me, myself and I

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me, myself and I

Post by babarseraglio »

ok guys, sorry to spoil this party atmosphere but:
i feel the need to ask this question: are we all just a bunch of selfish people?
i'd like you to have an objective and critical look at yourselves and think if yes or no you think selfsucking or selffucking had, one way or another, prevented you from living a relationship to the fullest. I know some of you say their partner is pleased with it, but i'd like to have more details: did u impose your selfsucking to your partner? didn't you need to do so because he/she was turned on and/or comprehensive? do you self in secret? Do u like this secretive state? Would u really want to share this with your partner if u could?
Other related question: what do u expect from the others when u post photos or vids of yourself?
Tell me.

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Well, I am an egocentric person indeed.

Post by fritz6744 »

I do consider myself egocentric, rough and perhaps narcissist.

Many times when I look myself in the mirror and I simply love what I see my beautiful hair , my blue eyes (they shine like diamonds) and I think to myself , wow , I'll fuck this guy , he (me) is hot...

I have a conception of my satanic philosophy of life that is simply like this : I LOVE MYSELF, I love myself only , I am my own GOD , and I do not put other gods before me.

Actually the real satanism there no real god or devil , the god is the being , we are the god , we worhsip the human being and the carnal pleasure.

I like to play around with other guys , but I love me more, too much more.

I don't wanna a fucking relationship because people I do not trust in anybody , people are so preposterous in nowadays. Maybe when I get old with gray hair , I will think about it. But now , myself is enough. I LOVE ME , MYSELF AND I. I AM MY OWN GOD. Every night I fuck and suck GOD. I AM MY GOD !!! HAIL SATAN !!! HAIL ME !!! HAIL THE BEING !!!! HAIL MYSELF AND HAIL THE SELF PLEASURE IN SATAN'S NAME !!

If you wanna kno wmore about satanism check it this site :
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Post by Automan »

Dear Babaseraglio,

Actually I didn’t want to take your reflection, but what the hell, to straight questions, straight answers. Here is my perspective:

Every one of us, either a selfsucker or not has to deal with his own individual world he is part of. His social environment is full of particularities he has to deal with to justify his existence every day. He becomes a demanded person to fulfill others’ needs in one way or another.

Why everything has to be shared? Why reading a book is not considered a selfish activity, you spend long hours of isolated time hooked to the book without paying attention to anyone around you. Do you impose this activity to others? Maybe the example is a little absurd but not less different.

What’s wrong to live one’s fantasies for oneself? The whole world by itself has become selfish. Where is your “you” in here. Why don’t we indulge a time for ourselves? The little time left for us does not necessarily make us selfish people.

Now as far as SS or SF is concerned they can be maturely carried out by complementing your relationship to the fullest, if possible. It doesn’t have to be imposed if not accepted but understood. Sex is irrational and doesn’t follow logical rules. You can’t make this “animal and irrational side of you” something sensible and logical. Regarding sex, there is no accounting for tastes. It’s like trying to mix oil and water which whether or not they will eventually separate. SS or SF as some people think spices up the relationship, others don’t. Some women don’t like to be ass-penetrated, others do. Some partners hate porno, others do. Some love sex toys, others don’t, etc.- What the heck, that is what sex is all about, a boundless world of fantasies like SS and SF therefore let us just leave them like that. :wink:


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Post by coldwarrior85 »

Just before my ladyfriend decided that she wanted to go in a different direction with our relationship - back to stictly platonic, she had mentioned to me, without me encouraging her in any way, that she'd like to see some guy suck himself off. Maybe she suspected, I don't know, but as wild and erotic as this woman could be, I never intimated to her my own self-pleasuring capabilities.

For now I stay pretty private about it and if truth be known, I think to myself sometimes maybe I am a little worried about STDs and while my LF and I ad lots of unprotected sex, (she has or thinks she has herpes type 2,) and to the best of my knowledge I haven't had any outbreaks, and hopefully haven't caught it from her. And she never seemed too concerned with passing it on to others - so between the two of us, I don't think I'm nearly as selfish.)

Exactly the same reason that I haven't explored my gay side further and in general, I've been pretty much a serial monogomist with only women. I am currently living very far away from people, out in the country and enjoy the outdoors in a way that most people probably wouldn't appreciate or perhaps have me burned at the stake or arrested for lewd and otherwise unsavory conduct.

I've been trying to understand why I do what I do myself and sometimes I think it has to do with being obsessive or compulsive, but then since I was injured many years ago, I have noticed that I have a very high pain threshold and I don't know about others, but I seem to have a hard time sometimes distinguishing between pain and pleasure, and I am an athlete, so maybe I'm hooked on the endorphins?

And as Al has often been quoted, "Because I can!" Seems to be reason enough to continue with my current trends in behavior.

Sex as someone else mentioned is not a rational act and for those of us who do tend to get caught up in the moment, (another reason why I am cautious about gay sex,) I am concerned, not afraid, that I would do just about anything given the right stimulation and as fulfilling as sex has been between me and another person, I am not sure I am particularly proud or boostful of this fact, but the intensity of some of my own self-explorations has been well beyond what I've achieved with others...


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Me, Myself & I

Post by Reddish »

Dear coldwarrior85:
Thank you for your important testimony. It got me thinking about my own life history. Though a gay man, I'd always been to myself about my own self pleasuring, even to friends and lovers. Back then, I thought I was the only one with this talent, and blessing, of sorts.

I wish you continued happiness!


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Post by babarseraglio »

thanks for your precious answers...i don't know what to make of them yet but they're certainly useful

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Re: me, myself and I

Post by chgorbrman »

In my opinion, enjoying autofellatio is no more selfish than enjoying masturbation.
The only "altruistic" sex is pity-sex with someone disgustingly hideous. Otherwise it's pleasure, which is selfish, right?

Placed in Ethical Perspective:
-Does solosex exploit underage and non-consenting parties? (No.)
-Does solosex injure anyone, placing a burden on the healthcare system? (No.)
-Does solosex place others at risk for STDs (No.)
-Does solosex cause emotional injury or abuse? (Answer: If that's the perception, fix the communication, reset expectations, and blow-away, buddy.)

From an environmental perspective:
-Solosex is an alternative source of pleasure to procreation, which spares the world of untold human births each year. Having no offspring is the best single thing you can do for the environment.

From an economic perspective:
-Autofellatio inspires people to follow rigid fitness and dietary regimens. Healthy people are productive and have lower healthcare utilization.
-Child-less couples can adopt orphans and break cycles of poverty, thanks, in part, to non-procreative forms of sexual expression.

I am sure people who feel guilty and selfish have their reasons, but if they're not more compelling than these, why bother?

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Re: me, myself and I

Post by aleingang69 »

Excellent answer! I'm not just sucking myself off - I'm making the world a better, safer, more sustainable place!
Shouldn't I be getting a solosuck tax credit or something? :)

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