I think i have a tip

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I think i have a tip

Post by selfsarg »

i've been practising fior some time already, a month or maybe two and am glad to tell that I've made some noticeable pogress
when I started I could barely get to the tip using my tongue, but today GREAT DAY TODAY I reached my glans with my teeth. It's quite unbelieveable, and it didn't take so long eiter :lol:

well anyway, i said i think i have a tip and it's this: practising too often is counterproducitve.

I used to give it a shot every day or once every two days, and never showed remarkable progress, but then i tried stopping for three or four days, and got incredibly closer each time. so that's my advice, even if you're not pushing yourself, letting your body go back to it's usual condition and get used to it is a good idea

I don't think i've made much of a discovery here, but well, it workks for me and i hope it helps someone else too. :wink:

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Post by DutchGuy »

This is true. The day after a nice selfsuck session my back is always less flexible and I notice I can get less of my dick in my mouth. Only if I have been really stretching my back, that is.

When you are just about to be able to reach your dick, you are surely stretching your back to the maximum (you don't want to hold of if you have only 2 mm te go, do you?). This will make your back less flexible the next few days. I think trying once every 5 days is optimum.

I could easily get the the tip of my cock in the first time I tried but since then I have been trying to get as much as possible.

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good tip...

Post by realhotstuff »

This is very true,

another SS'er on these boards gave me some great advice, and I too believe that once every 4-5 days is far far better. I always feel less flexible too after a session, but the last couple of times I have managed to touch the tip of my cock with my tounge, and the second time a little further (and quicker) than the first.

Go steady, keep stretching for at least 30 minutes every 4-5 days and all will come in time I believe!

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i agree,, 2-3-4 days inbetween ss is good

Post by miniverch »

i agree totally and have recent experience to prove the above. just last week i underwent a quantum leap in my ss, being able all of a sudden to kiss and wrap my lips around my entre glans for extended periods with normal breathing, and achieving heretofor never experienced sensations! i was in like heaven and have never ss'ed longer (one hour +) :lol:

all day the next day at work, no pain or repercussions, and i fantasiczed totally about licking my dick head again, and while i was able to do it as soon as i got home that night, it was not quite as comfortable as the previous night.

and the next day i felt the same desire to suck all day long, and when i got home all horny, i could just barely lick my piss slit, and so i gave up, realizing there must be downtime inbetween long ss sessions (at least at my level anyway).

this would be similar to how you work out muscle groups in weightlifting, i suppose ... never working the same muscle group two days in a row...?

DUDES, i always do a lot of "back stretching," ie, reverse stretching (over a big plastic exercise ball i bought). i have undergone slight back (especially neck) injury and realize: I MUST BE SATISFIED with sucking JUST my dickhead and wait patiently for the next quantum leap: getting down my shaft and inch or so? hmmm....

i don't want to be set back in my progress -- so slow, little, no or even backward progress is best if i am to remain healthy, physically and sexually.


(still there's nobody better to suck ur dick than somebody else:)

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Yeah, it is true!

Post by Automan »

I agree with you all guys. Everything said above is true. I guess the hint of all this relies on letting your body muscles, joints and ligaments restore after having a satisfying and rewarding SS session. The day after this, my back and legs are always less flexible.

Thanks for sharing this tip, kbwbyby!

"A smile is the second best thing you can do with your mouth..."


Post by pingu »

definately warm up well first!!! lol i couldn't walk properly for a few days after being a bit too enthusiastic once and very embarrassing to try to explain to your partner lol

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