Being flexible - comes naturally or result of hard work?

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Being flexible - comes naturally or result of hard work?

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I'm not very flexible and never have been. I've been working on it a little, although I know I'd probably be much more flexible if I spent more time practicing.

I recently had a deep tissue massage and found that it did help with my flexibility, much more so than the therapeutic massages I had been getting. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to test the limits of my flexibility after getting a deep tissue massage so perhaps I'll give it a go next time.

How many of you who would say are very flexible found that it came to you naturally vs. really having to work at it?

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Re: Being flexible - comes naturally or result of hard work?

Post by aleingang69 »

Well I think you know with me: I have a connective tissue condition that makes me extra-flexy, so it was always easy and natural for me.

It has been wonderful and worth it, but, as I've gotten older it's also meant I have to deal with the other effects of the condition, so - not all fun and games!

How about other suckers out there?


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Re: Being flexible - comes naturally or result of hard work?

Post by christopherdmaxwell »

for me, it started out as hard work (no pun intended) it wasn't until a supervisor at work (we worked at a sexually oriented business) gave me advice on the proper techniques I may have been lacking... I think if I started using PROPER TECHNIQUE from day 1, I would have arrived at my goal in about 3 weeks! - there are a lot more tips of finesse out there, BUT, these are the tips, tricks and techniques that worked for ME! - - viewtopic.php?p=21282#p21282

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Re: Being flexible - comes naturally or result of hard work?

Post by Mehdymeh »

Naturally I guess. First got introduced to SS through a freak accident when I was 13, a friend showed me he could do it. At the time I did sports but around my 16th I got sick of sport and crap and focused on work more and well I have always been able to suck myself I guess. Even now 30 years later, no real exercise or anything. But I have to add if I try and my body shows signs of it not willing to cooperate then I stop or well you get those pains we probably all know all too well.

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