My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

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My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by blacksunshineaz »

The last week of December I had Chinese take-out and my fortune cookie said "Allow yourself time – you will reach success". I hope that's true in regards to my efforts to finally be able to suck myself. That night I made a New Year's resolution that I want to meet my goal, and to do it by my 40th birthday which is about 4 weeks from now. I've been practicing and making decent progress, but I was unsure if I'd get there.

So I went to bed Sunday night and for some reason I couldn't sleep. This happens on occasion, but I was so out of it by morning that I had to call in sick to work. Around 9 am I decided to soak in hot water in the tub to see if that might help me feel better and I decided to do my stretches. I was shocked that with very little warm up I was easily able to get either ankle up behind my head. I guess since I didn't hardly sleep at all and was tossing and turning all night that might have given me more than the usual flexibility. After about 20 minutes or so I took a shower, got dressed, and did a few errands.

I decided to try to nap for a while later in the afternoon and I think I actually got some rest but again decided since I was home to get back in the tub. I was still flexible. I was able to touch the tip of my penis to my nose and after a few more attempts I was able to lick it when wedged between the sides of the tub with one ankle behind my head. I tried this for a little longer and I got a cramp in my calf. That wasn't good, I was able to unwedge myself (I wasn't using bath oils so I was stuck pretty good) and rubbed my calf against the edge of the tub. Within a few minutes it felt better. I was sitting in the tub and decided to try front bends with my arms under my thighs. Using a cock ring to hold my penis and testicles above my thighs, I was able to touch the tip with my nose and with great difficulty my tongue. It didn't seem like I was making much progress so I got out of the tub and dried off.

I then moved to the bed and tried the plow position and it was very easy to lick and kiss the tip. I then sat on the edge of the bed, put my feet on a small stool (not the drafting stool I just bought) and bent forward with the cock ring still on and was able to lick the tip. I kept trying to do a more extreme front bend and was able to get my lips around the head a little. This was good progress. After a little bit, I switched to the fitness mat which I set on the bathroom floor. I flipped over and put my feet against the wall and was able to touch my lips to the head. I experimented with different distances from the wall and used the leverage to stretch out my lower back. Within minutes, I was not only getting it to my lips, but my lips around my head and could almost bite the bunched up skin behind the glans. This isn't quite sucking it, as my jaw was still closed to get the head in, but I haven't been able to do it this well in several years. I enjoyed doing this for several minutes and stopped, looking at my cock, whose head was red and shiny with my saliva. I decided to stop and call it a day. In all, I spent maybe 2 1/2 hours practicing and the next day, I'm not sore at all. I'll take that as a good sign. Yoga class was later that night but I decided to skip it since I already had quite a workout and was still pretty worn out from the lack of sleep. I was hot and sweaty and took another shower.

I put my jeans on and was astonished that they fell down around my hips. I needed a belt just to hold them up. Have I lost weight? I think my abs and glutes have been getting worked out a lot doing this so that might have something to do with this. I may need to go down a pant size. I jumped on the scale and my weight was the same. Perhaps my workouts have made me more fit. It's an interesting exercise routine, that's for sure.

Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures, although it's rather difficult to take pictures of myself doing this.

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by soloteen »

Great post man, love reading stuff like this. Reminds me of when I first got started selfsucking. Still now, I will go a few months without sucking at all, then I'll get back into it maybe 3-4 times a week. After a long break, it still feels like the first time!

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by dreamer8888 »

Great story! Congratulations on your progress, I actually knew what stool and matt you were referring to from our prior exchanges! Thanks for sharing and giving us who are still trying the inspiration to keep going!

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by awtoeman »

Awesome Black! This is fantastic to hear!!!!

You know, if you want to get an extra 1" or more, for the last 14 days you should do a juice fast!

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by seahorses »

Well done, it’s great to read about your success. However, you don’t mention warming down or counter stretching? Using your bathtub as an aid puts undue pressure on the disc between the vertebra of your spine and makes warming down and counter stretching even more important.

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I do a cool down...if I don't I get back spasms.

Wednesday night I tried again and got about as far as I normally do. Thursday, not so good. I just wasn't flexible, although I wasn't feeling great to begin with. Friday night, as I had the house to myself, I spent maybe 4 hours on this and had some good progress. I not only got my lips around the head in plow and sitting, but in plow I was able to get a little of my glans between my teeth and even got some of the loose shaft skin between my teeth, biting on it. This pretty much equals my personal best from a few years ago. I kept alternating between positions and around 10:45 decided to give it a rest and soaked in the tub again, then finished with a hot shower. I then got dressed and went for a walk around the neighborhood (which is about 1/2 a mile) to make sure I didn't have back spasms. I was a bit sore the next day, mostly muscle soreness, but today I am fine. I may have pushed too hard but I think I made good progress and hopefully tomorrow I can try again.

I also got on the scale and it appears I've lost a few pounds. That helps too.

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Well, I didn't meet my goal. My birthday is tomorrow. I actually hurt my back a little a week ago and it started feeling better again so I tried again last night, and luckily I didn't lose any flexibility, but I'm still only at the point of getting my lips around the glans, in front of my teeth.

I'll still keep trying though. A New Year's resolution doesn't expire until December 31, right?

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by aleingang69 »

Glad you're going to keep at it, buddy - don't give up on the progress you've made! And remember - you're already doing more than the vast majority of men will ever do,


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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by dreamer8888 »

Happy B Day.
Appreciate all your feedback to my inquiries. Still trying here also. Getting closer, but no contact yet. I'm trying different stretches and trying to vary position in plow. I think I'll get there eventually if I keep at this, and I'm sure you will see improvement too if you keep up the effort.

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by dreamer8888 »

P.S. Meant to add that hamstrings are a challenge for me too. Believe I read in your prior posts that you have tight hamstrings. I think this is where I need to focus. Have been really working on them. My back has good flexibility, but I think getting legs more loose will help close the gap. Been going to yoga classes recently, and I think its helping. Basically same stretches I found in books, but having an instructor demonstrate them helps. Plus (a big plus here), I'm learning that it really makes a difference to hold the poses / stretches for a longer time, several minutes. That is something I really was not doing at home. I can feel myself being able to go deeper into the stretches just by holding it a longer time. I even end up a little sore next day. Give it a try.

I hope this helps some. Again, thanks for your earlier encouragement and tips. It has helped. And btw, I have been through most of the old posts trying to get information on how to go further, saw some of your older posts with pics. Pretty darn hot, my friend!!


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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I am sure if I were to loosen my hamstrings I'd have to put less pressure on my back. I haven't been to yoga class for a while but I've been trying to stretch at home. I was looking at some pictures I took of myself a few years ago and interestingly enough, I was actually able to bring my hard cock to my lips while flipped over and not using my hands. I can't even come close now. I don't know if it's due to weight gain or tighter hamstrings. When I was younger and single I used to practice 2-4 times a week and this is when I took the pictures. So in some ways, I'm more flexible than I was ten years ago and some ways less.

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Re: My birthday goal - 4 weeks left

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Glad to help any way I can. Perhaps I should hold seminars and charge admission! :D

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