Slouching: good idea?

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Slouching: good idea?

Post by tyciol »

Bad posture! Don't slouch! This is what we always get told. Lately I've been wondering though... for the purposes of extreme forward benders, wouldn't slouching while you sit be sort of like practise?

Perhaps it's not the best idea because when you are erect, the spinal erectors would still be working and unable to relax, just tensed in a lengthened position. It still seems less likely to shorten the muscles than keeping the spine extended all day would though.

What I think with posture, is that sometimes perhaps it's valuable to adopt imperfect postures, as long as it's done in a controlled manner. If you think about it, that's what a lot of stretching is.

We do need knowledge of good posture, so that if we start to feel pain in a purposefully held bad posture (like sloucihng) we can move to a correct posture to remove that strain until we've adequately recovered enough to enter that bad posture once again.

Of course, the only reason behind all this is 'bad posture' is the only method of attaining the adequate forward bending for self-grooming... heh.

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

I don't know if it matters. I slouch a lot but that doesn't mean it's easy for me to bend forward to put my cock in my mouth. I still have to stretch a lot to make contact. If I was so bent over all the time that when I walked my head was pointing toward the ground, I guess maybe but that doesn't sound like a very good situation to be in.

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Post by aleingang69 »

Gotta say "no" on that one. As Blacksunshine says - there are lots of guys with terrible posture who can't suck themselves. Keep the forward bending for stretching/sucking sessions and sit up straight the rest of the time and you'll stay healthier longer and be sucking on your cock in the retirement home!

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NO slouches

Post by Shamman »

Hey guys, good topic!

I'd have to strongly agree with Al on this one. Actually I think it's even MORE important for selfers to maintain proper posture. This to reduce long term effects of our extreme stretching. I've found that keeping up my posture keeps my muscles in better shape and MORE flexible. We don't want to be permanently crook-backed, even though it would help selfing. It would ruin just about everything else we need to do - like driving, or work???

A regular part of my extended routine is to take the first half hour to stretch out (back) as much as possible. I say out because we need to look at it as stretching the front of our bodies rather than compressing the back. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to get across. We never want to compress the spine but stretch the opposite side. I know it sounds like its just a mental shift but the body responds to our mental images and will react to our wishes so we must project these wishes the most positive way we know. When I am in the deepest positions, this little mental shift can make a big difference. If I think about squeezing down more, I feel pressure and compression. If I think about stretching and opening (my backside) I feel more relaxed and less pressure. Applying this technique to the lower back has been especially rewarding.

After my session is done (whether I cum or not) and after at least 15-30 minutes of relaxing/stretching into a more 'normal' position I will repeat the stretch-out portion to make sure I am not permanently deforming my spine and back muscles. Only when I achieve the same level of back-stretch as before the session, do I call it complete.


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Re: NO slouches

Post by Spektrum »

Shamman wrote:Hey guys, good topic!

I'd have to strongly agree with Al on this one. Actually I think it's even MORE important for selfers to maintain proper posture. This to reduce long term effects of our extreme stretching. I've found that keeping up my posture keeps my muscles in better shape and MORE flexible. We don't want to be permanently crook-backed, even though it would help selfing. It would ruin just about everything else we need to do - like driving, or work???

A regular part of my extended routine is to take the first half hour to stretch out (back) as much as possible. I say out because we need to look at it as stretching the front of our bodies rather than compressing the back. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to get across. We never want to compress the spine but stretch the opposite side. I know it sounds like its just a mental shift but the body responds to our mental images and will react to our wishes so we must project these wishes the most positive way we know. When I am in the deepest positions, this little mental shift can make a big difference. If I think about squeezing down more, I feel pressure and compression. If I think about stretching and opening (my backside) I feel more relaxed and less pressure. Applying this technique to the lower back has been especially rewarding.

After my session is done (whether I cum or not) and after at least 15-30 minutes of relaxing/stretching into a more 'normal' position I will repeat the stretch-out portion to make sure I am not permanently deforming my spine and back muscles. Only when I achieve the same level of back-stretch as before the session, do I call it complete.

So, when you "stretch out", are you putting your back in positions like cobra in yoga? or are you still doing forward bends, just with a different kind of attitude?

Btw, I've seen some of your videos and your flexibility is amazing!

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Post by seahorses »

Something I've found very beneficial is an exersize ball, the kind used by physiotherapists. It stands about 16" hight and I lay across mine rocking gently back and forth, specifically targeting different parts of my spine. I use it twice a day for at least 15 mins, though normally till I feel I've had enough and always after stretching and sessions of selfing. It's very comfortable and because it's full of air the back muscles have to work to maintain balance.

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Post by blacksunshineaz »

That's a great idea. My fiancee just brought hers over to the house and I think I'll try it. Regardless, it will probably help reduce my occasional back spasms.

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stretching "out"

Post by Shamman »

To answer blacksunshineAZ:

Yes, I actually mean stretching backward from erect when I refer to stretching "out". I can't (and never could) stretch back as much as foreward, but still more than 'average'. And the cobra is a good position for this. While in the cobra, I like to do the lion, too. Just for stress relief. And if I'm alone in the house, a good zen yell too.
Actually the best way to start and finish a session is with some Tai-Chi or something similar like the Klingon equivalent!!! haha Before you start streching and then after the stretching back out.
Also, thank you for your kudos. Sometimes I wish I understood the full benefits of my flexibility earlier in life. It wasn't until my late 20's that I started to explore s/s and years later before I took it seriously. I hope I can continue this pleasure well into my 60's and beyond ! ! ! Since my 'physical' age is much less than my calendar age, I think I stand a good chance.


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Post by blacksunshineaz »

Yeah, I messed up when I was younger. I could lick the head when I was 13 by doing a half-X position. I suppose if I knew the plow position I would have been able to do a lot more, but it wasn't until maybe 6 or 7 years later that I realized that I wasn't the only one that could do this, and indeed it was possible to do more than just lick it. I lost my flexibility during that time and it wasn't until 5 years ago that I was able to do it again. Sadly, I have gained a few too many pounds around my waist and I think I may have only done it 2 or 3 times this year. Since I have been having sex on a regular basis, I don't spend as much time trying to selfsuck anymore, even though I am still totally interested in it. God help me if I actually lose the ability!

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Re: Slouching: good idea?

Post by tyciol »

The reason I ask is... isn't slouching a form of stretching? What's the difference?

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Re: Slouching: good idea?

Post by torae »

No Ty, slouching isn't a form of stretching. You might think that slouching looks like you are stretching but it isn't stretching anything.
If you slouch all the time then that's just simply the posture your body is accustom to. It doesn't help with stretching. When you stretch you are trying to train your muscles and tendons to be elastic. Regardless of what position your body start from, your body need to be able to bend and stretch, simply slouch all the time does not help stretch your body. I actually think that slouching is worse because the posture you are in while you slouch cause some muscle to tighten more and you will have to work harder to stretch them, your trap being one of them.

Essentially, slouching or not, you will still need to do stretches but slouching is bad posture and lead to needing more stretching so it's better off to sit up straight and do stretch regularly

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Re: Slouching: good idea?

Post by aleingang69 »

Maybe I've been brainwashed by my yoga teachers ;) but I do go along with the idea that a balanced, upright posture is better for you in the long run. The connective-tissue condition/disorder that I have - which has given me so much solo pleasure over the years - has meant that my default posture is sort-of collapsed, all throughout my body. Because I'm so flexible it's a struggle to stay upright, and as I get older it just gets harder.

Slouching compresses your internal organs and causes wear all through your body - that's what yoga says and I tend to agree. I sometimes envy the men I see who seem to naturally have perfect upright posture, but I also wonder how many of them have ever experienced the unique pleasures of solo deep-throat cocksucking, so maybe it's a toss-up :)

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Re: Slouching: good idea?

Post by blacksunshineaz »

My posture isn't that great but I have mild scoliosis. I don't think it helps as I think bad posture hinders your range of motion. It's caused my hamstrings to be really tight which prevents me from even being close to touching my toes without bending my knees and my back and shoulder/neck muscles are pretty tight as well. I do get massages on occasion which helps and as I had mentioned before, I had been going to a chicropractor/pain clinic regarding tension headaches and stiffness in my shoulders and upper back.

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Re: Slouching: good idea?

Post by rubbed »

Hello, for the last couple of months as iv'e been doing any type of stretching weather it is ss or just stretching, i've been focuseing more on lengthing the are as i'm stretching. Basically as I Inhale I'll make a mental image of the area i'm stretching becomeing longer and as I exhale i'll relax that area. It seems to help in all ss posistions; plow, C, etc.. It also helps in all other stretching I do. For example, if you watch just about any yoga video you will notice that when they touch their toes they almost always want you to reach out forward as your going down.
For me this helps me stretch out all of my back and not just the middle of it. I do the same thing with the side bend (Triangle Utthita Trikonasana).
I've thought the same thing about the slouching; that well... maybe it would help if I slouched more. Jokeing-ly i've caught myself slouching before and thought to myself "so what! it will just help with my ss later. However I know that isn't true; that would just be way to easy. Yeah I agree a proper posture; when possible is always best.
I've enoyed reading all the posts on this thread :roll: (I think that is what it's called), there has been some real helpful advice. I've thought of buying a exersize ball my self, but for some reason; sometimes I'll try something if some one else suggests it rather than takeing some initiative and acting on the idea that I thought up myself. I'm getting better at though; there always has to be someone to come up with a new idea first, why not me. :D


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