Teaching a friend

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Teaching a friend

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I have a friend who is a hard-core yoga enthusiast. Seeing that I occasionally practice yoga, I asked him via email (since I don't see him very often) about what poses/stretches I can do to loosen my hamstrings and hips as these are what I believe are impeding my ability to selfsuck better.

I stopped beating around the bush and asked him if he thought doing yoga would help a guy suck himself. He said he thought it was possible, so I then admitted that I could already do it a bit and wanted to get better at it. He said he could show me some stretches that may help. He also said that when he was a teenager he could lick the tip himself but didn't think he could to it anymore.

It was a long time before we were able to meet up due to our schedules. I wanted to meet up at his apartment but had to wait until his two roommates were out of town so we could have some privacy. I told him I would like photos and video and he said to get an SD card as he had a nice camera that would work. Two weekends ago it finally happened.

First we started some yoga to warm up and then he showed me some stretches to focus on my hamstrings and hips. After doing that a bit, off came the clothes and I showed him how I do this. Even after the workout, I still needed a bit of time before I could make contact. As you might know, my best technique is legs over head and pushing off the wall. After several minutes of getting closer and closer, I was finally able to lick the tip. He was astonished. I explained how I need to move the curve throughout my back. Once he understood, he wanted to try it so he got into position.

At this point his penis was just over his forehead. I told him that was how it was for me until I got my back stretched out and could get it aimed more toward my mouth. He was focusing on the stretch and I asked him if he needed help so I grabbed his flaccid cock and stretched it toward his mouth. It wasn't long until he was licking it as well. He wanted to be hard for this but I told him that it's easier to stretch when soft and agreed after I showed him as I tried it hard when wearning a cock ring. He had one too, but it wasn't the kind that goes around your penis and scrotum so it didn't do much for him.

He returned the favor, but my back just wasn't loose enough to barely kiss the tip. After a while I decided that I better call it a night before I overdid it and since he's new to this I wanted to make sure he didn't have any problems the next day. I got some good pictures and video of the both of us, but I won't be sharing my pictures just yet (they need to be edited to hide my face) and the video is out of the question as I had no way to conceal my face and I don't have any video editing software that I can use to do that.

Seeing that he is younger and more fit, I think he has great potential to be very good at this. I on the other hand need to lose some weight. I think I'm at the point where I can't do much better until that happens.

I hope at some point we'll get to do this again. While I've shown a few others what I could do in the past, this was the first time I ever saw another guy do this in person. It was quite exciting.

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by Selfsuck28 »

Sounds like it would have been a great experience.
I would love to do this with someone, would be a lot of fun, interacting and teaching and showing someone like minded, and potentailly can even go on to do the act themselves.
Great idea.

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by aleingang69 »

Wow - that's amazing BSA! I know you've talked before about wanting to find someone to practice with, so this must have been a really exciting experience for you. I hope you can both find the time to get together again soon - it does sound like he has a lot of potential, and you know that now that he's had a little experience he's going to be excited to keep at it - he's probably doing it right now ;)

Can't wait to see some pics - maybe of both of you eventually!


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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by blacksunshineaz »

Ok, here are some pictures. I wasn't at the best of my abilities that day, unfortunately. Hopefully I'll get another chance to do more.
_DSC8508 - Copy.JPG
_DSC8510 - Copy.JPG

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by aleingang69 »

Thanks buddy - that's great! Maybe not your personal best, but remember that you're doing more than most men will ever be able to.

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I'll keep at it, for sure. It's a nearly lifelong dream of mine to do this.

I'd still love to witness in-person a guy who can really go at it good. It seems anymore the only porn I ever look at anymore is this kind of stuff.

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by awtoeman »

Great job Black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's crazy, I am straight, yet reading that story was kind of arousing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I'm straight too, although more of a solosexual actually. I'm not attracted to men but I love masturbation and everything to do with it and on rare occasions I have done it with friends and it's been fun. My friend is gay and it's no big deal. I wouldn't be against sharing this with other friends if any were into this.

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by dreamer8888 »

Great story! I would love the opportunity to have someone to practice with also.

Did your friend have any recommendations in terms of stretches or poses that would help get closer? I believe also that working on the hamstrings will help. I have a set of yoga stretches I work on that seem to be helping with my flexibility, but I'm always looking for ways to improve.

Thanks for sharing your experience, it was a great post!

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by blacksunshineaz »

My back and neck are fairly well stretched out (although I'm getting tension headaches, possibly caused by doing this) but my hamstrings are still very tight and my hips could get loosened up.

For the hamstrings, he recommended sitting forward folds with legs out in front of me and try to not bend at the knees. I've never been good at this.

For the hips, he recommended pigeon pose as well as some other pose where I lay on my back, lift one knee up, putting the other ankle up over my knee and then grabbing the thigh of the lower leg and bringing it toward my chest. I haven't done this too much yet (in fact yesterday was the first time I've tried doing it since that day). What's weird is that I can lift my right leg up over my head and put my ankle behind my head/neck fairly easily. I can also do it with my left leg, although not as well, however, I can bring my left shoulder behind my knee in this position which is easier on that side (see last two pictures above), but every time I try doing it with the right side, I feel like I'm going to pull something. I do this in the tub but you can also do it with your back against the wall. Doing it in the middle of the floor or on the bed without support is difficult for me.

At one time I was almost able to bring both legs up and ankles behind my head simultaneously, but I believe weight gain since then has hindered me. If I was thin as I was when I was in high school, with my current flexibility (seeing that I had none back then) I would have probably mastered this and most of the other positions already.

As for my own stretches, I do seated forward bends to stretch my back and shoulders. I do this on the floor with my arms locked under my thighs and bending forward trying to bring my face to my crotch. As a variation, I also sit on a bed or ottoman and do this with my legs hanging over the side. If need be I put my feet up on a small stool so I can more or less keep my knees bent at 90 degrees. In this position I can sometimes lick or kiss the tip.

Additionally, I have been sitting on the floor with my legs in front of me with knees bend and feet together, sole-to-sole. I then bring my arms in front of me and under my calves, then bend forward in a curl.

I know some of these may be hard to picture, but I have no other way to describe them right now. Hopefully that all makes sense.

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by dreamer8888 »

I like the pigeon pose, and your description of the other stretch was very clear (ankle over knee and pulling forward fro lower leg). I have used that one in the past when I had pain in my hamstring from running too much! I think those forward folds would be good too, I get so jealous when I see other people in the gym just go all the way down where their head rests on their knees like its nothing!

thanks for the tips.

PS I like the runners stretch for hamstrings as well. Here is a link to a pic of that pose. If it doesn't work, just google the term. I find that really helps.
http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608052 ... 9&rs=0&p=0

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by dreamer8888 »

Hey BSA, you mentioned tight hamstrings, something I'm always trying to work on. Have you tried bike riding at all? I was amazed at how this loosens the legs up, better than any stretches I do. Was able to do stretch positions much more deeply afterwards.

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Re: Teaching a friend

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I have a mountain bike but I haven't used it in a couple of years. It's way too hot to ride right now, but I do have an exercise bike that's inside where we have air conditioning. I should be using it more often, but the seat is really uncomfortable. I am going to the gym tonight to use their indoor walking track. I haven't noticed that my hamstrings are looser after doing any of these.

I did nude yoga on Saturday but it was a lighter workout. It was quite warm in the studio and I wasn't feeling well to begin with -- something I ate didn't agree with me. I almost didn't go but I had already paid for it. Turns out everything was okay. My yoga instructor (a woman) knows I can selfsuck because she's seen my profile pictures on Fetlife (same ones I posted here), but she hasn't commented about it online or in person. She's into some kinky stuff so I am curious to see what she thinks about it.

I tried selfing last night and was amazed that I was able to lick the tip with very little warm-up. It was also very easy for me to put my feet behind my head on both sides. It might have been because I got very little sleep the night before so I was rather loose. I did my usual routine hoping to do really well but I was getting really hungry and had to stop and finally eat something. I felt really loose but I wasn't able to get more than my lips around the head which is about as good as I have been able to do recently.

In two more weeks it will be 1-year from me getting back into this regularly. I still think I need to lose weight to do better.

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