between my self-sucking attempts, pushing too much than I was ready for, my age (and slower healing from whatever bruising I caused) and this strange swelling, but who knows.

Thanks for the kind words, and a great site, Al. Let you know how it pans out.

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Re: HELP! Need Advice re: Neck Damage

Post by gebro »

I hope that all turns out well, and there's no lasting damage.
My take on the doctor thing is that if it's involving something potentially serious, you might as well say what caused it, because there might be something there that help the doc pinpoint the problem! It's a pretty fair bet that the doc knows about auto-fellatio, and may even have practised it himself! One thing for won't shock him!!

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Re: HELP! Need Advice re: Neck Damage

Post by theouroboros »

The problem was already there most likely ... what luck that you discovered it in time, while you can still treat it.

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