weight gain

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weight gain

Post by awtoeman »

I've been SS'in for a little over 10 years until about 6 months ago due to gaining 40lbs.

I miss SS'ing but oviously not enough so to lose the weight.

anyone else out there experience/ing the same thing?

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Re: weight gain

Post by awtoeman »

oh ya, and I forgot to add. The elephant in the room, 90% of SS'rs are skinny.

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Re: weight gain

Post by aleingang69 »

I'd be interested to hear what it is about the weight gain that's is keeping you from enjoying your cock. Is it a purely "my belly is in the way" thing, or a lack of stamina?

Some of our most talented solosuckers here in the forums aren't particularly skinny, so I've often wondered what the factors are in the weight issue.


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Re: weight gain

Post by awtoeman »

Thank you for the reply Al.

Basically, if I go over 210lbs, the weight gain (bodyfat) makes my belly grow and prevent me from contact.

A few times when I got down to 190 lbs, my SS ability was OFF THE CHARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but heres the thing. I know what to do to lose the weight, but Im not motivated enough.

Now, if I never sucked on my dick before and you said, " if you drop 40lbs, I GUARANTEE you can Self Suck" then I'd do it.

also, if I didnt have a girlfriend, I think I would have the motivation to drop the weight.

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Re: weight gain

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I could stand to lose some weight as I am certain my belly is getting in the way. I'm 200 lbs right now and would like to be around 175. I've wanted to lose weight for some time but it's really difficult to change my diet since I am a foodie and stick to an exercise regimen. Unfortunately, wanting to selfsuck isn't enough motivation to do this.

When I was in college I was somewhere between 140 and 160 lbs but I had nowhere the flexibility I do now. If I was that weight again with my current flexibility, I am sure I'd be able to do this quite well.

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Re: weight gain

Post by apretzelfan »

you cannot bend a ball.

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Re: weight gain

Post by awtoeman »

Black, were you in college able to SS?

and do you currently have someone giving you blow jobs?

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Re: weight gain

Post by blacksunshineaz »

No I wasn't even close to being able to do it and it wasn't for the lack of trying. Strange too because I worked in retail at an electronics store and frequently had unload trucks that brought in new merchandise. You'd think I'd be more flexible because of that because it was quite a workout. Alas, I tried measuring the distance between my penis and mouth and it was at least a foot (longer than the ruler I was using).

I am married, so yes I do get blowjobs from my wife.

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Re: weight gain

Post by awtoeman »

Black, yes, thats it, because you have a wife. And I have a girlfriend.

But I really miss her helping me when I sucked on my cock. And 10 years of that with different women. I was the greatest!

But unfortunately now, Id rather eat great food and drink great beer than suck on my cock :(

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Re: weight gain

Post by blacksunshineaz »

My wife is a good cook, therefore I eat more and better than when I was single. Unfortunately my family blames her for making me fat... :(

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Re: weight gain

Post by selfsu »

Weight does make a huge difference.

The last 4 years I've been working a lot more at routinely stretching and sucking myself off and it's now my exclusive way to masturbate,but every winter I gain about 10 to 12 lbs before I loos it again in summer. Each winter I loose just a touch in the endurance to go right down to the pubic bone, and then when I loose just those few lbs in summer, I'm always amazed at how I can go a little further then the prior summer. This summer I made it to the point I never thought possible and maintain contact with my teeth on the pubic bone with cum shorting straight down my throat. I can;t do that now as I have gained 5 lbs already since that point. Breathing effortlessly with that kind of crunch is where the weight factors in. At my lightest, I've made it a point to sleep in this position at times to stretch train even more.

I'm thinish, but even at 10lbs gained I start to notice the impairment. You guys with guts that have all that flexibility would be pretty awesome selfsucking if only you could loose more. When I hit around 10lbs over, I start to focus pretty hard on not gaining more because effortless selfsucking is the best orgasm I can have compared to a hand.

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Re: weight gain

Post by rubbed »

Hey guys I have noticed swimming at a gym can really reduce the weight, it also has helped me get back that younger physique again. I recently had to cut back to just once a week, because I was getting to skinny. I do yoga, and some weight lifting as well; but nothing has ever helped me lose weight more than swimming.
Cutting down on breads can help too. Breads in the body (from what I have learned) are slow to digest, so a lot of times bread can be stored as fat. Toasted bread digests quicker than regular bread, so it's less likely to be stored as fat. When making a sandwich just toast the bread. Remember too that any type of macaroni is a bread.
However it is important not to cut breads out completely, just eat and cook breads in moderation.
Last edited by rubbed on Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: weight gain

Post by awtoeman »

Thank you for the reply Rubbed, however I think you misunderstood my post.

I know how to drop weight. And very well.

But the motivation isnt there for me to do so. Sucking my dick isnt movation for me enough, but I think if I never had in the past, then that would be PLENTY motivation.

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Re: weight gain

Post by rubbed »

Your welcome. I Understand now.
I think too, I just always wanted to post that advice. A lot times, when I learn something, I'll think to myself I should post that on the solo suck form.

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Re: weight gain

Post by Happy Boy »

as one of the aforementioned 'not-skinny guys' I have to say that while my weight has not usually kept me from selfing, I can definitely tell a correlation between how good my abilities are and how many extra pounds I am carrying around.

several years back when I was up around 200# and not very active I could barely lick my head, and wound up 'losing contact' again for a while. I've been able to get about half-way even while I was around 190, though I was very active at that time, bending and lifting for ten hour shifts on an assembly line.

after having surgery for a ruptured appendix and eating from an IV for a few days (and not much of an appetite for a while afterwards) I found myself down around 175 and sucking like never before! that was after two of the three weeks the doctor said to wait before any 'strenuous activity'...I was afraid that I might split myself back open, but the mrs. hadn't given anything up for a month and I was desperate!

i went back up into the 180s for a while and managed to keep up with things, but I have been depressed and not eating much lately and I have actually dropped down in the 160s. feeling like this really sucks, but at least there is a nice benefit...my selfing is the best it has ever been! I hit my throat about a quarter of the time, I can 'stay down' much longer without having to come up for air, I can get into positions I couldn't before, and I can do a lot more with my mouth and tongue whereas before I was pretty much just bobbing up and down most of the time.

al was asking the difference, and having been on both sides I can say that when my weight is up that it is more of a strain to get my cock to my mouth. it doesn't *feel* like 'my belly is in the way', but it is just a lot more effort to get it there, I can't keep it there for long without having to 'come up', and the strain of getting down there doesn't allow for me to be very creative while I am.

I really think that flexibility is *much* more important than weight, but weight *definitely* figures into the equation as well.

...but as to awtoman's original question, yes. there have been times that I was overweight and couldn't reach, and I would often think to myself that if I could just manage to do a handful of sit-ups every day (or even a couple times a week) then I could probably drop a few pounds, get my back a little more limber, and get my dick back in my mouth...but alas, I guess that thought just wasn't motivating *enough*...

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