Ever wonder if other guys also selfsuck???

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Ever wonder if other guys also selfsuck???

Post by akenrockk »

Hey this thought has been playing in my head for quite sometime. When i first discovered autofellatio, i thought that maybe it was all fake but the internet really has opened my eyes. I think all guys have tried or thought about it for aslong as male humanity has existed. I used to have a lead man at metal plant where i used to work (he was around 47 to 50 something years old married) that would always talk openly of dirty jokes, moslty about what most of us guys talk about pussy and fucking and one time when bringing materials to our table he made a comment about jerking off, and out of knowhere (i was shocked) he said "if you could selfsuck would you "man"?, I was thinking in my head jackpot, my dick started pulsating, i mean he didn't know i had been recently begining my journey into this form of new found sex, man i felt an instant connection, and all i wanted to do was to ask questions, to see if he still or maybe selfsucks, even though i really bad wanted to say it out loud, "YES"," YES","YES" i'm not alone he doest it too!, somehow i was shy about, i looked around to see if other guys responded and agreed hoping that will make me confess, he still continued to talk about it saying "if i could, i would", he asked the rest of the guys, the rest just ignored and pretended not to understand, but i could see it in his eyes, im almost sure he did he always talked about sex, he would talk for long periods of a time about it, I just regret not having the balls to ask him if he could, maybe he would of given me some pointers. Question for everybody has anybody felt the urge to tell anybody about your ability and ask guys you know if they tried autofellatio, would it be easy as talking about jerking off and how can we make it accepted, it's like people know, but wont talk about it. I wish my dad would have told me about it, he never talked about sex or anything, post your comments in detail it creates a better picture...

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Re: Ever wonder if other guys also selfsuck???

Post by Automan »

I loved your "story". I've always wanted to find guys around me who can selfsuck. Besides, I'd love to find a partner to do it with... 8)


Here's one of my inspiration guys...


X (the pretzel or knot) is my favourite selfsuck position
"A smile is the second best thing you can do with your mouth..."

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Re: Ever wonder if other guys also selfsuck???

Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks Automan - I hadn't seen him before - he's really good! How's your solosucking going, man? We haven't seen any pics or video in a long time!

There's so much shame and embarrassment around sex that I think it's going to be pretty rare to find men who'll "come out" about our favorite sport in public. THis is going to be especially true among straight (or at least straight in public) guys who are obligated by homophobia and insecurity to act as if the idea of a man with a cock in his mouth - even if it's his own cock - is a horrifying thing.

The only way we can break this stuff down is to be as open as we can while still being careful about our personal safety - it can be dangerous to be honest!


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