Yoga teacher/ instructor in Los Angeles Area

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Yoga teacher/ instructor in Los Angeles Area

Post by Jayers36 »

Does anyone know a yoga instructor or some sort of teacher that is open to the idea of teaching yoga for autofellatio purposes? It could be both private or a public class, and I live in north Long Beach. I could lick the tip of my dick every day that I stretch, but I thought taking a class will increase motivation as oppose to try and doing it alone. I’m 24, weigh 125 and my dick is about 7 inches. I could do the x-position effortlessly, but I’m still having troubles fully reaching past my lips. Any advice would help!

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Re: Yoga teacher/ instructor in Los Angeles Area

Post by Shamman »

Unless you're quite short, your body dimensions shouldn't be an issue and your shaft length should be sufficient. When I was at a lower weight (135#) and 5'-6", I could take it balls deep. Of course that was at my peak.

Several things could help you a lot.
First, I find the X-position too cramped for good penetration. It compresses the gut more than necessary. The C-position works much better but it has its drawbacks. The biggest one is that your hands are occupied. It also requires greater arm strength and endurance. So you may want to build up your upper body - back, arms and pecs.

Second, a much greater bend can be achieved when your lower back and hips can contribute more. This requires stretching them out. The hips include the big hams since they put a lot of pressure on the hips. I'm not sure just how much it contributes but I've always kept my upper legs well stretched well and I think that may account for a big part of my success. (I can still do the Jean-Claude Van Damme standing splits but can't quite make the lotus handsfree anymore.) Stretched hams allow you to 'open' the hips easier and more fully which in addition to giving you that extra bend will change the 'angle of attack' between your mouth and cock.

Furthermore, yoga definitely will help but it usually doesn't include the deep hard stretching we need in order to push our bodies as far as we want them to go unless you do get more individual attention. I especially use yoga for the increased self awareness (mind, spirit and body) and the whole-being balance that it teaches.

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Re: Yoga teacher/ instructor in Los Angeles Area

Post by blacksunshineaz »

I caution anyone who might approach a yoga instructor about training for autofellatio. I've had three yoga instructors who I've shared my interest in. Two of them, women, are ones I had gotten to know a bit first and learned they are members of the kink community and were open-minded about such things. However, them being women, they didn't feel they had much to contribute to my efforts.

I had also talked to a guy I know who is not an instructor but goes to yoga classes three times a week, and he is gay, who was open to this discussion and shared with me that he used to do this as a teenager (although could only just touch the tip with his tongue). His recommendation was to do a bunch of forward folds.

Later I ended up finding a gay male yoga instructor who also teaches tantra and was very open-minded and when I expressed my interest in this he actually said another student approached him about this two years prior. However, in that case, that guy could already get his cock in his mouth but wanted more depth. After several months of individual practice he succeeded. I did private lessons (unfortunately not regularly enough) where we did the poses he thought would help me and tried doing it in his presence but could never get further than kissing the head. I really wanted to have our private sessions more often but being a yoga instructor is a part-time job for him as his primary job requires him to travel a lot and we could never find a time that would work for both of us. Last time I heard from him he was no longer teaching and I later tried contacting him and received no response.

My recommendation is to get to know the instructor a bit beforehand get a feel for whether they are open to discussing something like this. I think you're best bet is to find a gay male instructor (which from what I've seen shouldn't be too difficult) because they will be more open-minded to this idea. Even if you can't get them to give you private instruction like I've described above (which will be a bit iffy) they can at least show you some poses that might help get you flexible enough to do this.

Another option is to find a contortion class. This might be a better choice but there are not as many contortion classes as yoga classes. I had finally found one after looking for some time and went to two classes, but it was taught by a female instructor in her 20's and I am not comfortable discussing this kind of thing with her (nor would I recommend it as it might be considered sexual harassment). I wanted to go to more classes but a number of things have prevented me from going. First, it's a 40-minute drive and even though the classes were scheduled online, I went down one night and found that class had been canceled and they never notified anybody, which was extremely infuriating. There was another student who had showed up and said that this happens often. The second is that I've been nursing a couple of injuries, including lower back pain which massages and chiropractic treatment haven't helped much. I hope I haven't damaged a disc and I haven't practiced in a couple of months.

The ideal scenario is to find another self-sucker in your area who can do it proficiently and can share his knowledge with you. That may be difficult. I've been looking for some time and haven't had much luck. The few I've been in contact with were flaky and I don't know if they were actually capable of it or just wanted to see me perform. I had talked to a couple of guys who I was hoping to meet up. I had to take the word of the first that he could actually do it and we decided to meet up and I think he did show up but never got out of his car and drove away. He claimed he got a call from work and had to leave. The second had posted videos of himself online and he was really good, but after several weeks of correspondence, he just disappeared. I think the idea of meeting sounded interesting but in the end he wasn't comfortable doing it. I had mentioned earlier that my former yoga instructor had helped another guy and wishes he could have put me in touch with him but no longer had his contact info. He said the guy was an exhibitionist and would have likely showed me.

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