Could we have a fitness subforum?

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Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by tyciol »

Since self-suck is like the main topic of the site, only one forum dedicated to it seems kinda cluttered, like there are people talking about the topic's philosophical impact, videos of them doing it, and others about trying to learn how to do it. These seem very distinct and if this had subforums I think it would be much easier to understand and approach.

In particular, I would like to discuss how to strengthen and stretch the spine and core muscles to achieve this feat, and it is pretty tough to find that information in topics or discuss it in the midst of the other stuff I guess.

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by aleingang69 »

I hear what you're saying and it's certainly worth consideration. The question for me is - do people want to have to go through a long list of forums and subforums to find that material that interests them?
There's also the issue of all of the old topics in the forums - there's just no way I'm going to find the time to go back through years of posts and move them into new categories.

So - it's complicated! What do other people think?


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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by Narcissus »

Well in this case I have to say that he's 100% on- a fitness forum absolutely makes sense.
The forum should stress that self-suck is possible, not for everyone, especially, 6 inchers and less (even then there's exceptions.There's this guy on a sex pickup site I go on and off from (cause the pricks want $$) where he's going bananas sucking his barely 5 incher, and he can even fuck him self legitimately deep in his ass after a wild cock stretch. Fucking proud of the dude.
But there needs to be a forum for those studs who are close in the 'C' position, and give up because there's no information about exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. accessible in ONEplace. Let it be here.
An incredible thing happened tonight that just brought everything together. I decided I start taking yoga classes in the fall and do the research this month- with things as they stand in my life, NOW has to be the time where I go from getting my tip 1-2" away from my greedy mouth to my 7+ incher buried and sucked dry night after night.
At this party tonight I met 55 year old Japanese woman who had very well defined arms- she clearly was an exercise freak or something. No, she and her boyfriend just moved up here from NYC and she is a yoga instructor in all its disciplines for the last 30 years. Monday I begin with the first class, so I'll be posting reports on what I'm learning and how it directly applies to self-suck with every class.
Here in VT in my shitsville town a first rate Yoga instructor was giving 5 levels in 2 disciplines at our Rec Ctr for FREE! I almost cried with joy. She was pretty cool too. We had a moment, so I kept up the conversation and mentioned that as much as I worked out (6X/week) to stay as hard as possible, stretching did not do the job for making me limber (thrown out back, pulled muscles, etc.) i just went for it and told her in an indirect way what my major goal was. Her eyes went wide with interest? suprise? lust even? She knew. "Oh that be no pwoblem. You can be a contortionist with after all my classes. But that, I get you there." Had to push it- looking directly but not for too long at my crotch. "So I can definitely get way down there to, to, you know." "Of course! I get you there. I know what you want."
Thank You God or Whatever.
I have wanted to suck myself off even before puberty. Lots of time over the years in frustration. I will be applying myself 1000%. But I know you can't get greedy- twice I've lost weeks at a time in the attempt by throwing my back into spasms. If anybody knew why they'd think I was a nutjob- that whole stupid, useless worry/paranoia. I hope everybody I know sees me suck my dick with endless avarice.
So anyway I was going to post this story more appropriately, but it heightens the fact that for some of us exercise is right there with self suck as life defining. More meat on the bones, the more to eat- or for us, kiss, lick, suck, etc.
And I will be posting somewhere my upcoming yoga classes.

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I had always been curious whether yoga could help a man perform autofellatio. I took an introductory set of co-ed yoga classes in 2003 and it kicked my butt. I guess I was too out of shape to do it after the first class.

About a year and a half ago I found a male nude yoga class here in town and tried one. That was far more intense and I really struggled. I suppose if I kept going I'd get better but it was a bit of a commute from my home and the schedule didn't work to well for me. However, free from clothing I found many of the poses easier and I couldn't help but wonder whether any poses we would do (I did the plow in the other class) would suggest selfsucking, but I made the mistake of being one of the first people to arrive (I wasn't sure how long it would take to get there so I ended up getting there way early) and end up in the front of the class where the only person I could see well was the instructor. The guys there seemed nice but the studio was very crowded and was very hot (in February, can't think what it would be like in the Arizona summer) and I never went back. The classes stopped for a while because they needed to find another venue, but as curious I am to go back, I don't think I'm in good enough shape for it. They claimed the class was suitable for beginners but it seemed light-years ahead of the classes I took years earlier.

It seemed to me that those practicing it were very serious about it and may not have been there to get in shape to self suck. I've tried searching the internet for such accounts and the only times I saw that questioned the asker was ridiculed for even suggesting it.

I think it's cool your instructor has a good attitude about it. I definitely want to hear more about your classes and whether they are working.

If I could find a class that would teach for the sole purpose of helping men acheieve this feat, that would be so cool, but I think that's a fantasy.

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by Ziggurat »

Personally, I think that the Mens Sex Stuff and the Mens solo sex stuff topics could be amalgamated into one section. Just a sorta "What Gets You Off" broader topic section where we can post what ever floats our boat. A miscellaneous section if you will. I also thought that the men-who-swallow section could be in the self-sucking section, although I know that not all guys who self-suck swallow, and not all swallowers self-suck... (For instance, I swallow my own, but have never been able to swallow anothers..., also, I swallow my own, but cannot self-suck, mind you I would if I could). I don't think a Fitness section is really important or necessary, but I would support it (just don't ask me to mod it... :) )
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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by Narcissus »

Ziggurat wrote: I don't think a Fitness section is really important or necessary, but I would support it (just don't ask me to mod it... :) )
Good point. I'll see how applicable the yoga will be, I have a feeling if one can survive the level given to the marines, this shit will have you self sucking, BUT ONLY if you were already frustratingly close.
Of course she was saying yes to whatever I asked- hey how about bring my head around and lick my ass? SURE for you!- please understand that this came like a spiritual force that knew my commitment and research and awarded a yogi (technically that's male but whatever) with the proper oriental experience- not some new age drippy hippy who learned it from another california new age bullshitter.
We can only see by going tomorrow, but saying to stop at her house and giving me the address, shit, I almost fell over I was spinning.
I had been super discouraged with VT lately and now possibly a feast. Always the way, I've noticed-or so it appears.

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by seahorses »

Personally I don’t think a sub forum is necessary when the forum already contains ‘How to,’ tips… the clues are all in there! Also there are post here outlining the perils you face if, as somebody stumbling on this site and captivated by the idea, you might, in the grip of uncontrollable desire, throw your legs over your head in gay abandon and try forcing your body into a position it’s not used to being in. I know that in the face of sexual urges common sense goes out the window, but it must surely be obvious, seeing contortionists and other novelty acts, that SS is something you train for. Okay, so there are a few lucky guys carrying a pound or two extra and some with a predisposition, that can, but for the rest of us it’s hard work. Like the man says, ‘Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail!’ And all I can say to those that only dream, is, ‘Sorry, but you don’t want bad enough.’ I read a book many years ago, by a couple of collaborating sexologists about male and female sexual deviations, in which they claimed that only one percent of the entire male population of the world were actually able to perform autofellatio. They also said lots more would if they could. Perhaps, since the advent of the internet and sites such as this, that figure may have increased, but I doubt it’s to anything significant; it’s only the dedicated that get there.

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by Narcissus »

I wanted to give my impressions after 2 yoga classes. I know that the whole discipline has been intertwined with Pilates and other fad studio/aerobics classes (iow, ruined). For a "beginner's" class, she cranked it up this week at least 2 notches over the first, and when we were done all three in the class (all guys) told her to stay at this pace. As I've stated, without rushing or anything stupid I can get roughly 2" away from my head.
This wasn't posing, but a 45 minutes of slow, very fluid movements into positions that I would have failed if I wasn't in shape. The final movement confirmed what I wanted from the class; she went into the C position and brought up her head just slightly; it became a natural, simple movement that I remember being this easy in my early 20s. Focused breathing was key throughout, and I was closer to my cock than ever before, and comfortable (though lifting my head wouldn't have been prudent after only 2 sessions). This room is empty 85% of the day, after the next class I'll remember enough to do a session, keep the movement flowing, all in preparation for a limber yet tight "C".
Hope fully in 4 weeks with 4 more classes and every other day practice routines, I'll be ready to see just how much closer this has brought to the first level of self-suck, tonguing my tip.
Hell yeah I want it bad enough- this is my practically my job at the moment- carpe diem.

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by seahorses »

Yoga classes and stretching exercises are only half the story. Once a week in a class is not enough; they need to be practised regularly, if not every day. Once you’ve attained regular proficiency then, and only then, can you possibly ease off a little. As I’ve said before, there are those fortunate among us that don’t have to go to such extremes, but for those struggling to get there it’s essentual.

You sound as though you're in the right frame of mind Narcissus, I hope it pays off for you; though 4 weeks might be a little ambitious

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by blacksunshineaz »

So the class, aside from the instructor, is all guys? I wonder if they're taking the class to selfsuck too?

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by blacksunshineaz »

So Narcissus, anything new to report? I'd like to know if yoga is helping.

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by tyciol »

BlackSunshineAZ wrote:free from clothing I found many of the poses easier
I've noticed this too, the restriction of clothing to many stretching poses seems diminished in a lot of cases. Clothing is too often ignored in a lot of fitness aspects. Running for example. Dat chafe.
BlackSunshineAZ wrote:the studio was very crowded and was very hot (in February, can't think what it would be like in the Arizona summer) and I never went back.
It might have been a heated yoga studio. A lot of them choose to heat them so that students are sweating, some think this makes the tissue more pliable, I think there's evidence to support it.
BlackSunshineAZ wrote:as curious I am to go back, I don't think I'm in good enough shape for it. They claimed the class was suitable for beginners but it seemed light-years ahead of the classes I took years earlier.
Anybody can generally take any class, you could discuss with your teachers your difficulty with some poses and ask about modifications. Blocks and straps can allow you to do poses you lack the range of motion to do fully.

In the meanwhile there's always calisthenics to strengthen certain areas, like pushups to prepare for plank.
BlackSunshineAZ wrote:those practicing it were very serious about it and may not have been there to get in shape to self suck.
To be fair: you can be serious about yoga AND want to selfsuck, there's not exactly any contradiction there.
BlackSunshineAZ wrote:I've tried searching the internet for such accounts and the only times I saw that questioned the asker was ridiculed for even suggesting it.
That's to be expected, people are hostile to sexuality in a lot of cases and don't like it introduced into the memepool of other hobbies. The hostility furry erotica and cartoon erotica fans get for creating or appreciating sexual images of some characters will often draw ire from many fans too.
seahorses wrote:Personally I don’t think a sub forum is necessary when the forum already contains ‘How to,’ tips… the clues are all in there!
Clues aren't enough for the inept.
seahorses wrote:there are post here outlining the perils you face if, as somebody stumbling on this site and captivated by the idea, you might, in the grip of uncontrollable desire, throw your legs over your head in gay abandon and try forcing your body into a position it’s not used to being in.
True but outlining perils doesn't mean we have clear instructions on how to avoid them.

Health and fitness are very complex subjects, and extreme spinal contortion has a lot of issues which I think we could fill a forum with over time. It would be cool to have a distinct purpose set apart from other threads about the topic.

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Re: Could we have a fitness subforum?

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I just found a co-ed nude yoga class in town and thinking of attending it. It's taught by a woman and with the one class so far all the students have been men. That would be interesting.

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