Belly cramps?

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Belly cramps?

Post by jaypee »

I am getting muscle cramps in my belly or just above it when I attempt some of the stretches (like deep bends or putting my foot behind my head)... anyone else having this problem? Any advice? thanks

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Post by Automan »

That doesn't happen to me. Perhaps you need better warm-up before attempting ss. Muscle cramps occur when muscles are not well warmed up.

Take care and take it easy.

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Post by SFsucker »

Don't know that warning up is sufficient... I've warmed up quite nicely and still had cramps show up right at the ribcage on the right side while stretching or putting my legs behind my neck. Can't figure out why it happens, but it's really interfering with stretching and getting to my dick.

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Post by aleingang69 »

Hey SFsucker
Was it cramps for sure, or maybe just compression pain where things that don't usually collide where bumping together? I haven't done a lot of X position because it limits the freedom of movement so much for me, but I do find that it crunches muscle and bone together in ways that other postions don't, when I do do it.
It's interesting that it's only on your right side - in yoga practice that would be a sign that you need to very carefully explore that position and try to balance things out. We're all asymmetrical but it is good to work on that sort of thing if you have the time and patience.

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Post by SFsucker »

Hey Al...

No, it's definitely a cramp... or perhaps more correctly, a spasm, like when the muscle then twitches uncontrollably and even unwinding doesn't make it stop. It almost feels like it's the diaphragm that twitching... and the intensity can be as strong the charlie-horse in the calf strength. The muscle does feel rock-hard under my hand, just like in a charlie-horse, but doesn't nearly stay in that position as long as a charlie-horse.

Any insight is welcomed, stud, from you and others!


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Post by seahorses »

You need to do extra exercises, your abdominal muscles need toning and conditioning; build up to doing 50 sit up's morning and night you'll soon be cramp free.

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Post by SFsucker »

Thanks, seahorses, but I've been doing between 100 and 500 situps a day for years with no effect on the cramps. Other ideas?

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You're thirsty

Post by Dog »

Hey dude, I was getting this too, exactly as you describe, sometimes when doing the C position. I know I was thoroughly warmed up when they did occur, and I finally realized that I needed to drink more water. Last few times I started to feel that cramp, I drank more water (not too much, as the non-empty stomach doesn't allow good C bend) whilst looking at my SS vids. After five or ten minutes I'd go back to work on my cock, and viola, no more cramps.

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Post by SFsucker »

Thanks, Dog... good tip... Will try it!

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