Champion Fitness Mat

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Champion Fitness Mat

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I thought this might be of interest to anyone who is still trying to master this act.

Up until last August I had tried to selfsuck on the floor with my feet on a closed door, which I would say is somewhere between the "crawling the wall" and plow position. I found it too hard of a surface and using a pillow didn't work too well because I have a hard time finding the right position to place it. It would either move on me or if I got up to take a breather I'd have to position it again. It's a hassle. I then switched to the bed and after several attempts I decided it wasn't good either because it was too soft and the footboard on which I was pressing my feet against is rather flimsy and I am afraid of breaking it (cheap pressed wood furniture I bought when I was young and poor).

I found this at Target on Saturday on Sale for $20.00 ($34.99 regularly): ... +vinyl+mat

I just tried it out tonight and it looks promising. I just did my stretching routine in the bathtub and decided to give it a try. I was able to lick and kiss the glans with minimal effort using both positions. I can avoid the rug burn and I don't need to worry about the pillow moving or being out of place because it won't move and it's pretty long when unfolded (5 2/3 feet). I'll try it again one night when I hadn't eaten for several hours and can devote enough time to this. I think this may help me get further as it appears to let me stretch my back as well as bend relatively comfortably without putting too much pressure on my neck and shoulders.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by aleingang69 »

That's great BSA - it sounds really promising for you.
Does it have a bottom surface that's textured in some way to keep it from sliding?

I'd strongly suggest finding something you can grab with your feet while in Plow position - a low window sill or something similar that's fixed and strong enough to take some serious pushing with your muscles and body weight. You have to be careful, as always, not to push yourself too hard, but it should make a huge difference in the depth you're getting if you can get your feet anchored.


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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by blacksunshineaz »

No it isn't textured, but so far it doesn't slide because it's big enough that I think the friction from the carpet it's on top of will hold it in place.

As I said, I do it against the bedroom door (which is closed) and I can hook my toes underneath the bottom of it as there is enough of a gap between it and the floor. If need be, I could move to the dresser where I have a little more room as the opening is a few inches bigger.

We'll see how well this works. I still need to lose weight as I think my belly is getting in the way.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by aleingang69 »

I'd suggest trying different heights for where you hook your feet - I think you might do better with something a foot or two above the surface your body is on. Try to hook your feet down near the floor is going to force you into a position that's already stressful.
If you have somewhere you could screw a 2x4 or similar to the wall that would be ideal - you can move it and try different heights fairly easily.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Not sure if I can attach something to the wall, but I already press my feet against the door/door frame, and that seems to work pretty well for me. It's a method I've been using for several years.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

Fairly new here. I have been reading the tips on how to ss, and everything seems right on, very helpful. Still have not made contact, but I am amazed at how responsive my body has been to the stretching, am seeing flexibility I did not realize I had.

Recently, I have been doing stretches in the gym after my workout. And I have found the mats there really help with the plough position given their thickness, so I was thinking of buying one of these mats for the home as well. That extra thickness really helps alleviate pressure on upper back and neck.

I have a question. While I am seeing good progress in flexibility, I'm still questioning if I am doing things right. It seems for the plough or c that you really have to bend / fold in the middle, not at the waist. I'm struggling with how to do this. Any particular stretches to help with that particular area? I can get my feet on the ground behind my head and even push my legs past my head with my arms, but it still does not get me close enough. I was also wondering if developed abs might be getting in the way. I work out a lot, trim and fit, but could that be hindering my progress on this particular area? Trying to stay motivated on this... Thanks for all the info on these forums!

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I have a couple of stretches I do, although neither of them make use of the mat.

Sit on the floor with your legs bent to the side at the knee and put your feet together so the soles are touching. Now, take your arms and place them under your calves (I can get the wrists under). Now bend forward and use your arms to pull yourself into a tighter curl. You may need to move your feet closer or further from your body depending on your ability. I hope that makes sense since I can't provide a diagram.

Also, I just found this girl doing a front curl -- -- I do this too, although I sometimes find it easier if I'm sitting on an ottoman or something about as tall as your foot to your knee is. I sometimes do it on the bed but have to put my feet on a small foot stool so I can get my thighs roughly parallel to the ground. Putting your arms under your thighs and pull yourself forward into a tight forward bend. This is a bit difficult but I've been able to kiss the tip of my cock doing this. Using a cock ring helps as it not only helps keep you hard but if you use the kind that can go around your balls too, you can get everything above your thighs which are pressed together and that in turn positions it closer to your face when you bend. This does affect your lower back, neck and shoulders so be careful when trying this.

I also fill up a bathtub with hot water and soak for a while to get loose, then turn 90 degrees toward the wall and place my legs up against the wall, wedging myself between the sides of the tub so my butt is on the wall side and my shoulders are against the open side. I've been doing this a lot and have been able to get either leg (but not both simultaneously, yet) behind my neck. In the past I've been able to lick the tip in this position, but can't at the moment, but I'm close. I also use bath oils in the water which helps lubricate your skin. I tried this once without it and almost got stuck! After adding the oils, it was easier to move out of the position, but beware as if you use too much the tub becomes very slippery and can become a fall hazard.

I was hoping to try the mat out tonight but I had a late dinner and my stomach is still full. Hopefully I'll be able to try over the weekend.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I should also add that doing the two bends I described can work your whole back, especially the second one. You can move the bend up and down your spine instead of focusing on just one spot. I think this is helpful.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

Thank you for the tips. I have tried similar stretches from reading other posts, but those front curls and the one with soles touching are a little different. I will focus on those. The tub stretch sounds interesting too. I have also tried stretching in the tub, as the warm water seems to be conducive to that - Mainly focusing on the hamstrings since it seems they play a big factor in this endeavor!
I studied those mats online tonight, want to go to target to check out what they have. I see why there was a question asked about stability, a lot of matts slip on hard floors evidently. Please let me know how the mat works for you. Take care,

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

Tried tub suggestion. I'm short (5.6"), so I was not quite tight enough for me to make contact, but it did give me a good stretch in hamstrings and inner thigh. Kind of like a horizontal butterfly yoga move. Other stretches you noted are good too. Saw mat at Target today. I didn't buy, though, want to get one like at gym, SPRI makes one like that, saw on Amazon. Am going to look some more.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by blacksunshineaz »

This guy is good at doing frontbends, check him out: ... x4k89ar3un

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by aleingang69 »

Hah! Looking at this video: ... bends-2013

I don't think there's any question WHY he's practicing his frontbends - if he was naked his dick would be in his mouth!

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by dreamer8888 »

Definitely! I was thinking the same thing. But these vids were awesome in seeing the difference between bending at waist vs that desired c shape, demonstrated it very clearly. I'm trying to focus on folding in the middle like that. Its kind of like curving the middle of the back and tucking in the stomach I think. I'm just not used to bending like that, but if I'm going to be successful at this, need to practice that, I can get my feet on the floor over my head comfortably, but its more than that, takes that folding in the middle I think. Practice, practice!

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by aleingang69 »

Different men find different techniques helpful, but for me the plow position with something secure to hook your feet under (as described above) is best for working on that curve.

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Re: Champion Fitness Mat

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I went to Sport Chalet to look at inversion tables (see other thread for what that's about) and I found a similar mat by another manufacturer and they wanted $99.99 for it! I am thinking I got a good deal. I tried using it a couple of times over the weekend but I was really stiff. I went and got a massage on Saturday night and I felt less tight but it still didn't seem to help my flexibility any.

BTW, check out this guy and tell me he doesn't suck himself ... gi=&page=1

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